Freedom Wins! Slavery Defeated!

By a vote of 5-4 breaking upon straight “party” ‘lines, the Supreme Court of the United States at long last  ruled that the Second Amendment is as much a “right of the people” in New York or Tucumcari or Chicago as the Heller decision two years ago said it was in Washington DC; it’s a right of the people, not the militia or the police or, as usual in big Democrat-controlled cities, the favorited elites with political clout.

The decision rules that the Fourteenth Amendment “incorporates” the Second, making it a right binding on state and local law.

Alito, Thomas, Scalia, Roberts and Kennedy stood with freedom, liberty and human rights.

Sotomayor, Ginsberg, Stevens and Breyer took the side of oppression, smug elitism and racism.

 While this decision doesn’t end the racist, authoritarian notion of “gun control” aimed at the law-abiding, it does give Real Americans the constitutional wherewithal to stomp it out of existence in the legislatures, city councils and lower courts around the country.

This is not total victory – no conservative justice would ever impose legislation from the bench onto the whole country.  But it’s a huge start.

More – much more – as this amazing day progresses.

God Bless America.

5 thoughts on “Freedom Wins! Slavery Defeated!

  1. Geesh, but another 5-4 ruling. We need to get the left wing party out of power fast. Three of the four liberals have one foot in the grave now, so potentally Obama could have 4 younger leftest legislate-from-the-bench people on there before Jan 2013.

  2. Chuck, replacing the 3 liberals would require a president and a Senate with a reverence for the Constitution over the next 20 years or so.

    Very good news though. Looks like G.W. Bush got two nominations right.

    I would love to be a fly on the wall in Daley’s office right now.

  3. Pingback: And It Won’t Be Nearly As Noisy As Chuck E. Cheese, Either | Shot in the Dark

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