“Buddy, Could You Try To Be A Little Less Awkward?”

Call me old-fashioned, but I’d think a governor who’s built his entire career out of rigorously-contolled optics – lots of photos of eating fair food and holding animals and social media strawmen, no uncontrolled press conferences or public debates – would know better than to do…


“This Is MAGA Country!”

“Klan” leaflet with “German”-style type appearing “according to a pastor” in Springfield Ohio:

“Stamped Self-Addressed Envelope?”

Berg’s 20th Law governs:

All incidents of “hate speech” not captured on video (involving being delivered by someone proven not to be a ringer) shall be assumed to be hoaxes until proven otherwise.

Now, let’s take bets on how long it takes for the story to come out as a hoax. 

Closest without going over?

(And that German-style font?   Isn’t it just amazing how “white supremacists” are mouth-breathing cretins who also love to slip in sly historical illusions via graphic presentation?

Things That Are Too Obvious To Reiterate, Except That Events Always Call For You To Reiterate It

#3:  No matter how well they start and how promising they look, the Vikings will break your heart.

#2:   “Keith Olbermann needs to put down the phone and get out a little.  

#1:  Jen Rubin has departed controlled intellectual flight:

It’s an evergreen statement. And yet periodically she outdoes herself.


“Hunters for Gun Control”.

“Kulaks for Lenin”

“Chickens for Foxes”.

Two of those are made up.

This next one…:

…I give about 50-50.

Show me the “Republican” who supports price controls, open borders, defunding police, gun confiscation, soical decline, packing the SCOTUS, creating two new Democrat states to pack the Senate, explosive debt, and a foreign policy as firm as a Dairy Queen ice cream cone, and I’ll show you the real problem. 

Far Be It From Me To Question A “Scientist”

To:  Amanda Taylor, Candidate for the Missouri House
From:  Mitch Berg, Peasant

Ms. Taylor,

Your bio claims you’re both a biochemist and running for the Missouri House 

Last week, you dropped an “Ack-Shyu-Ally” bomb on someone:

So,  question for Ms. Taylor:

Let’s ignore for a moment that Karyotypes aren’t, themselves, “sexes”, rather than medical conditions that don’t actually kill a fetus. 

Let’s say for purposes of argument that there are six actual first-class sexes. 

How many of those six sexes are precipitated by the subject’s emotional attitude, psychological condition or fervent belief?

Thanks for your prompt attention to this matter.

That is all.

Walz: Where’s The Beef?

I’ve got a question for the hive mind of this blog.

Yesterday, Governor Klink made perhaps his most, to coin a term, “weird” attack on JD Vance:

Now, what he’s talking about is theWhich brings up the question – does the term “Runza” occur in Minnesota at all?

It’s apparently named after a chain of burger joints in Nebraska

And on that burger joint’s menu is a meat pie.

In North Dakota, it’d be called a Fleischkikla (German-Russian for the German Fleischküchle. In Northeast Minneapolis, it’s a Pierog. There are other names in other languages. They probably have a local term in Ohio that would flummox Klink

But in all my years in Minnesota – admittedly almost none of it in the First CD – I’ve never ever heard the term Runza. 

Am I missing something? 

Or is this literally the dumbest attempt at a dunk that Walz has ever tried?

Joy! In Action!

These are the people calling Republicans “weird”.   In this case, the Democrat party’s leading public intellect, James Carville. 

Here’s his measured, Socratic response to Fox’s Jesse Waters’ attacks on Tim Walz:

Has anyone told him that is, er, suggestion is actually what “trans men” are supposed to do?

He might not do lunch on K Street again…


It’s not so much that the Democrats assume you’re stupid.

It’s that…:

…they desperately need you to be stupid.

Not just a little stupid, either:

If America elects this clacque, it deserves to collapse.

Ron DeSantis has entered the chat:

Whores, Cretins, Charlatans. OK!

No matter how much you hate the mainstream media, you don’t hate them enough.

“Even the local ones?”

Especially the local ones:

I mean, it’s still right there online, for feck’s sake:

The theory is, democracy can not survive without an indepdendent media.

I’m starting to think that’s the point.

A Tale Of Two Years

Leftists, 2020: “Punch a Nazi!”

Leftists, 2024, being thwarted in their protests in support of actual modern-day Nazis [1]:

“Heeeeeeey! No fair punching!”

[1] In the “fascist dictatorship founded on racial obsession, focused on murdering Jews” sense of the term, rather than the “I’m a leftist and I don’t whatever it is” sense.

World War 3 Is Starting

The deficit bomb is ticking away.

Illegal immigration is crushing working-class incomes.

But we get the representation we deserve, apparently:

It took me a couple of beats to realize it wasn’t the “Congress” scene from “Idiocracy”.

Have to wonder what the suffragettes would think.

“Feckless And Craven”

It appears the Vegetable In Chief has browbeaten Netanyahu into letting Hamas live to rape, burn and mutilate another day:

Very discouraging news out of Israel today that the IDF is pulling its forces out of southern Gaza, supposedly to “rest, regroup, and re-supply” after four months of hard fighting. Let us hope this is true, but one can’t help but suspect that this move may be in response to demands from the Biden Administration that will inevitably lead to a permanent cease-fire which will amount to a Hamas victory, because Hamas will have survived a hard Israeli punch but will now have time and room to rebuild. (Axios is now reporting that Biden delivered an ultimatum to Netanyahu.)

Biden appears to be well on his way to making Jimmy Carter look like a foreign policy titan:

When I heard the news of the IDF strike that killed seven aid workers from World Central Kitchen, my first instinct was that the aid workers were set up by Hamas through false or deceptive intelligence sent to the Israelis. We know Hamas uses civilians as human shields and welcomes civilian casualties as a means of propaganda, and foreign civilian casualties are the best propaganda of all. Maybe an Israeli officer was hasty and had a twitchy trigger, but I doubt it. In any case, it gave the feckless and craven Biden Administration the excuse it needed to break with Israel (as I predicted it eventually would), in the biggest betrayal of an ally since Munich in 1938.

I have never been more ashamed to be an American.

Urban Progressive Privilege: Clouds Of Smug Descend

“Art” as humanity used to know it is pretty much dead, at least in any community of people who call themselves “artists” anymore.

This was from a, for lack of a better term, “art event” in Powderhorn Park over the weekend:

Ignore the stupid sled.

Look, rather, at the audience. What do you see?

Inevitably, they are smug, corn-fed, entitled, white progressive members of the laptop class and the non-profit/industrial complex – no doubt from “Urban Life” theme parks like Marcy Holmes or Merriam Park, larping it up as “art fans” in Powderhorn, the part of Minneapolis that smug progressives go to when they want to be “down with the neighborhood” (before they scamper back home to where all the barristas and short order brunch technicians have to commute to from Fridley and Brooklyn Center).

The MPD has condemned the display – which, I’m sure, is causing all sorts of nasal snorking over lattes this morning.

And why not? It’s not their stores being cleaned out (none of them as any concept of the free market more involved than a coffee shop), not their cars being jacked (does anyone actually steal electric cars?), not them waking up to bullet holes in their siding.

Here’s hoping every last one of these cretins needs a cop sometime soon.

Who knows? Sometimes even Progressives can learn something.

Metaphorical Perfection

How much effort does today’s #MNDFL put into acting like a bunch of 25 year old “influencers”?

This much.

President Biden came to Duluth/Superior yesterday to celebrate breaking ground on a taxpayer-to-political class money transfer machine.

And the DFL showed him where he stands, figuratively and literally:

What just happened?


  • The Babylon Bee has developed Artificial Intelligence video to the point where they can make a video mocking the President and the gathered, uh, dignitaries, or…
  • Governor Klink and Senators DeVille, Baldwin and Slugger made the President stand with his thumb up his butt while they took the inevitable slew of selfies to gurgitate out onto social media.

I love how the even President Biden, around :30, puts up his hands so as to say “What TF? Aren’t I the President?” as DeVille, Slugger and Baldwin cackle like a bunch of Edina housewives chugging box wine.

Hilarious? Yes.

A perfect representation of today’s MNDFL – the obsession with self-adulatory echo-chambering, the forced junior-high giggling, the obliviousness to anyone and anything outside their special little world? The three of them, and Baldwin, act like a clacque of spoiled, oblivious middle-school mean girls.

This does, in fact, personify today’s DFL to a perfect “T”


Someone walks up to you with a baseball bat. They say they want to kill you.

Your response is “no, I don’t want to get beaten to death with a baseball bat”.

Looks like you have a standoff. A controversy. A conundrum.

Someone else steps in and asks “How about we compromise? Will you settle for a traumatic brain injury?”

It’s the middle way, after all. The guy with the bat might even say “sure, I just wanna hit you, hard!“

You might respond “No – in fact, I don’t want anyone hurting me in any way. At all”

And the buttinski responds “Why won’t yiou compromise?”

Who’s right?


The guy with the bat?

Or the person striving to find the middle ground between the two of you?

If your response is “I’m putting my foot down; nobody is hitting me with a bat for any reason at all“, and the other to ask “why do you hate the guy with the bat?“, does that change anybody’s mind?

Point being, sometimes the middle path, the compromise, is not the most moral path forward.


Given that justices Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett were appointed and confirmed via the same process that has covered for over 200 years…

… can someone tell me how our “junior senator” trying to popularize this kind of garbage isn’t a bigger threat to our system of government, the January 6 ever was

Further Evidence…

…that Democrats not only assume “their” voters are stupid and uncritical, but they they count on it.

If you thought MTG’s evidence show was bad, I bet a rape trial would really freak you out.

I Take The Punches I Can’t Slip, And I Give ‘Em Right Back

To: Steve Van Zandt
From: Mitch Berg, Irascible Peasant and Longtime Fan
Re: I’ll Meet You Halfway


Earlier this week, you got into a bit of a flap over this:

You removed the tweet, but followed up saying that you meant “exterminate at the ballot box”, although you delivered it with all the subtle grace of Sean Penn on a three day bender.

But hey, I’ll meet you halfway. Ask Sarah Palin what it’s like, having something that was meant one way passed off as something completely different. That’s politics.

And given the number of unstable, armed people on your side of the political aisle, perhaps you should moderate your tone a bit.

But while others focus on your original rhetoric, I’m going to roast you for this:

It’s one of an endless series of tweets in your feed where you refer to Republicans as some variant of stupid.

Some of us sure are.

But none of us ever put “Princess of Little Italy” on an otherwise perfect record.

Humility is in order.

That is all.

(CLOSED CIRCUIT: Comments to the effect of “Why do you listen to music from people who hate you” will be mocked and taunted. We’ve been through this).


Never let it be said the DFL isn’t on top of the important issues.

Democrats have introduced a bill in the Minnesota Legislature that would ban the sale of bottled water in the state.

Introduced earlier this month by Rep. Sydney Jordan, a Democrat from Minneapolis, the bill would prohibit manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers from “selling or offering for sale bottled water in Minnesota.”

The bill defines bottled water as “water contained in a formed or molded container” that is “comprised primarily of plastic resin, sealed, and holds less than two liters when full.”

They’re not on top of them.

But the powers that be will never let it be said.

Ripped From The Headlines Of Junk Pop Culture

Is there anything “climate change” (TM) can’t do?

Like, spawn a zombie apocalypse?

No, it’s no the Babylon Bee:

Of course it’s Berg’s Seventh Law in effect; most adherents to the Religion of Climate are pretty much the Walking Intellectual Dead already.

Let Them Eat Pasta!

Anyone remember Mika McFeely? He’s sort of the Filene’s Basement version of Ed Schultz, another guy who got his start talking about grown men chasing balls around fields, and decided to go into being a political, talking head. He’s the Heitkamp family’s token liberal on KFGO in Fargo, and proof that the talent bench for progressive talk hosts in Fargo is even shallower than in the Twin Cities.

I wrote about him (checks notes), a little over 12 years ago, when he wrote easily the stupidest hatchet piece I’ve ever seen, about Mary Franson, during the 2012 elections.

Anyway – he came to Minneapolis over the weekend. Ironically, it was to see Les Mis, a play featuring an out of touch patrician class that attacks a plebaian class whose travails they neither share nor understand.

Oh, yeah – he had a great time!

In other words, he went to a show, with hundreds of other people, and then went to a tony restaurant on the south end of the gentrified North Loop. Back to the hotel – or on the road back to Fargo? – by 11!

And look – no crime!

Guess all those people talking about crime in Minneapolis are wrong!

Speaking of crime – tourist McFeely has an interesting perspective on recent Twin Cities history:

Not sure it’s “Anti”-Fa that’s shooting up crowds after bar closing on First Avenue.

But he’s getting a little warmer: “Anti”-Fa are the children of the Twin Cities bon vivant class. But they didn’t burn the Ordway, or Kenwood or Linden Hills. They burned East Lake and University – the places where immigrants and lots of entrepreneurs and workers try to earn a living.

But he didn’t go to a show on Lake, or Uni, or up at Plymouth and Sheridan, now, did he?

Well, I guess that settles it!

A Plan So Simple, John Fetterman Could Carry It Off

Douglas McKinnon, in The Hill, suggests an option for Democrats uneasy about Joe Biden as President in 2024 (with emphasis added):

That reality speaks to the need for a proven vote-getter with lots of money and a logistical machine behind him. In Politics 101, California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) meets — maybe even exceeds — those qualifications…

…If the answer is “yes,” the “solution” is really not complicated at all. In one scenario, Biden could ask Harris to resign and replace her with Newsom, who then becomes the heir apparent for 2024. Or Biden could replace Harris with Newsom and then resign himself, making Newsom the president before 2024 and arming him with the full force of the Oval Office.

Now, I may just be a caveman, but I see nothing in Article II, Section 1 about the President appointing the Veep under any circumstances.


Still, Mr. McKinnon might be onto something.

Biden can’t “appoint” a Vice President. But he can appoint his cabinet.

So here’s the plan the Dems could use:

Alternate plan:

  1. Appoint Newsom Secretary of State
  2. Spread the word that Harris, Pelosi and Leahy have dirt on Hillary.
  3. Resign.
  4. Await the suicides of Harris, Pelosi and Leahy.
  5. Newsom becomes president via order of succession.

It makes as much sense as McKinnon’s idea, and is actually (more or less) Constitutional…

…for all that’ll matter for the next two years.