Just Remember…

…that the DFL made Minnesota a sanctuary state for Munchausen Mommies like this soulless crone.

(WARNING: You may vomit):

And when a Munchhausen Mom like this walks through a custody order to bring the kid that they’re “transing” to MN, the state will put her wishes above that of the other state’s court order.

Food for ugly, nightmarish thought.

14 thoughts on “Just Remember…

  1. This case is awful, but it’s also a bit of a trap. We rightly denounce depredations by the state against parental rights, but in this instance we seem to be arguing the parent is being reckless and needs to be stopped . . . by the state.

    I would argue the obvious answer is to make any law clear that such changes are illegal until the person making the change is an adult and can speak for himself (or herself). It’s delicate, though.

  2. I can’t believe that some insurance company approved a $43k injection to turn a boy into a girl! That is literally an annual salary for millions of people.

  3. ^ Someone I know works as an actuary for an insurance company. Has for years. Given how “woke” she is, I’d admit I’m not surprised that the insurance company approved the injection.

  4. bh
    Puberty blockers, hormone therapy, mRNA therapy(eventually) all represent a Permanent Revenue Stream/Sinecure for the pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies, and the highly paid technicians(DRs* & nurses) who administer them. In the past 50 years the pharmaceutical industry has abandoned any interest in Curing any disease. The business model goal is to treat all diseases as Chronic rather than Acute because Chronic is where you find the long term revenue stream. Look how fast the Wuhan flu became a chronic disease requiring “Boosters” every 6 months.

    *Any Drs who work on salary are just highly paid technicians – just observe current diagnostic procedures, i.e. if a piece of technology doesn’t show/record a specific result for them you didn’t have a heart attack. They have little or no room for independent judgment.

  5. My take is that if a doctor watches as a parent badgers and bribes his patient to take medically unnecessary, life-changing medication, and doesn’t say “I cannot in good conscience administer this”, he needs to lose his license to practice, permanently. He is, after all, a mandatory reporter of child abuse, and this certainly qualifies.

    As it stands, if this continues, I shudder to think that’s going to happen to this kid. My best guess is that since he’s (?) not on board with the “treatments”, it’s strongly likely to end up with the kid’s suicide. Holding out hope that he gets through to his mom that he really doesn’t want this instead.

    Darkest scenario is that he goes through with it, regrets it, and decides on homicide of the “doctor” and others. And in such a case, the prosecution doesn’t want me on the jury, since I’ll vote to acquit. It’s justifiable.

  6. Mr. D, this isn’t a difficult issue.

    It wouldn’t be legal for this woman to geld her son at home, and it shouldn’t be OK for her to take him somewhere else to get.it.done, wither.

  7. Vlad the Impaler said:

    Mr. D, this isn’t a difficult issue.

    The issue itself isn’t difficult. The involvement of the gubmint complicates matters, as it always does.

  8. “Girl too young for tattoo to receive irreversible gender surgery”.
    Babylon Bee-or is it?

  9. Mr. D., I’m not terribly troubled by the government prosecuting clear child abuse like this. There are claims that this particular blurb is actually not for real, but cases like Walt Heyer and Keira Bell indicate that at the very least, those who approach medical personnel for transition are not getting the “sanity checks” that they need. When I see cases like the one in Virginia, MN, where the young man was removed from his mother’s custody and authority by school counselors and social workers so he could transition, I don’t believe that we’re in a place where these safeguards are in place, either.

    Not an entirely hypothetical situation on my part, either, as I’ve got a niece who’s bought into this confusion and is at least using “they/them” pronouns.I pray that the butchers out there do not mutilate her.

    Cutting off body parts is, in all areas of medicine, supposed to be a last ditch effort that is the only solution to a problem that could kill or maim. It is not supposed to be something that–like the case of the Texas pediatrician nudging her son into transitioning against the will of her ex husband–is entered upon lightly.

  10. Bubba, sorry about your niece – hope she gets better counsel and finds her way clear of this madness.

    My concern is that the state has too much power in these issues generally and that whatever assumptions we may have made in the past about it acting in the best interests of anyone are misplaced. We need clear laws and bright lines on what the state is allowed to do — that pesky consent of the governed notion. Under the current regime, we have neither.

  11. Weird and obsessed mothers are not a historically unique cross to bear. Weird and obsessed mothers allied with weird and obsessed doctors and the pharmaceutical industry are.

    I just remembered – for no particular reason – that Hemingway’s mother was obsessed with raising him as a girl. It’s easy to find.

    Hemingway also hated his mother and it is suggested that the reason behind all his so-called macho activities in life were a consequence of that.

  12. BB
    It gets worse. California has a growing Transableist community that is seeking state protection and favor.
    Apparently Transable people believe they were born with alien body parts( finger, toes, hands, feet, arms, legs, ears, etc) that must be removed and California is the place to find surgeons who will make the modifications. The Transable community wants the state to pass laws protecting them and their doctors AND also allowing them to be eligible for disability benefits after the surgery.

  13. As someone with a trans relative who waited until adulthood, I see no logic in pushing transition on someone whose brain is still in development, already riddled with naturally-occurring hormones, and is therefore unable to give informed consent. But it fits with the Marx playbook: Anything to destroy any institution that could rival the State in power, specifically religion and family.

    Like everyone else here, I’m sure, I’ve encountered the advocates for pre-adulthood transition on social media. I’ve seen the same fallacious arguments made by many:
    – Equating parental consent for “life-saving” gender-transition hormone therapy and surgery to actual life-saving kidney transplantation surgery.
    – Equating the notion of erring on the side of caution and advising adolescents to wait until they’re adults and in a better position of making an informed decision about permanent changes to their body to a “cold” and “soulless” attitude that wants suicides among trans individuals to rise.

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