Spree Killing In The UK

Taxi driver kills 12 in the western UK:

Armed with two weapons – a .22 rifle and a shotgun – Bird drove down the coast from Whitehaven where the first attacks took place, leaving a trail of carnage in his wake. Residents of the county were warned to stay indoors as police followed the deadly route, discovering more bodies as they went. At one point Bird abandoned his Citroen Picasso for another car which he then crashed near woods in the picturesque Lake District town of Boot. The body of Bird, a 52 year-old divorced father-of-two, together with his guns were found nearby.

Imagine how bad it’d be if the UK hadn’t completely banned guns!

(Although journalists can take comfort in the fact that nobody’s aiming up their butts).

9 thoughts on “Spree Killing In The UK

  1. Let’s see, yet another angry, middle-aged, armed white guy (like every single one of you Mitchketeers) goes berserk and shoots a bunch of random people. Only this one’s in Britain, where they have strict gun control, not to mention a fraction of the American murder rate. And you think this gives you a good argument for….less gun control. Super smart thinking, Mitch!

  2. Hmm … does banning guns make people crazy? Or, in the angryclown case, more crazy? Interesting question.

  3. Maybe they should look into banning angry, middle-aged white guys

    It would be easier (and more hygienic) to ban Mets fans.

  4. Well yeah, it does appear to work pretty well Loren, you stupendous half-wit. One mass killer does little to change the fact that murders in the U.K. happen at a fraction of the U.S. rate.

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