Wages Of MTV

After a couple of years of trolling Youtube, I realized something – it’s been close to thirty years since I’ve seen a Lip Sync show.

You know – the ones they had back in the sixties…

…and seventies…

…and very very very early eighties…

…where a band or singer would lip-sync along with a song or, in some rare cases, sing over the recorded instrumental track.  After about age 12, it was hard not to notice that the guitars weren’t plugged in; there were no string sections visible; often as not, the lips weren’t synched.

Now, with vids everywhere, I don’t know if I’ve seen any of these lip sync shows; I don’t miss ’em much.

But I used to wonder; why did artists never ever ever spoof the conventions of the lip synch show?  All those years, and I don’t recall it ever happening.

Until now:


4 thoughts on “Wages Of MTV

  1. Disco – True. And 20 years ago that was a scandal, which says something about “music” “performance” today.

    And while I’m anything but a curmudgeon about musical style, let me just say that the emergence of AutoTune as an instrument in its own right, as opposed to a production tool, is a trend that I’d love to kill with fire.

  2. And while I’m anything but a curmudgeon about musical style, let me just say that the emergence of AutoTune as an instrument in its own right, as opposed to a production tool, is a trend that I’d love to kill with fire.

    Amen, brother.

  3. “Walk Away Renee” one of my all time favorites. I hear it and I’m 17 again in that moment.
    “Day After Day” and I’m just dating the first woman I loved as an adult. Music truly does have the power to transport us through time doesn’t it?
    One of the very first “Favorites” I saved on YouTube with a brief picture of the real “Renee”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seuwhZvXa6Y

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