Funny How That Works

The party of James Hodgkinson, of “Anti”-Fa, of Eric “Nuke The Gun Owners” Swalwell, of “Fight in the Streets” (VP candidate Tim Kaine and Loretta Lynch ) and demands for military coups (Sarah Silverman) and punching teenage girls (Woody Kaine) and grownup girls (Keith “Thumper” Ellison) and fantasies (Madonna, Snoop Dogg, Bow Wow) and dramatizations (Kathy Griffin) and internal media threads about killing Republicans, of multiple dramatic and “comedic” productions featuring the violent deaths of Republicans (including Dubya and The Donald), of co-opting the same of a movement that killed “the enemy” with guns and bombs and molotov cocktails (“The #Resistance“) and generalized inchoate rage (Amy “Dearest” Klobuchar) and countless threats against everyone from the Covington Kids to yours truly and my friends, and a generalized climate of violent bigotry and hatred, not to mention a two year long tantrum over losing an election to which they felt entitled…

…is upset that Representative Cal Bahr, in a bit of rhetorical flourish, urged a group of people who are, statistically speaking, 42 times less likely to commit ANY violent crime than the general public to “run over” and “stomp on”…

…a couple of pieces of really stupid legislation.

Yeah, let’s call it even.


4 thoughts on “Funny How That Works

  1. They will not go quietly into the good night. They need to be kicked to the curb and stomped on and run over a few times.”

    Y’all are making me feel I’m in greasy company, and I don’t like it.

    He wasn’t talking about the legislation. He was referring to the gun grabbers; said it plain as day; no stuttering. If you don’t have the balls to say what you mean and mean what you say, fine, then go ahead and grovel and beg for forgiveness; they’ll be happy for the boot wash, and then they will still mop the damn floor with you.

    But don’t fucking insult us with bullshit.

  2. “There’s a lot of us in this room that have had enough, and it’s time to start riding herd on the rest of these people that want to take your rights away from you”

    Couldn’t be any clearer.

  3. Pingback: Emblematic | Shot in the Dark

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