Saddled with a senile President and a party that’s divided but driven by its radical left, Democrats are reaching for one of the few weapons they have left: the appeal to ridicule.
Last year, it was Ted Cruz being (wrongly, I think) accused of abandoning Texas during the infamous ice storm (on a trip that had apparently planned for some while and, being a legislator rather than governor, he had no actual role to play. Democrats and Never-Trumpers got a few yuks out of that.
This year?
Big Left thought Ron DeSantis had “disappeared”.
The only thing that disappeared was, apparently, whatever sense of humanity Tide Pod Evita might have once claimed (emphasis added):
The governor reportedly accompanied his wife Casey to medical appointments for breast cancer on December 29 as critics claimed he had abandoned his post, DeSantis spokeswoman Christina Pushaw told Fox News….DeSantis spokespeople jumped to the governor’s defense after Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) suggested that the governor was “inextricably missing” [sic] and ignoring his responsibilities over the last couple of weeks. The congresswoman retorted with that comment on Twitter after she was criticized for visiting Miami Beach on a leisure trip on Friday.
“Inextricably missing?”
If Lauren Boebert had said that, it’d have made Stephen Colbert’s leg tingly for two weeks.
“Hasn’t Gov. DeSantis been inexplicably missing for like 2 weeks?” she shot back on Twitter in response to a tweet from Team DeSantis welcoming her to Florida after National Review published photos of her seated outside Doraku Sushi and Izakaya in Miami Beach Thursday afternoon, raising a cocktail in one and checking her phone in another.
Oh, yeah – speaking of leaving their district during a crisis…