Quiet. But Not Too Quiet.

It was six months ago today that I got tired of presiding over a junior high locker room in my comments section.

I shut down comments for two weeks. Some ‘problem’ commenters went away. So, unfortunately, did some memorably good ones.

The vibe is different. I think I’m OK with that.

Thoughts in the comments.

I’ve Never Been Less Proud To Be An American

Believe me – the Biden Administration has kept on giving me moments; the Afghan debacle,, the Nurembadelphia speech; yapping about “shinkflation” of potato chips.

But this may be the big daddy of them all.

So far.

Biden, as we noted yesterday, is playing pattycake with military supplies to Israel as it fights an existential war against Iranian proxies in Gaza:

They are most particularly threatening to cut off supplies of the precision-guided weapons that make it feasible to fight an urban war without indiscriminately slaughtering the civilians that Hamas are using for human shields.

Biden defends his action by saying he wants to emphasize “Defensive’ weapons, like “Iron Dome”.

The problem with seeing defense as being entirely about defending is that it gives the initiative to the attacker.

Let’s say you are worried about a gang of 2-3 people who’ve been doing home invasions. You have two doors (and no windows large enough to let someone larger than Nicole Mitchell) into your house. You have your significant other. All covered, right?

Well, sort of. The home invaders control who comes, and when, and through which door or doors. You have to defend just as actively against them at noon on Wednesday at at 4AM on Sunday morning. And when they come, it’ll be at a time of their choosing, through the door (or, having read about Nicole Mitchell) window of their choosing.

So much better to hit the home invaders first – to choose the time and place of your showdown, and not have to worry nearly as much about your windows and doors, right?

Of course, if it was you and your significant other, literally, you’d be breaking the law – but the metaphor holds for nations. Saying a nation can “just defend their borders, using only defensive, not offensive, weapons”, is simplistic, even childishly naive. It presumes that attackers are stupid, and will attack you exactly when and how you predicted.

Unfortunately, attackers are creative; they’ll attack you in ways you never expect as you stand ready to defend against an attack they never intended to make, or never expected to see again, or by finding weaknesses in your defenses they can exploit at a time and place of their choosing.

“We’ll just defend ” is the fallback position of the illiterate at best, the deluded and bufuddled at worst.

Or, in the case of our current, vile administration, both.

Little Boxes Made Of Ticky-Tack

A friend of the blog emails:

I don’t know how I feel about this one.

On one hand, I don’t think that what the developer wants to do is a bad design. I’m sick of the developers squeezing in tiny 800 square feet apartments everywhere and charging high rents and making places artificially trendy.

Also, I love that CM Noecker reminds everyone that the specific zoning for the area was asked for by the neighbors and that should mean something-

 “It’s this recent community process that says this should not be RM2, it should be RM1,” Noecker said. “There is a value and a status in plans that are community-created and then adopted by this body. … The community has said we specifically don’t want this parcel to be RM2.” 

The community process was a backlash against CM Jalali’s election to the council because those neighbors knew that Jalali has never met a developer that she doesn’t like on Marshall Avenue.

But, those Merriam Park Marshall Avenue neighbors are the same neighbors who constantly think that they run the entire city and they think that gives them the right to tell other neighborhoods what they need and don’t need. They meddle so much, that I think they kind of get what they deserve in their own neighborhood, too. If I were like them, I’d organize a loud group of people to shout at the council that Marshall Avenue needs this space to be 7 Townhomes with greater floor area ratio and if they don’t support it, they’re just racist.

I’m not them, so I won’t. But, the other reason that I don’t really know how I feel about this vote is that I don’t know if I want too much precedent set in the “community process” in this town. After all, those same Merriam Park Marshall Avenue residents who are the activists that are trying to remove I94 through “community process.” 

*Sigh* We just someday need better choices on the ballot- voting ought to be the community process.

These apartments are pretty clearly built on the cheap by developers with an “in” with the city council. In 50 years they will be slums.

And the people voting for our oh-so-special city council, and/or their descendants, will be turning Woodbury and Inver Grove Heights into blighted cesspools.

You’ve Got To Destroy Democracy To Save It

Brazil is going through an exaggerated version of the US’s current gyrations; between a “right wing” leader who, the expert class told us, “is going to destroy democracy“, to a left-wing oligarch who is actually destroying democracy in the name of “saving democracy”.

In particular, they – and their American, Democrat party (and American big-media allies) are trying to crush free speech, to, er…


…”save” it.

Michael Shellenberger is on the front lines. Expand the tweet to read the whole thing:

Berg’s Seventh Law in action; the party that is (or was) the first to bleat about McCarthyism, is the McCarthyist party:

“Mr. Shellenberger,” [Rep. Kamlager-Dove, D-CA] said to me yes or no? Is it true that you have repeatedly published false information that defamed public figures who are dedicated to combating disinformation?”…

Long story short:

Remember this when NPR yaps about their “disinformation” efforts.

Next Time Governor Klink Yaps About The Economy

Once the colonoscopy removes all that smoke the DFL and media have been blowing into your distal colon, the news about Minnesota’s business climate just ain’t good:

Published last week, Chief Executive’s list of 2024 Best & Worst States for Business ranked Minnesota near the bottom at No. 41. The result isn’t much different from last year when Minnesota ranked at No. 40. Over 500 CEOs and business owners were surveyed across the U.S.

Turns out you can only pay so many taxes for so few badly-allocated “services” before you start looking into that “Galt” guy.

Dance With The Nebbish That Brung You

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

US put a hold on an ammunition shipment to Israel.

The United States is now objectively supporting terrorism. 

Joe Doakes

When you remember that:

  • Biden’s biggest funders (other than sending 10% to the Big Guy) are people like George Soros, who detest Israel, and
  • Biden needs that “Uncommitted” pro-genocide vote to “come home” by November…

…it all starts to make sense.

Shock The World?

I had Marisa SImonetti on my show the weekend before last. She’s a conservative candidate for Hennepin County Commissioner. She’s running for the District Six seat:

In the intervening weeks, she came in second in the run-off election to run against Heather Edelson to represent the southwestern part of Hennepin County:

“Heather Edelson?”, you may say. “Have I heard of her?”

Why yes. She was in the MN Legislature, defeating Dario Anselmo in the 2022 election. Her sole “accomplishent” was writing legislation that would ban gas powered lawn mowers. Because that’s the issue – unpleasant noises in bucolic Edina side streets – that keeps working Minnesotans up at night.

She wants to leave the legislature and bring that amazing freaking talent to the Henco Board.

Now, Edelson (and her record of stunning, courageous achievements) have a ton of name recognition.

But Simonetti got over 30% of the vote in the qualifying round. And with enough name recognition, and enough pissed-off people of all parties bum-rushing the polls next week, we could really shock the world, here.

Which is where you come in.

If you live in the district: Get to the polls. Bring friends and family. These county special elections are normally snooze fests; if people turn out, it’s winnable.

If you live outside the district? Call your friends who live there. Get them out to the polls. Drive them. Ply them with cigarettes and liquor, I don’t care.

I’ll be interviewing Simonetti on my show on Saturday.

Let’s send Heather back home, to listen to gas mowers all day long.

Tu Quoque

Trump is going to speak at the Lincoln/Reagan dinner – one of the MNGOP’s big annual fundraisers.

The DFL thinks they’re onto something.

It’s so cute that the DFL thinks that most Trump voters don’t know this – I know many who stopped holding their noses and switched to full-face respirators to vote for him.

But we – especially if “we” are working class Minnesotans whose paychecks are 20% smaller than they were five years ago, and whose food budgets have gone up by half – might be willing to give it another shot at this rate.

Why do Democrats have such problems with cognitive dissonance?


This Timberwolves season is a nail-biter. For my purposes, things like this are the issue:

This, of course, runs afoul of Berg’s Fourth Law:

A Minnesota sports team may be a contender until the moment the local media actually believes they will be contenders. At that moment – be it spring training, late November in the NFL season, or week 72 of the NHL playoffs – the season will fall irredeemably apart.

It’s been an amazing run so far for the TWolves. Let’s just say I’d be happy to repeal the law, ifi circumstances allow.

But no mistake about it – this is a test.


Clever anti-genocide activist and wag “counterprotests” at the Harvard pro-Final-Solution “encampment” in perhaps the most delicious way possible; interrupting “protesters” beauty sleep, not only with the national anthem…

…but one of the most cringey renditions of it imaginable, from one of those divas that has to ornament the bejeebers and the life out of the song.

Which brings up the question: what music should be on the “Loop” that people blast at these cretins all night long?

Various version of the national anthem, of course. All the coloratura divas, naturally, plus this one:

and this one for good measure:

This one’s a natural, of course:

And maybe a little, uh, hip-hop:

And, just to make it interesting, let’s make sure the punishment fits the crime:

We’ll see who “occupies” what by the end of the evening.


A couple of points in background:

  • If you’re talking to someone, and you stare over at something in the distance, or at the ceiling without saying anything about it, they will eventually look over to see what you’re looking at.
  • If you reward, not just bad behavior, but counterproductive and self-destructive behavior, you’ll get more of it. It creates a “perverse incentive”.
  • If you have a child, you know this. You may have learned some of it too late – indeed (spoiler) many parents today are – but eventually…
  • If you don’t have kids – like a growing share of our nation’s teachers, psychologists, and child-policy wonks – you might know it. Or think you know it.
  • Social contagions exist.

We’ll come back to each of those.

I could probably quote half of this interview in this post. It’s Ben Shapiro interviewing Abigail Shrier about what’s wrong with kids today:

    It’s a well-spent hour, although you can’t speed Shapiro up, since he already sounds like he’s talking at double speed.

    We’ll come back to that.

    I detest generational politics; the Miillennial / Zeeper taste for blaming “boomers” for their problems is both an evasion and ancient (I keenly felt I was in direct competition with Baby Boomers too, when I was in college, uh, twenty years ago). I might be early Gen-X. Or I might be from “Generation Jones“, the kids who don’t remember the Beatles and, let’s be honest, didn’t spend a lot of time obsessing over their generation – just learned that one last week. Or I might still hold the notion of generational “identity” and politics in sneering contempt.

    But just because you detest something doesn’t mean it isn’t coming for you.

    The memes are everywhere: Gen-Xers bragging about how they drank from firehoses, stayed out until dark, rode bikes without helmets, and are just plain tougher than the Millennials and Zeeps that followed with their helicopter parents and gluten allergies.

    And there may be something to that. Not about the generations themselves, but about how they were raised, and how their feelings were treated.

    I’ve joked with my kids, and other younger people, that some of my teachers were World War 2 veterans. My high school chemistry teacher had been a Navy dive bomber pilot, who was fond of telling us that his radioman and tail gunner, whom he trusted with his life, was maybe a year or two older than us, and that he wouldn’t trust us to get the donuts from the bakery.

    More on point? “Feelings” weren’t the coin of the realm. If you hadn’t learned the meaning of the word “no” at home, a teacher would set you firmly straight, then and there; some of the men at the tip of a big wooden paddle if it were serious enough – as opposed to medevacing you to a therapist, writing up a special ed plan, and pumping you full of ritalin.

    You didn’t get a pass for feeling, or being, bullied. You dealt with them – by hitting back, telling them off, or learning to ignore them (I did a little of all three).

    And if you felt, in your adolescent anomie, like you were really, I dunno, Napoleon Bonaparte, you were not hustled to a (let’s come up with a name) personality dysphoria clinic and pumped full of drugs to make you shorter, Corsican and a military genius. You were told “No. You are Jonny Schmidt, and always will be. Now do your homework”.

    Sometime in the past forty years, that changed. The emphasis on parenting focused less on community, “normalcy”, and coping. Parenting (and teaching, and child psychology) became therapeutic pastimes, focusing on validation, feelings and perceptions (and, paradoxically, teaching the skills that parents taught Xers/Jonesers and before because a discipline in psychology, “Cognitive Therapy”, that actually works and charges a ton of money);

    Anyway – just as people will look at the ceiling when you stare upward, kids who are constantly asked about whether they’re depressed, or suicidal, or suffering “Trauma” from some hurt in their past, or feeling like they’re the wrong gender, are going to start thinking they’re depressed, suicidal or bound by trauma, or the wrong gender. Or at least utterly unable to deal with adverse feelings and events productively (without the help of a cognitive therapist, anyway).

    Which leads to a generation of people who not only have a tough time dealing with life, but with each other. Meaning no couples, no kids, no future.

    And as it turns out, this is all borne out by research.

    Give the interview a listen.

    Hope This Helps

    Being stalked?

    Living in a crime-prone neighborhood?

    Have an abusive, violent ex in your life?

    These upper-middle-class white suburban women have a message for you:

    Suck it.

    But at least you have a selfie!

    Today’s Committed Environmentalists

    Today’s leftists: “We should be more in touch with nature!”

    Also today’s leftists (in this case, Briana Rose Lee’s understudy): “ZOMG! POOP! IT’S FREAKING POOP!”

    The Minneapolis Left wants an urban life theme park, not a city.

    Not My Better Self

    Watching our “Best and Brightest” in action…:

    …I’m reminded of a coach we had in college.

    A famously blunt man, he would have likely looked at kids like this best/brightest and said “You’ve got a kind face. The kind of face I’d like to throw shit at”.

    Let’s just say it resonates.

    By the way – is it just me, or is “Best and Brightest” joining “Vibrant!” as a new sarcastic antonym?

    Scenes From The Gun Safety Renaissance

    As the Minnesota state legislature, led by the no-way, no-how insane Nicole Mitchell, meanders toward passing a “safe storage” bill, I went out to try to take the community’s temperature on the issue.

    I started out at a Menards. There was a line of people in various gang colors, lined up waiting for new safes to be rolled out of the back room. The attendant, Lars “Schmidty” Schmidt, said they were down to just a couple left, and the truck with more wasn’t due until Tuesday.

    Things were getting a little edgy, so I went to a Cabela’s.

    It’d be a little threadbare to say “I was shocked”…

    …but I was.

    I kid you not, the line of gang members trying to buy gun safes to comply with the “safe storage” law ran out the door.

    This is where the story gets a little dicey – honestly, i can hardly believe I saw this.

    One guy was driving away with his new safe when two youths walked up to him in the parking lot, stuck a gun in his face, and jacked the pickup

    And then as they were driving away with the new gun safe, another car blocked them in, and three guys got out and carjacked them. They drove off with the safe, leaving three other gang members outraged, perplexed, and with no way to keep their firearms safely locked up.

    All of this is as true as I can make it.

    Government Is The Things We Do Together, Stupidly And Self-Destructively

    A friend of the blog sends this email:

    Saw this article this morning & thought you might have fun with it. I
    could see a headline like “White colonialists invade Native American
    land and destroy culturally sensitive structures”. The article
    mentions that the land belongs to the Leech Lake band and the
    structures involved belonged to Native Americans

    The friend was right.

    Not only was it a story of cultural oppression, but…:

    Foresters for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources used dynamite to blow up two enclosed wooden deer stands state officials say were permanently left on state land against state law.

    Neighbors in the area say the demolition was unsafe and unnecessary. Agency officials on Wednesday said the action didn’t follow “DNR policy or reflect good judgment” and that follow-up measures are likely.

    dynamiting deer stands can not be good for the environment.

    Til I Shine In The Dark

    This year is the fiftieth anniversary of one of the best albums you’ve never heard – I Want To See The Bright Lights Tonight by Richard and Linda Thompson.

    How do describe the record? Let’s take a run at it: Eccentric Celtic folk-rock via the Byrds?

    Their marital breakup was inadvertently chronicled eight years later on Shoot Out the Lights – but this was their breakthrough, creatively if not commercially.

    Anyway – for those who are in the know, here are the Thompsons (their daughter does the talking for Linda, who’s suffered from dysphonia for quite a while now – a serious tragedy for one of the best singers of her era) talking about the making of the record:

    If you’ve never heard the album? You’re not alone. Do yourself a favor.

    DFL: Criminals AND Misogynists

    Today’s DFL:

    1. They nominate a convicted stalker to run against his alleged (by his own video) victim.
    2. They trot Nichole Mitchell’s animated political corpse into the Senate chamber to vote for their idiotic “safe storage”, which will get tossed in court, and which will literally create a presumption of guilt against a homeowner whose firearms are stolen via any means.
    3. And then, when Rep Franson brings up an emendment to exempt current victims of active stalkers, tell the little ladies they shouldn’t worry their pretty little heads and leave the guns to the menfolk.

    What? You thought I was kidding?

    This would be called “mansplaining” anywhere else.

    Which brings us to the female face of misogyny, Jamie Becker-Finn:

    They are treating their moment in absolute power as a way to say “nya nya” to people they hate. No more.

    We Don’t Expect Much…

    …from our younger generation.

    Almost 80 years ago, this was what a group of 18-22 year olds did:


    Well, this may be the modern generation’s analog:

    A bunch of guys (lefties call them “frat boys” which I suspect means “any college student that doesn’t have blue hair or non-intuitive pronouns).

    We don’t expect much – but by golly, someone delivered!

    Open Letter To Campus Protesters And Their Faculty/Administration Simps

    Everything that needs to be said about you – those who deny the use of the institution for which the majority of the students, and the taxpayers, pay (and pay, and pay and pay and pay) was said almost six decades ago…

    …by the best president of my lifetime (and yours, if you’re over 37 years old, whether you’re smart enough to know it or not).

    Urban Progressive Privilege: Q: How Do You Make A Minneapolis “Progressive” Scream?

    Answer: Show them you exist and aren’t going away:

    The comments on this tweet are the tip of the rhetorical iceberg, and bespeak a crowd who treat violations of their ‘Urban Progressive Privilege’ like getting jabbed in the yarbles with a knitting needle.

    A Modest But Emphatic Proposal

    It’s high time we stopped calling Ivy Leaguers like this Columbia spokesbeing:

    …as “our best and brightest”.

    By the way – at “Mitch Berg University”, students who infringe other students rights – Jewish, conservative, liberal, communist, I don’t care – by depriving them of the use of the campus they pay to attend will be blockaded into their “autonomous zones”; no water or food go in, no sewage comes out.

    Only way out is through a checkpoint where they either make a videotaped apology and commit to pay restitution to the students they’ve adversely affected, or sign the acknowledgement on their expulsion paperwork.

    Your Periodic Reminder…

    …that Ilhan Omar is a truly reprehensible person:

    But hey, if you live in CD5 [1], feel free to vote for her, whether you are pro-corruption, graft and antisemitism, or against it.

    [1] Or are buried within the borders of CD5