
Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

Military adopts “grading on the curve” for physical fitness.  The usual suspects are up in arms but that’s just White Male Hatred speaking out. 

Reducing physical fitness standards for women in combat will not affect performance.  We’ll simply assign them to battle against women’s units in the enemy army.  

The real question is: what will the military do when cis-male military members realize they can slack off by declaring themselves trans and demanding to take the women’s test, thus wrecking the curve for cis-women?

Joe Doakes

The part I wonder about is, when a helicopter heads upcountry to a firebase in the the middle of insurgent territory, is it going to make room for maintenance hormones along with ammo, food, water and first aid supplies?

4 thoughts on “Standards

  1. I’m wondering how many women in the military are actually offended and/or pissed off about the alterations of the physical requirements. After all, feminazis are always squealing about equal pay for equal work, so the standards should be the same, shouldn’t they?

  2. That last sentence is my biggest objection to opening up combat roles. It used to be that you sent a truck with food, ammunition, and a few spare uniforms and boots to the front ,and the platoon took it from there. Now you’re going to have all kinds of birth control and feminine products for the ladies, hormone treatments for the trans, a far wider range of clothing articles needed, and more.

    More or less, you’ve gone from one size fits most supply distribution to trying to do what Wal-Mart does, and that can be disastrous when you’re trying to do that in a combat zone.

    Regarding two different sets of physical fitness standards, they were promising that this would not happen just a couple of years ago, and that they knew how important these standards were. Reminds me of the old comment about Obama campaign promises–they call come with an expiration date. And sad to say, in any situation where there is real fighting going on, this expiration date will simultaneously be a tragic expiration date for too many soldiers, seamen, airmen, and Marines.

  3. There is an element out there that wishes to see America lose its superpower status.

    How can that most easily happen? Crash America’s economy and weaken the military.

    This won’t happen under Trump. So, how do we remove Trump? Vote/voter fraud assisted/encouraged by the panic encouraged by a global plandemic (It’s too risky to vote in person, you can vote from home by mail!)

    How do we crash the economy? 1) Print trillions of dollars to “help” people who lost their jobs in the beginning of the plandemic. 2) Offer as much if not more than most jobs pay to keep them at home, consuming resources but not producing.

    How do we weaken the military? Instead of limiting it to those of sound mind and body, who are more well-equipped to do the heaving lifting, open it up to those who are less physically capable and those who are suffering from psychological problems.

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