Hope This Helps

Being stalked?

Living in a crime-prone neighborhood?

Have an abusive, violent ex in your life?

These upper-middle-class white suburban women have a message for you:

Suck it.

But at least you have a selfie!

3 thoughts on “Hope This Helps

  1. Translation: because teen hoodlums tend to kill each other and their neighbors at horrific rates, we are going to leave you vulnerable to teen hoodlums and everyone else who might want to attack you.

  2. Yet another reason I’m glad I moved out of MN.

    Soon, I’ll be able to stop funding MN, and that will feel even better.

  3. In case any of you haven’t seen them yet, the frauds from Iowa, aka Ben Doar and his sham organizations, Minnesota Gun Rights, et al, have ramped up their social media memes, with Rob standing in front of the capitol somewhere or coming out of the door of an office building, trying to leverage the efforts of Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus. The claims that he’s witnessed something or he just got done talking to legislators, then asks for donations.

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