Let’s Be Clear, Here

“Anti”-Fa is an “idea”.

So are ISIS, Al Quaeda and every other toxic ideology in the history of the world.

Here’s the new documentary, “Antifa – Rise of the Black Flag”. It traces “Anti”-Fa’s roots back to the Communist Party of Weimar Germany…

…and straight through to the present day, right here and now.

Watch it:

This is not just an idea. It’s also not just a bunch of crazy kids. It’s not even just a domestic terror group. It is an insurgency.

Watch it.

Pass it along.

Make sure the Democrats, especially the MN DFL, owns it.

Surpising Nobody…

…who has been paying attention: Violence in Portland is being orchestrated by a behind-the-scenes organization who, we are told, doesn’t exist:

We have overwhelming intelligence regarding the ideologies driving individuals towards violence and why the violence has continued,” Murphy wrote. “A core set of threat actors are organized, show up night after night, share common TTPs [tactics, techniques and procedures] and drawing on like minded individuals to their cause.”

But Minneapolis and Saint Paul?

It’s gotta be “white supremacists”.

The Democrat Party’s Stormtroopers

On this, the anniversary of the last major catastrophic attack from without, it’s time to look at a potentially vastly more devastating attack from within.

Worse than 9/11?

Very likely, yes.

“Anti”-Fa – which, we are assured, doesn’t actually exist, except in the earnest hearts of a bunch idealistic kids – is worse than a “terrorist organization”. It is an invading army.

Read this account. While the website it’s on my whisper “sketchy”, the narrative presented should scare the living bejeebers out of you, if “defending freedom against “Progressivism’s” direct action arm” is your goal.

The final graf:

Bottom line: don’t go to an Antifa protest where you can put yourself in that situation. And if you find yourself in that situation, expect them to employ tactics that take away your situational awareness, and complicate the use of force continuum.”

But you should read the whole thing.

Worst part?

There are two, really.

First – the Normals, Real Americans, believe that because the good guys have most of the guns that Big Left – which they see as a bunch of aging hippies, Grievance Studies professors and shrieky, spoiled, over-schooled / undereducated millennials, and not without justification over 90% of the time – will lose if civil society ever does collapse and anarchy reigns.

But there are things more important than just having the guns. A plan. Some semblance of training, leading to some semblance of teamwork under stress. Infrastructure to support your operations.

Big Left has all these. And, now, guns.

The Second Amendment alone isn’t enough.

And, we’re told, either is the First Amendment – where Big Left’s information analogue is doing to “journalism” what their neo-Brownshirt arm is doing to opposition on the streets.

It’s high time Real America took this seriously. This isn’t “protest”. It’s not even “rioting”. This is an armed, trained, organized insurgency. It needs to be treated as such.

For Posterity’s Sake

Stipulated in advance – we don’t know yet how the Rittenhouse case in Racine is going to end up.

Acknowledging up front that Berg’s 18th Law is in effect, it would appear that Rittenhouse’s first shooting might just be problematic, and that the second two appeared to be textbook legitimate self-defense.

Of course, earlier we noted the provenance of the two “victims”. The first person shot was a rather unsavory person whose behavior hash’t really been the subject of any public scrutiny:

The second person killed (and the ones wounded with him), either:


So – while it’s entirely possible the kid committed murder, it’d seem the idea that he’s a “white supremacist” might be just a tad bit of a stretch – and while all lives are precious to God, the path from the pedo and the thumper to “black” seems a little insurmountable.

With all of that exhaustively noted, I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say this tweet from Ayanna Pressley needs to not fall down the memory hole:


UPDATE: Lin Wood and Rittenhouse’s defense team is on the ground swinging.

More later.

If You Can’t Stand The Heat, Get Out Of The Cul-De-Sac

Among the left’s long list of abusive rhetorical techniques, and the one that has me in a particular state of pique, is the phrase “SAY HIS (or HER) NAME”.

It’s a pretty ghastly bit of emotional manipulation – basically a bit of on-the-spot brainwashing, and the crudest, most blunt-force kind of framing there is.

With that in mind, Governor Klink is clearly getting the message – the suburbs, which gave the DFL the majority that keeps his dictatorial power in place, are clearly not amused by last weekend’s shenanigans and malarkey in Hugo.

But he can’t quuuiiiiiite put it in words without getting his progressive puppetmasters to whack him on the nose with a rolled-up newspaper:

Well, just a doggone minute, Governor.

What threatening behavior? What bloodthirsty rhetoric?

From whom?

Say his name.

And his party.

Hint: it’s the party – from the leadership on down – that is always the one actually attacking people and breaking things.

Go ahead, Governor Walz. Or, let’s be honest, Flanagan.

If you live outside the Jonestown cult that is the DFL in the Twin Cities, you need to make sure your neighbors seriously absorb this episode. It tells you everything there is to know about today’s DFL.

Don’t You Think You’re Being A Little Hard On Our Little Creep?

Rioting in Portland for 60 days now, most recently trying to burn down a police station. The Press says the riots are “mostly peaceful.” 

Puts me in mind of a certain movie. I can imagine our anti-fa hero coming up from the basement, dressed in black, telling Mom he’s going out with his friends. “That’s nice dear, have fun storming the courthouse.”

Joe Doakes

It’s all funny until self-government becomes impossible because nobody trusts our institutions…

Decree From Management

To: Readers of “Shot In The Dark”
From: Mitch Berg, Editor/Publisher/Writer
Re: Accepted Terminology

Esteemed Reader,

In the past, on this blog, I have referred to “Antifa” – the descendent of the Communist version of the Brownshirts – as “Anti”-Fa, to infer, correctly, that they are “anti” fascist in the same sense as Stalin was “different’ from Hitler.

This is simply too laborious.

With that in mind, henceforth the group will be referred to by a more correct and rhetorically economical moniker.

Vanilla ISIS.

Thanks for seeing to this.

That is all.

These Are Our “Elites”

NPR’s Mara Liasson, over the weekend, observing the anniversary of D-Day. Or, more accurately, “observing” the anniversary of “D-Day”, really.

When talking with progs about “Anti”-Fa – a group whose origins were as the Communist version of the Nazi “Brownshirts”, and nothing else – I’ve found “progs” (and “elite” media types like Liasson fall out into two camps:

  • They judge the book by its cover and nothing more; “Antifa is anti-fascist! That’s a good thing!”. Comprehending this level of see/hear/speak-no-evil ignorance is like looking at a tornado for the first time; you’ve heard about ’em, you’re read about ’em, but they’re incomprehensible when you see ’em in person.
  • They think the idea of Big Left having an army of thugs is a necessary evil – or a necessary good, depending on the relative level of depravity.

I’m going to guess Liasson, cocooned in the DC area, is the former.

The DFL bobbleheads who run the Twin Cities? Much more mixed.

Follow The Hidden Money

It has become obvious there were two groups reacting to George Floyd’s death.  His family/friends/supporters who wanted wanted answers from government and were exercising their First Amendment right to peaceably assemble and petition for redress of grievances; and the Antifa, looking to cause trouble.
Antifa has been very careful – there have been no homes destroyed, nobody killed, no personal danger.  They are destroying businesses to protest capitalism’s exploitation of low income and minority people.
Except . . . most businesses carry insurance and most of those policies cover “civil unrest” which means Antifa is really striking at insurance companies.  Fine, they’re capitalist organizations, they deserve it.  
Except insurance companies spread their risk over multiple lines – home, auto, business – so if the company takes a hit in the business line, they can cover it by raising rates in the home and auto lines.  Which means Antifa is really attacking every home owner and car owner in Minnesota.  Fine, they’re rich capitalist pigs, they deserve it, too.
Except . . . remember all those programs to help low income and minorities into homes?  The escalator to wealth?  The first step on the ladder?  Those homes were all purchased with loans that require the homeowner to maintain insurance.  For wealthy homeowners, no problem, pay the higher rates.  But for marginal homeowners, it’s an issue.  And it’s a bigger issue in the time of Covid, when minority and low income people have been laid off in higher numbers.  Which means Antifa is really attacking low income and minority homeowners.  
I know, it takes effort to understand your actions have effects which are SEEN and also effects which are UNSEEN.  it takes effort to see the ripple effect of Black homelessness downstream from burning some schmuck’s bar.  It takes effort to redirect your actions into productive, positive, beneficial work instead of mindless destruction.
But failure to think the problem all the way through, means you end up harming the people you intended to help.  That includes your supporters, like Governor Walz’ daughter Hope and Attorney General Ellison.  
Joe Doakes

We’ll need to revisit this in ten years, when the DFL power structure wonders where the &^%^% their tax base went.

The New, Old And Future Normal

One’s outrage over George Floyd’s death varies depending on one’s definition of normal.
If you’re just going about your business, acting in an ordinary and normal way, the cops shouldn’t hassle you and certainly shouldn’t kill you. So what is “normal?”
Philandro Castillo was driving and carrying a pistol while high on marijuana. The Black community considered that normal. His death was an outrage… to them.  The rest of us could understand why the officer panicked and shot him. Driving and carrying while stoned is not normal…for us.
I don’t know how hard it is to restrain a 6 ft 6 in tall, 250 lb former NBA player, who is drunk and passing counterfeit money. Does that take a polite request? Or three cops kneeling on his neck? I have no idea. But to me, getting arrested for committing a crime would be normal, and you sort it out later in court. For the Black community, passing funny money while stoned is normal and the cops should have left him alone.
The autopsy report shows George Floyd did not die of asphyxiation. He had an underlying medical condition. His arrest may have contributed to it, but the cops didn’t murder him. His death was merely incident to the arrest which makes us question whether the arrest itself was justified, which brings us back to whether his behavior was so unusual and abnormal as to justify an arrest.
This difference in perception – what is normal and acceptable behavior – is the heart of the dispute, not just for this one fellow, but for Black lives matter, antifa, achievement gap, racial reparations, affirmative action …
Joe Doakes 

And the perception gaps among so many different, parts of society are so radically different, it’s hard to see how any of it squares up, ever.   Especially since arriving at some sort of consensus is both absolutely vital…

…and utterly impossible given not only our current political, social and media state, but the opposite of what most of Minneapolis’ ruling class wants.  

Let The Record Show

The party of James Hodgkinson, of “Anti”-Fa, of Eric “Nuke The Gun Owners” Swalwell, of “Fight in the Streets” (VP candidate Tim Kaine and Loretta Lynch ) and punching teenage girls (Woody Kaine) and grownup girls (Keith “Thumper” Ellison) and fantasies (Madonna, Snoop Dogg, Bow Wow, MN DFL operative William “Guillotine” Davis ) and dramatizations (Kathy Griffin) about killing Republicans, of multiple dramatic and “comedic” productions featuring the violent deaths of Republicans (including Dubya and The Donald), of co-opting the same of a movement that killed “the enemy” with guns and bombs and molotov cocktails (“The #Resistance”)…

… which has just spent three years calling President Trump “literally Hitler”, and lying about his support for neo-Nazis at home (the Charlottesville slander) and his support from fascist to Brod (the fictitious Putin link”)…

… is about to nominate a candidate who literally, actively, proudly, truthfully supports people directly responsible for 100 million murders in the past century.

This is almost too far beyond satire for Berg’s Seventh Law.

Our Brownshirts

A dozen masked, hooded, armed “Anti”-Fa thugs attack a citizen journalist in Olympia, Washington.

This is graphic and very upsetting:

Hard to tell what’s gonna make ’em crazier – Bernie losing the nomination, or Bernie losing the presidency.   

Or, for that matter, winning. 

Black Lives Matter (Unless They Break From The Man’s Narrative)

Rote Fahne…,er, wait. They’re not called “Red Flag” anymore, not since they were the German Communist Party’s analogue to the Sturmabteilung (“Brownshirts”) in Germany in the 1920s. They’re called something else, now.

Let’s start over.

The angry white middle class kids from “Anti”-Fa were out on the street in Seattle last Monday, protesting against…

…free speech by black Republicans:

Not at all unexpected, if you realize that Berg’s Eighth Law is universal and unbreakable: American “progressivism’s” reaction to one of “their”constituents – women, gays or people of color – running for office or otherwise identifying as a conservative is indistinguishable from sociopathic disorder

Once you realize this, it all makes perfect sense.

Don’t Mind Me

I’m just waiting and watching to see if Minneapolis lives down to everyone’s expectations.

The Trump campaign, of course, would benefit greatly from lots of goons desporting in the streets and trying to crack heads.

On the other hand, Mayor McDreamy would love to paint Trump supporters’ self-defense as “white supremacist violence” and create a city department (run by a retired city councilperson or state legislator and staff of dedicated DFL functionaries who need salaries) to “study” the issue.

Maybe the weather will curb some of the Red Flags‘ enthusiasm.

Burn Portland (Legally) To The Ground

“Anti”-fa thugs – upper-middle-class children of our idiot “elites” all, wearing masks to give them a little anonymous mob bravery – attack and injure Andy Ngo, editor of Quillette, the academic left’s current bete noir. It took place in, where else, Portland Oregon – the “Minneapolis of the West”.

The government of Portland – being largely the parents, uncles and aunts, teachers and employers of the “Anti”-fa thugs, sit on their hands at best, cheer along and order the cops to stand down at worst.

The “Elite” media? They’re even worse, gaslighting Ngo and his supporters.

Ngo was viciously assaulted on Saturday afternoon while he was covering Antifa protesters. In a video posted online, the journalist was kicked, punched, and had milkshakes thrown on him by the left-wing thugs. According to Portland Police, some of the milkshakes being tossed by Antifa reportedly contained quick-dry cement.
Soon after the attack, Dhillon informed the public that Ngo “is being admitted to the hospital overnight as a result of a brain bleed.”

Portland’s neo-socialist government, and the media (but I repeat myself) say do nothing at the very least, participate in a hate crime at worst.

I’m thinking it’s time for some litigation therapy. And it sounds like Mr. Ngo’s attorney has the right attitude:

I’m liking the cut of her jib, as they say.

Open Season

The Jussie Smollett case showed us that there’s a whole different set of rules for people who know the right people, politically.

Or at least, it shows it to people who’ve been hiding under a rock and are juuust starting to pay attention.

Prosecutors in Maryland have dropped even the most token charges against the woman who assaulted Kellyanne Conway while she tried to eat at a restaurant.

In short, Montgomery County prosecutors have usurped the role of lawmakers who criminalized assault and determined the range of penalties for it, and of judges who evaluate mitigating factors. Consider the statement of Montgomery State’s Attorney John McCormick:

Was this woman rude? Yes. Did she violate Ms. Conway’s space and try to embarrass her? Yes and yes. Is this a case where criminal sanctions would have been appropriate? No.

But wait! “This woman” did more than violate Conway’s space and try to embarrass her. She physically assaulted Conway. That’s a crime and should be treated as such.

The message sent by McCormick is clear: Montgomery County residents can assault conservatives and Trump administration officials with impunity here. There has been a wave of confrontations by leftists of such figures in the Washington, D.C. area. Montgomery County is saying that it’s okay during these confrontations to grab and shake the target.

Of course, the Woody Kaine case in Saint Paul – where the son of the Democrat veep candidate and his “Anti”-Fa pals didn’t even get slapped on the wrist for an incredibly violent assault – already showed it to anyone who’s paying attention; in Blue America, even the apparatus of “law enforcement” is doing its part to “other” non-“progressive”thoughts, institutions, and ultimately people.

Funny How That Works

The party of James Hodgkinson, of “Anti”-Fa, of Eric “Nuke The Gun Owners” Swalwell, of “Fight in the Streets” (VP candidate Tim Kaine and Loretta Lynch ) and demands for military coups (Sarah Silverman) and punching teenage girls (Woody Kaine) and grownup girls (Keith “Thumper” Ellison) and fantasies (Madonna, Snoop Dogg, Bow Wow) and dramatizations (Kathy Griffin) and internal media threads about killing Republicans, of multiple dramatic and “comedic” productions featuring the violent deaths of Republicans (including Dubya and The Donald), of co-opting the same of a movement that killed “the enemy” with guns and bombs and molotov cocktails (“The #Resistance“) and generalized inchoate rage (Amy “Dearest” Klobuchar) and countless threats against everyone from the Covington Kids to yours truly and my friends, and a generalized climate of violent bigotry and hatred, not to mention a two year long tantrum over losing an election to which they felt entitled…

…is upset that Representative Cal Bahr, in a bit of rhetorical flourish, urged a group of people who are, statistically speaking, 42 times less likely to commit ANY violent crime than the general public to “run over” and “stomp on”…

…a couple of pieces of really stupid legislation.

Yeah, let’s call it even.


Snivel Your Sidewalks. I Mean Shovel. Shovel Your Sidewalks.

After seven nastygrams from the City of Minneapolis, Councilwoman Lisa Bender got her sidewalk shoveled by the city, and a $149 fine to prove it.

Bender – a far-far-far left DFLer famous for compelling the City to clear bike lanes in the dead of winter that nearly nobody uses when the weather is gorgeous – reacted with grace and equianimity.

Of course I’m kidding.  She’s accusing the Strib of mansplaining.

Er, manshovelling.

Anyway, she’s accusing the Strib:


Jeremiah Ellison is a permanent city payroll receiver. Er, I mean, city council…well, it’s a distinction without a difference.

Trump Trump Trump!


Dang conservative Strib.

Urban Progressive Privilege:  when everything you do can be defended by citing things your opponents never did.

I Love A Happy Ending

“Anti” Fa thugs attack Trump supporters.

And the MAGAs stomp them like Irish clog dancers attacking a cockroach infestation.   Only less Irish.

I’m proud to be an American today.

Keep it up, patricians.

Cold For Now

In 1932, when the leadership of the German parliament decided to try empaneling a cabinet under the leader of the largest party in the Reichstag, one Adolf HItler, one of the groups that lent the new idea strong support was…

…the German Kommunist Party.

This bit of cognitive dissonance startles a  lot of modern Ameircans, with their exceedingly pat, linear understanding of political history.  In the context of the times, it made perfect sense.  And not without reason.  The Communists believed that a coalition run by a Nazi would drive everyone in the middle to one extreme or the other – which would redound, conventionally, to their benefit.  They stood to gain from the violence they believed would ensue.

And barring a major change in German political life, it might have worked.

But Hitler outmaneuvered them Commies, and everyone else.   He promised Germans an end to politics – and, numbed by a decade and a half of depression, political violence and fractiousness, Germans bought it.  And he got the allegiance of the German Army, which allowed him to sustain his seizure of complete control of all the levers of German government.

But that was all in the future.  In the fall of 1932, the Commies beheld the spectre of (more) political violence, and chortled merrily.   Division – in the form of a low-grade, cold-to-warm state of conflict – was in their interests, or so they thought.

To the best of my knowledge, Dennis Prager was the first to call our current national impasse a “civil war”.   It’s a cold one – so far.

I despair, occasionally, of it staying that way;

He notes the propensity of today’s left toward violence:

Today, we watch leftist mobs scream profanities at professors and deans and shut down conservative and pro-Israel speakers at colleges. We routinely witness left-wing protesters as they block highways and bridges; scream in front of the homes of conservative business and political leaders; and surround conservatives’ tables at restaurants while shouting and chanting at them.

Conservatives don’t do these things. They don’t close highways, yell obscenities at left-wing politicians, work to ban left-wing speakers at colleges, smash the windows of businesses, etc.

Why do leftists feel entitled do all these things? Because they have thoroughly rejected middle-class, bourgeois, and Judeo-Christian religious values. Leftists are the only source of their values. Leftists not only believe they know what is right — conservatives, too, believe they are right — but they also believe they are morally superior to all others. Leftists are Übermenschen — people on such a high moral plane that they do not consider themselves bound by the normal conventions of civics and decency. Leftists don’t need such guidelines; only the non-Left — the “deplorables” — need them.

Like the Communists of 1932, they are hoping with every Antifa outrage, with every clogged freeway, with every mob scene in a store or restaurant or place of business, to provoke a response.   It will, they think, redound to their advantage.   Given that they control the means of information distribution in this country every bit as thoroughly as the Nazis did 86 years ago, it’s not a bad plan.



I’m on the brink of declaring…not so much a new “Berg’s Law”, but a corollary to Berg’s Seventh Law.

Something to the effect of “the more the Left’s hangers-on jabber about “Right Wing violence”, the more left wing violence will be going on.”

Oh, the media will continue to parrot the narrative, even as they occasionally, perhaps unwittingly, undercut it with some basic facts, still, the deep-down depravity of the left’s inner  id is always out there.

threats of murder


NBC Ignores

Fake Law Enforcement

The FBI is using the Southern Poverty Law Center as a source of investigative information:

In a letter obtained by Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., says the FBI has “admitted to working with the SPLC,” in a development he describes as “surprising and worrisome.”

“This is surprising and worrisome, as the SPLC is known to use its platform in order to denigrate and disparage certain groups by labeling them ‘hate groups,’” he said.

He said that groups such as the Christian Family Research Council (FRC) have been labeled a hate group, while members of “Antifa” — a broad collaboration of left-leaning, anti-fascist activists — have not been given such a label. He added that Floyd Corkins, who shot an FRC employee, later said he targeted the group as the SPLC had labeled it an antigay group.

But don’t you dare say the FBI has been politicized. That would be treason…

… Among the idiot – American community.

It’s The Cultural Civil War, And We’re At The Battle Of Fredericksburg

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

College Liberals credited with reaching out, attempting to provide safe space, tolerance.

Two thoughts:
First, the lack of outspoken conservatives on campus is not new.  When I was in college in 1980, the trend had already begun.  I knew of only four of us: me supporting Reagan, Dan (George Bush, Senior), David (Phil Crane) and Matt (uncommitted).  There may have been more who voted Republican but they were quiet about it.
Second, if you smack a puppy on the nose enough times, it will learn not to bark.  Young Conservative get smacked on the nose by social studies teachers in high school.  They get smacked in college classes by leftist professors.  They see others getting smacked online, fired for speaking at work (the Google guy), business destroyed (wedding cake baker), physically attacked and beaten (conservative speakers on campus). The lesson is clear – Liberals do not respect me or my rights, they tolerate me only so long as I don’t upset them.  Say one little thing they don’t like and boom, the mob will turn on me in a flash and blame me for provoking them.  “See what you made me do” isn’t an excuse reserved solely for rednecks in wife-beater shirts, it’s also used by Muslim terrorists and FBI Deep Staters and antifa rioters.
If a college kid joined up at one of these sessions but later found his car keyed “fascist” would it be a surprise?  No, because he outed himself, painted a target on himself, brought it on himself.  He deserved it.
The only way to increase intellectual diversity on campus is to punish those who act to diminish it.  And that’s never going to happen as long as Liberals run the schools.
Joe Doakes

A safe space “provided” by campus “progressives?”

It’s a trap.

Berg’s Seventh Law Is Universal And All-Seeing

Can you imagine if a significant Republican were to acknowledge that violence was a good thing in pursuit of political ends?

No, not Donald Trump urging his supporters to “hit back”, at a time when people were, y’know, hitting them first.  .No, actually forming groups and going out and beating up people who dissent from the GOP.

Can you imagine the projectile pants-soiling that’d happen?

Especially if it weren’t some marginal figure – but a sitting Congressman?  To say nothing of a member of the party’s central leadership?

But as usual – as always – it’s the Democrats doing it.   Keith Ellison, to – let’s be honest, nobody’s surprise – has endorsed The Antifa Handbook

Ellison, the deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee, posted a photo on Twitter Wednesday of himself posing with the book “Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook.” The book calls violence during counter-protests “a small though vital sliver of anti-fascist activity.”

Ellison’s post said the book should “strike fear into the heart” of President Donald Trump.

Big Left, via its subsidiary Big Media, loves to remind us that “Right Wing Violence” is the “real” danger, and is lurking around the corner, one of these days, honest.

But it seems all the actual violence, and endorsement of more violence, to say nothing of use of mob influence to control society, is coming from the left.