Rhetorical Media Questions

It’s rhetorical, because Big Media never actually responds to the plebs.

But is it possible…:

…that there could be a less scientifically literate phrase than “believe in Science?”

How about “Think Critically about the data in front of us, and make an informed decision?”

Nah, that’s just more radical conservative talk.

7 thoughts on “Rhetorical Media Questions

  1. I was at relatives on Christmas Eve, and an in-law I rarely see (who was wearing a mask) asked if I had signed up for the vaccine. When I responded that I wasn’t willing to take something so unproven for something that isn’t an actual health threat, I looked at her eyes. I realized it was the first time she’d heard an opinion like that.

    Also, in the article it states that this is the worst health crisis in a century. Again, using that critical thinking, I wonder how COVID-19 is worse than WW2. Was WW2 a health crisis? At least as much as Climate Change is.

  2. “Believe in science” means “do what we say.”
    Science is capable of defining some narrow truths about the natural world. But even using the term “natural world” implies that there is another, unnatural world. Most of the time people live in an unnatural world created by their imaginations. Love and hate don’t exist in the natural world; nor does greed, ambition, kindness, anger, or any of a thousand things that humans care most about. When you call those things “science” you are misusing the term to achieve a non-scientific goal.

  3. “Worst health crisis in a century”

    I have relatives who contracted Polio back in the 50s and would disagree

  4. Pingback: An Authoritarian Theocracy | Things to Remember, Things to Cherish

  5. PBodine: you are correct about polio. We also shouldn’t forget Asian Flu 1957 which killed millions. I caught it and I still remember being sick as snot for several days. No internet in those days however.

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