I’ve Never Been Less Proud To Be An American

Believe me – the Biden Administration has kept on giving me moments; the Afghan debacle,, the Nurembadelphia speech; yapping about “shinkflation” of potato chips.

But this may be the big daddy of them all.

So far.

Biden, as we noted yesterday, is playing pattycake with military supplies to Israel as it fights an existential war against Iranian proxies in Gaza:

They are most particularly threatening to cut off supplies of the precision-guided weapons that make it feasible to fight an urban war without indiscriminately slaughtering the civilians that Hamas are using for human shields.

Biden defends his action by saying he wants to emphasize “Defensive’ weapons, like “Iron Dome”.

The problem with seeing defense as being entirely about defending is that it gives the initiative to the attacker.

Let’s say you are worried about a gang of 2-3 people who’ve been doing home invasions. You have two doors (and no windows large enough to let someone larger than Nicole Mitchell) into your house. You have your significant other. All covered, right?

Well, sort of. The home invaders control who comes, and when, and through which door or doors. You have to defend just as actively against them at noon on Wednesday at at 4AM on Sunday morning. And when they come, it’ll be at a time of their choosing, through the door (or, having read about Nicole Mitchell) window of their choosing.

So much better to hit the home invaders first – to choose the time and place of your showdown, and not have to worry nearly as much about your windows and doors, right?

Of course, if it was you and your significant other, literally, you’d be breaking the law – but the metaphor holds for nations. Saying a nation can “just defend their borders, using only defensive, not offensive, weapons”, is simplistic, even childishly naive. It presumes that attackers are stupid, and will attack you exactly when and how you predicted.

Unfortunately, attackers are creative; they’ll attack you in ways you never expect as you stand ready to defend against an attack they never intended to make, or never expected to see again, or by finding weaknesses in your defenses they can exploit at a time and place of their choosing.

“We’ll just defend ” is the fallback position of the illiterate at best, the deluded and bufuddled at worst.

Or, in the case of our current, vile administration, both.

7 thoughts on “I’ve Never Been Less Proud To Be An American

  1. “Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender. And even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the Old.”

    – Churchill said that.

    But the one thing we will not do, the one thing no one must ever do, is take the war to the enemy. We will not attack Germany. We will not drive on Berlin. We will not bomb their cities and factories lest we injure civilians. We will fight a defensive war only and forever until at last, the monsters trying to exterminate us lay down their arms and offer us the embrace of brotherly love.

    – Churchill did not say that. Because he was not a howling idiot.

  2. Iron Dome can hit one of bazillions of missiles that Hamas is making for cheap. The weapons Biden wishes to withhold can hit the launchers. Really, what Biden doesn’t grasp is that defense doesn’t mean that you just hit weapons as they’re coming in to hit you, but also means hitting the launchers and supply chain.

  3. Imagine if the Allies just sat on the beaches at Normandy and just defended them. Or the Marines just sitting on the beaches of Tarawa, Guadalcanal, Saipan or Okinawa, defending them.

    “Nobody ever defended anything successfully. There is only attack and attack and attack some more”! General George S. Patton

  4. Let’s say you are worried about a gang of 2-3 people who’ve been doing home invasions. You know they broke into your home 6 months ago, broke your stuff, raped your daughter, killed your dog, because they posted videos online cheerfully claiming responsibility. The cops say they will do nothing because punishing the criminals might upset friends of the Chief. They warn you to do nothing either and seize your ammunition to make sure you can’t.

    Yep. “Vile” is the right word.

  5. Moderation. Try again

    Let’s say you are worried about a gang of 2-3 people who’ve been doing home invasions. You know they broke into your home 6 months ago, broke your stuff, harmed your daughter, and killed your pet, because they posted videos online cheerfully claiming responsibility. The cops say they will do nothing because punishing the criminals might upset friends of the Chief. They warn you to do nothing either and seize your ammunition to make sure you can’t.

    Yep. “Vile” is the right word.

  6. Biden is a (poorly) trained circus monkey who gets his orders from his keeper. Some think it’s Obama. Wouldn’t surprise me but we’ll never find out. I can’t think of a more anti-Semitic president ever, and the record shows evidence over and over of Obama’s preference for Iran uber alles in the Mideast.

  7. People say the Lesko Brandon administration must pander to Muslims by hurting Jews so Muslims in Michigan and Minnesota will vote Democrat this Fall, rather than staying home in disgust.

    Two thoughts: (a) does anybody really believe Muslims would punish Democrats by letting Trump win? Trump, whose daughter married a Jew, the Jew who got the Abraham Accords signed? And (b), who cares if Muslims refuse to vote when their absentee ballots can be harvested, run through computers in secret, totals adjusted as needed at 4:00 a.m., and no court will allow challenges to the result?

    I conclude the excuse “he needs Muslim votes” is false. That’s not the motivation. What’s true? What IS the motivation?

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