
My name is spelled J-O-E D-O-A-K-E-S but henceforth, shall be pronounced

“Throatwobbler Mangrove.” 

Or else you’re a hateful racist.

That is all.

Joe Doakes

While we’re on the subject, my preferred pronouns are “Your Excellency / First Sea Lord”.

10 thoughts on “Identity

  1. While we’re on the subject, my preferred pronouns are “Your Excellency / First Sea Lord”.

    Fitting, especially with the amply documented history of North Dakotan maritime exploits. My preferred pronoun is “King of Freaking Portugal.”

  2. So do I address you as either Your Excellency or First Sea Lord or is it a two part title.

    Er, sorry if the question offends you, I offer my first born as recompense. Would that be enough or is it never enough?

    Gosh, sorry if THAT offends you, I and my entire race will now go into self exile in the Aleutians.

  3. FOR SALE:
    I’m selling my White Privilege card. It’s just over 50 years old and it hasn’t done a damn thing for me. No inheritance, no free college, no free food or housing. Would be willing to do an even trade for a Race Card. Those seem to be way more useful and more widely accepted.

    If you’re interested, please contact me on my non-Obama provided cell phone that I have to pay for every month.

    Serious inquiries only, please.

  4. I think I’ll stick with SlowJoe, or SJ for short, but you doesn’t have to call him Johnson.

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