2017 |
Bowling Green, KY (10/4/17) – Rene Boucher, a trump-hating Democrat, assaulted Rand Paul at his Bowling Green home, breaking a rib. It could have been worse. |
West Goshen, PA (8/9/17) – Clayton Carter – a man known as an, er, “expressive” Trump detractor – allegedly shot G Brooks Jennings – a Chester County PA GOP committeeman – once in the head, knocking him to the ground. He then allegedly finished him off with another shot to the head. |
Westerville, OH (7/7) – E. Stanley Hoff was indicted by a federal grand jury for threatening the family of Ohio Republican congressman Steve Stivers. |
Arlington, VA (June 14) – Six people including House majority whip Steve Scalise, were shot by James Hodgkinson, a (apparently) demented Sanders supporter. |
Orlando FL (February 6) – Young Brownshirts (knowln locally as the “Knights of Socialism”) at the University of Central Florida opened a ‘fight club” “open to anyone but Republicans, with the express purpose of teaching inept millennial snowflakes how to beat up anyone who they disagree with (i.e., Republicans). |
Berkeley, CA (February 4) – Groups of Blackshirt Youth threw firebombs and physically assaulted spectators at a Milo Yiannopoulis event at UC Berkeley. Like the Brownshirts of old, they operated with the tacit approval of the authorities at reliably leftist Berkeley. |
Seattle, WA (January 21) – “Violence at a Milo Yiannopoulis event” wasn’t exactly unique. This one ended in a shooting – of someone who “looked like a ‘white supremacist'”. As it turns out, the victim, who suffered life-threatening injuries, appeared to be a fellow anti-Milo demonstrator. As this is written, the incident is under investigation – but I’m going to suspect left-on-left violence. |
2016 |
Orange County, NC (October 16) – In what Governor Pat McCrory called an act of political terrorism, a molotov cocktail was thrown through the window of the GOP headquarters in HIllsborough, NC – a heavily Democrat suburb of Durham. The building was also vandalized with a swastika and graffiti telling Republicans to “leave town or else”. Democrat officials condemned the attack; as this is written, there are no suspects – but you know as well as I do it was Democrat university students. |
Mount Vernon, WA (September 23) – Arcan Cetin, a 20-year old immigrant from Turkey, allegedly (as this is written) killed five people at a mall. While as this is written the FBI has not ruled out terrorism, Cetin’s Twitter feed indicated he was supporting Hillary Clinton. |
News Story |
Bloomfield, NJ (August 9) – Trump opponent attacks Trump supporter with a crowbar.IN a classic example of Berg’s Seventh Law – while the media warned about Trumpkin violence through the entire cycle, as this is written all the serious violence came from the anti-Trump side. |
James Pearce, an obscure professor, called for liberals to arm themselves and kill every living thing in the NRA’s headquarters, as well as their lobbyists around the country. As this is written, his Facebook page still carries his call to action. He claimed it was a joke, later. Because jokes about mass murder play so well… |
Michael Steven Sandford, an illegal immigrant from the UK, allegedly (as this is written) tried to steal a policeman’s gun to kill Donald Trump at a rally on June 18, 2016. He appeared to be inspired by the “climate of hate” the left has engendered against Trump. |
Omar Mateen, the American-born son of Afghan immigrants who killed 49 in a gay nightclub on June 11 after pledging allegiance to ISIS – in an attack that the Obama Administration will no doubt try to classify as “workplace violence” rather than a terror attack – was a registered Democrat and a Hillary Clinton supporter. |
Maybe Violence Isn’t So Bad After All: The Huffington Post’s Jesse Benn says “a violent response to Trump makes sense“ |
June 7 2016 Detroit Free Press: Editorial page writer called for the murder of Michigan Republican legislators……for supporting charter schools. |
2016 Trump Rallies: Mobs of thugs attacked – “hunted like dogs” was one description – Donald Trump supporters at events in San Jose and Albuquerque and Minneapolis and (LEAVE SPACE FOR MORE DURING CAMPAIGN) |
Larry Russell Dawson: The Tennessee preacher went to the Capitol in March of 2016, bellowing about raising the minimum wage as he drew his pistol. He was shot by capitol guards. |
2015 |
Roland Windsor: Former Jimmy Carter staffer says “Republicans and conservatives are the enemy. They are expendable. They will be targets in the Revolution when it comes”, calls for people to shoot the right. One hesitates to give the old duffer too much publicity – but the left, being a herd of suggestible followers, is likely as not to spawn someone younger and even less balanced and rational and perfectly willing to start the job now. |
Craig Hicks: Craig Hicks was arrested for shooting three Muslim neighbors over an altercation over a parking space. Although there’s no evidence the crime was political or religious in nature, President Obama and the left did their best to turn it into one – notwithstanding that Hicks was an atheist who made left-of-center noises. |
2012 |
John Lovitz – the former SNL star is a lefty with impeccable liberal credentials. But that didn’t save him from being overwhelmed with death threats when he did what every comic spent the entire stretch from 2000 through 2008 doing – mocking the president for comic effect. |
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Mr. X.– An Iowa man is under investigation for tweeting that he’d like to sodomize Michele Bachmann with a machete, among many (apparently worse) things. More as details become available. |
Floyd Corkins – Inflamed by a Southern Poverty Law Center “hit list”, Corkins went to the conservative Family Research Council, intending to kill as many people as possible. He was wrestled to the ground by a security guard, Leonardo Johnson, who was wounded in the arm. In 2013, Corkins was sentence to 25 years in prison. |
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Sean Kedzie – the son of Wisconsin state Senator Neil Kedzie was beaten to a pulp by Democrat thugs who were stealing a Romney sign from Kedzie’s lawn. |
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The Thug Life Of Elizabeth Warren’s Driver – the driver of Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth “I’m 1/32 Cherokee in Spirit!” Warren smacked a GOP tracker, telling him “You’re messing with the wrong people”. Being Massachusetts, the tracker is probably lucky not to wind up drugged and drowned under the Chappaquiddick Bridge. |
Maine State Rep. Charles Kruger– Kruger tweeted about his desire to watch former Vice President Dick Cheney’s execution.The punch line; Kruger was the chair of the legislative “Moderate Caucus”. |
2011 |
The “Occupy” Movement – While the “Occupy” movement was largely peaceful, there were plenty of problems – an alleged gang rape and an alleged statutory rape (eventually leading to the construction of a “no rape zone” tent at OWS), a case of arson, a brawl and death threats in New York, sexual harassment (with serious discouragement of bringing in the police) in Baltimore, protesters defecating on a police car and in a US Bank lobby, and a group snubbing of civil rights legend Congressman John Lewis in Atlanta, fights in Zucotti Park, threats,babbling about killing police, actually attacking them in Denver, forcibly blockading people into a Tea Party meeting (with strong suggestions of violence), allegedly buffing the bishop in public in Madison, a felony assault on a cop in Atlanta, assault on a 78 year old woman at a neighboring conservative event – oh, why keep listing them when John Nolte did it for us? |
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Unnamed Union Organizer – John King, of Lambertvile, Ohio, who owns a successful non-union electrical busiiness in a town full of failing union shops, was shot by a unidentified assailant whom King interrupted as his tires were being slashed, and after “SCAB” had been scrawled on his vehicle. The incident follow months of vandalism and other attacks. |
Eric Leboon – After broadcasting videos threatening to kill Rep. Eric Cantor (among others), Leboon – an anti-semitic left-wing extremist – was sentencedto two years of prison and three years’ probation for threatening the Congressman and his family. |
Wisconsin Senate Vote – after three weeks of waiting for fugitive “Fleebagger” Senators to come out of hiding in Illiinois, Wisconsin Republicans managed to get the beef of the bill passed without a quorum on a rules technicality – causing thousands of demonstrators to bum-rush the Capitol, attack Republican legislators, and email elaborate death threats. |
The Wisconsin Union Protests – In and among many racist, anti-semitic and sexist verbal assaults in Madison and at sympathetic Big Labor protests nationwide, a union member on a protest at Tea-Party-supporting PAC “Freedom Works” punched Tabitha Hale – a young female staffer – and stole her camera. |
2010 |
Rhonda Arkley – Former DFL candidate for state Senate, prominent in the Twin Cities radical-feminist and atheist communities, Ms. Arkley attempted to kill her husband on December 2. He doused him in gasoline and twice tried to light him on fire, between bouts of attacking him with a steak knife. When police arrived, she torched the house (totalled), and tried to stab herself in the chest with a screwdriver before leading the police on a car chase. When they finally stopped her, she was pounding a screwdriver into her chest with a hammer. Her story is tragic, of course; her son had recently died of a heroin overdose. Still – had a fundamentalist conservative Republican done this – or anything – those facts would have led the story. Karma’s a bitch. So was the five year prison sentence she eventually got. |
Clay Duke – Leaving behind a Facebook page with links to Media Matters and various leftyblogs, Duke took the Panama City School Board hostage, firing a shot at the Superintendent (and missing from six feet) before being killed by a security guard. |
James McSomethingorother punches a blogger with his own video camera at a John Kitzhaber event, bruising his face. |
James Jay Lee – On September 1, Lee – a Zero Population Growth advocate armed with guns and explosives – allegedly stormed the headquarters of the Discovery Channel and demanded an end to the births of “parasitic humans” before being shot dead by the police. Lee claimed to have been motivated by the teachings of Al Gore in his hatred of humanity and its ravages. It seems almost as likely he may have been inspired by Obama “Science Czar” James Holdren. |
Tyler Tirado – the Monterey, Califonia “man” was arrested for yelling “Baby Killer” at a bunch of Defense Language Institute students, and throwing a beer bottle at a 20 year old female student, giving her a one-inch cut to her head. |
May Day Riots: Pro-illegal-immigration rioters destroyed businesses in Santa Cruz, attacked secure-borders counterprotesters in San Francisco |
– An unidentified Houston woman, the wife of an oil industry executive, was critically injured by a shoe box bomb. As this is written the incident is still under investigation. |
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Larry Piderman: In the wake of the healthcare vote, Piderman called Florida Republican congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite claiming that he and “27 friends” “are going to make sure that this [expletive deleted] does not live to see her next term.” Arrested, he claimed to be a “blackout alcoholic” – but his actual sympathies were plain enough: “He added that he had not researched how congressional members voted on health care reform, but said, “It’s obvious. Brown-Waite is a Republican.” |
Allee Bautsch: On April 12, Allee Bautsch – a key staffer for Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal – and her boyfriend Joe Brown were ambushed and severely beaten as they exited a political event. Although as this is written there has been no official motivation listed, it’s speculated that Bautsch and her boyfriend had argued with some Democrat protesters. Bautch’s leg was broken in four places, and required orthopedic surgery and two months of recuperation. Brown suffered a broken nose and jaw and a concussion. |
John Patrick Bedell: On March 5, 2010, John Patrick Bedell shot two Pentagon police officers at a Metro station, before being killed in a hail of police gunfire. The media started to blame anti-Obama sentiment – it’s becoming a bit of a pattern, in fact – until it came out that Bedell was in fact another Bush-hating guy with mental health issues.So did the rhetoric of Keith Olbermann, Ed Schultz and “ThinkProgress” send this poor fella over the edge? The way Michele Bachmann’s was supposed to have led to Bill Sparkman’s murder…that wasn’t? |
Joseph Stack: When the 53 year old software engineer flew a light plane into a building housing an IRS office in Austin, Texas, the media initially tried to play it as a crazed right-winger attacking the government. Then, his manifesto – full of anti-Bush rage – came out. The story quickly dropped, and was not mentioned during the Dems’ late-spring orgy of boogeyman-finding. Stack never again crossed a lefty’s lips. |
Amy Bishop – denied tenure at the University of Alabama, Bishop – a lifelong far-left liberal – pulled out a gun and killed five of her fellow Biology department staffers at a meeting. After the killing, investigation showed that she had also murdered her brother while a teenager. While the killings were not politically motivated (at least in terms of civil electoral politics; campus politics are both quite another thing and generaly take place in an overwhelmingly leftist context), it’s submitted as an example of “ends justifying the means” – a key tenet of the left worldwide. |
2009 |
Harlan James Drake – Drake is accused of murdering pro-life activist Jim Poullion in front of the Owosso, Michigan high school because Poullion’s anti-abortion materials “offended” him. He is currently charged with the murder and awaiting trial. |
Maurice Schwenkler: After blaming vandalism at the Democratic Party HQ in Denver on Tea Partiers, the CODP was chagrinned to find out that the attack was actually carried out by one of their own, in an attempt to discredit the GOP. Maurice Schwenkler did $11,000 in damage. He also earned his chops as a magician; the story disappeared once his identity and politicial affiliation were known. |
Town Hall Thuggery: Democrats linked to seven different assaults against Obamacare critics and other protesters at the various Town Hall meetings over the summer. The worst example was the beating of Kenneth Gladney, a black conservative beaten by white SEIU thugs who put him in the hospital under a hail of kicks and racial epithets. |
Bill Sparkman: Initially, the left jumped up and down and hooted that Bill Sparkman – a part-time teacher and census worker found hanging from a tree in rural Kentucky with anti-government rhetoric scrawled on his chest – was murdered by “anti-government activists” motivated by right-wing pundits (including Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann).It turned out that Sparkmann killed himself. Tragic, to be sure – but it introduces the question “why would a man choose to make his last act on this earth a frame-up of an entire political movement?” Doesn’t it at least make you wonder whose hateful rhetoric was having an affect, here? |
2009 |
Bradley Neal Crowder: In May of 2009, Crowder, of Austin, TX, was sentenced to two years in prison for building eight Molotov Cocktails. He’d been caught on a wiretap from a police informant, saying he planned to throw the firebombs at police vehicles, at the Republican National Convention in Saint Paul, MN. While the regional media and lefty-“alt” media focused to exclusion on a few cases of alleged police overreach in dealing with protesters, there was very little coverage of this act of domestic terrorism. |
The Republican National Convention – The RNC Convention, held in Saint Paul, was plagued by protesters smashing signs, grandiloquent plans for violence (see the scumbag Mr. Crowder, above), and – in confirmed incidents – throwing bleach at two delegates and attacking a bus full of delegates with sandbags. |
Times Square Recruiting Station bombed: The bombing remains unsolved – but the MO (a lone caucasian on a bike leaving a rather amateurish bomb) and the pattern into which it fit (there were several other bombings of targets of anti-war whackdoodles around New York at the time) says “Climate of Lefty Hate” pretty clearly. |
2007 |
Matthew Murray – Ejected from a missionary program, Murray – reportedly motivated by hatred for conservative Christians – killed two people at a missionary school in Colorado Springs, then drove across town to a church service and started shooting, killing two before being gunned down by a civilian volunteer security guard with a legal handgun. |
2006 |
Navid Haq – Inflamed by the anti-Israel slogans he’d heard in ultraliberal Seattle, slogans he apparently mentioned as he was shooting – Mr. Haq murdered one and wounded five more at the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle in June of 2006. |
2004 |
News Story |
Knoxville, TN – Gunman riddled the Bush/Cheney headquarters with gunfire during the (what we thought at the time was a) contentious presidential race that year. |
2002 |
The Coleman Billboard – A billboard in Saint Paul for Norm Coleman – then just-elected to his term in the Senate – was defaced with Nazi graffiti. The vandalism included a swastika painted on the forehead of Coleman – who is Jewish. |
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Charles M. Pierce on Bobby Jindal.
“Please Punch This Man in the Dick”
I’m lobbying for you to add this to your list for 2016: July 18, 2016: After the RNC speech by Gold Star mother Pat Smith, GQ writer Nathaniel Friedman, using the pseudonym, “Bethlehem Shoals” tweeted: “I don’t care how many children Pat Smith lost, I would like to beat her to death.” Even while “apologizing” for his sick comment, he couldn’t resist taking shots at and blaming the right for his actions: “Again, sorry to anyone I may have offended last night. Well, except for the right-wing mob that descended upon me while I slept.” He also wrote that the Tweet “…certainly wasn’t intended as a literal threat on a woman’s life” and was “an extremely ill-advised attempt at satirizing the overall climate of the RNC…”
So the hateful rightwingers made him do it, oh, and he doesn’t apologize to them.
Maybe this guy is too inconsequential to make your list, but I think the whole thing, particularly the apologies blaming the right for his hateful speech, is worth noting.