Conclusions Written In February

Joe Doakes of Como Park writes:

Yesterday, the Pioneer Press reprinted a long Washington Post article (front page, above-the-fold, continued to page 3A) called Cash Versus Door Knocking.

Plucky under-funded Democrat Barnett and his earnest crew of ordinary citizens gamely soldiering against an entrenched establishment Governor Walker buying the election with dump-truck loads of cash from out-of-state fat cats.

Of course, if the national Democrats and unions who started this fight had delivered on their promises, the money advantage would have been evidence of a sweeping groundswell of popular support and proof the Governor should resign now to save the taxpayers the cost of his recall.

Almost as if the articles are written to fit the conclusion rather than the facts.

Joe Doakes

Como Park

It’s hilarious that the WaPo and PiPress would have you believe that the unions are a bunch of scruffy underdogs.

One thought on “Conclusions Written In February

  1. My former pastor tells the story of working through college as a union worker and being told by the job foreman to go into the basement and wait. There were six other workers there and they played cards and drank coffee for eight hours. At the end of the shift, they punched out and went home.

    Why? Because, they had a contract for x number of workers for x number of hours. They didn’t need the workers, but they needed to bill the hours.

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