13 thoughts on “The Reviews Are In

  1. I saw it this morning, Mitch. Laura Ingraham was fantastic!! I’m still bummed we couldn’t be there in person.

    As for you Mitch, you clean up nice!! And I thought your moderating was very smooth, much like your demeanor on the radio.

    I thought one of the funnier moments was when Laura referred to pre-screening the questions as “Soviet like”. Ever the quick wit, you came back with “When in St Paul, do as the Soviets do.”

  2. Bad news. They started right off with Laura, no Mitch introduction.

    Good news. A cut on Al Franken in the first minute.

  3. Mitch you looked great! Laura was awesome. I might get Laura’s new book, Power To the People.
    This is one of about 3 C-Span Books-oriented programs. I visited the C-Span Books bus when it was parked outside the local coffee shop, Nina’s, on Selby and Western in St. Paul this last July. They were super nice and answered every question about the custom, mobile recording studio complete with DVD recording, switchable cameras, Frame editing, couches and splash backgrounds. Maybe the bus id for people who can’t draw a crowd like Laura can.

  4. Brad critiqued “And I thought your moderating was very smooth, much like your demeanor on the radio.”

    Brad, do you ever listen to NARN? There are times when I fear Mitch will melt the speaker on my little clock radio.

    Master, Mitch is one large “Mo Fo”, whatever that is.

  5. The suit! Because you warned us, Mitch, I couldn’t stop looking at the suit! It didn’t look TOO shiny on TV…heh…but what little I saw and heard of you was just fine.

    Laura sounded good. I loved everything she had to say. Her hair looks better than ever; it grew back well.

    When she finished taking questions and stepped in front of Mitch, I thought for a minute that he was going to pick her up about two feet in the air and give her a big hug.

  6. Brad, do you ever listen to NARN? There are times when I fear Mitch will melt the speaker on my little clock radio.

    Oh yes, I am aware of that Mitch as well. But it takes him a good segment or two to get worked up.

  7. Excellent show. Loved your cracks about distributing her book to Highland residents and the Women Studies center at St. Kates.

    I think Ingraham’s words not only fired up the base, but might have converted some to our side. Spread them to your neighbors and help get more to attend precinct caucuses in February.

  8. Is Laura really that small or are you one large Mo Fo?

    I’m about 6’5, and she’s about 5’4 and 100 pounds. So yeah, there was a discrepancy.

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