Today’s Committed Environmentalists

Today’s leftists: “We should be more in touch with nature!”

Also today’s leftists (in this case, Briana Rose Lee’s understudy): “ZOMG! POOP! IT’S FREAKING POOP!”

The Minneapolis Left wants an urban life theme park, not a city.

5 thoughts on “Today’s Committed Environmentalists

  1. Funny! Last Friday, I was calling on a customer in the 4300 block of Bryant Ave. This is the street that the city ruined by putting in a bike path, the width of the lane of roadway they commandeered to turn Bryant into one ways. While updating my account records, I witnessed some tatted, pierced woman that looked like she hadn’t missed too many meals, walking her dog. The dog stopped and dropped a load right in front of the entry gate of an apartment building. She looked around and kept walking. Another person told her to pick it up and she yelled a few obscenities and gave him the finger, but kept walking. So, if these paragons of virtue can do that, they have no right to complain about horse nuggets.

  2. Given the crap-tapulous pigsties that leftists always leave behind after their protests, even those related to the environment, I don’t think they can say much about a little horse poop.

  3. One of my favorite Revolutionary War stories is about a woman whose house was being ransacked deciding to put up a fight when a redcoat tried to take her favorite quilt. She started fighting with the soldier, and his commanding officer said that if she won, she got to keep the quilt. Providentially, the soldier stepped on a pile of horse manure and slipped, and the good housewife yanked the quilt from the filthy blighter’s grip.

    Applied here, I do think it’s fair to ask that the Minneapolis police don’t leave horse manure all over the roads, because slimy organic substances on bike paths can lead to people getting hurt. But yes, it’s hilarious to hear the progressive left all worried about this, given that what they tend to leave behind that is far more nasty.

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