“And Voting! Also Racist!”

Rahm Emanuel’s police chief Gary McCarthy says gun freedom – observing the Second Amendment – is “racist”:

“So here’s what I want to tell you. See, let’s see if we can make a connection here. Slavery. Segregation. Black codes. Jim Crow. What, what did they all have in common? Anybody getting’ scared? Government sponsored racism.”

McCarthy knows the facts – that fighting racist gun controls was actually a foundation of the 14th Amendment.

But telling “progressive” audiences the truth is not what “progressivism” is about.

“Now I want you to connect one more dot on that chain of the African American history in this country, and tell me if I’m crazy. Federal gun laws that facilitate the flow of illegal firearms, into our urban centers across this country, that are killing our black and brown children,” he said.

Nice to know they still hire scumbags as police chiefs.

“The NRA does not like me, and I’m okay with that. We’ve got to get the gun debate back to center, and it’s got to come with the recognition of who’s paying the price for the gun manufacturers being rich and living in gated communities,” McCarthy said.

Who was it who brought the McDonald suit to the Supreme Court, “Chief” McCarthy?

A poor black Chicago man.

McCarthy illustrated his point by recalling a crime scene investigation while he was a police official in Newark, New Jersey where five children were shot, two of whom were killed. McCarthy said when he got home, he turned on his television to unwind and found an episode of “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” showing.

The mind just reels.

8 thoughts on ““And Voting! Also Racist!”

  1. Of course, the commie jackass doesn’t acknowledge the fact that the majority of gun related crime in black communities, involves stolen or otherwise illegally obtained guns.

  2. It’s sad that people in positions of responsibility have so little reasoning ability

    Connect the dots indeed. Every law enforcement study for the last 40 years has confirmed that by far the vast majority of crime committed in Black community is committed by members of that same community. That being so, to slow or stop Black-on-Black crime using gun control, the most effective focus would be on Black people who possess guns.

    If we follow the logic to its rational conclusion, the Chief is calling to reinstate Jim Crow laws banning Blacks from possessing guns in order to protect other Blacks who otherwise would be their prey.


  3. Are gun manufacturers really rolling in money compared to other industries?

    I read this, but mostly from anti-business folks who think anyone who makes money is evil. Besides themselves. And their friends. And companies they approve of for whatever silly reasons they keep in their heads.

    I just don’t read about “gun manufacturers” in the Fortune 500.

  4. last time I checked, black and brown children were the ones shooting black and brown children. Why do black folk hate each other?

  5. McCarthy: “So here’s what I want to tell you. See, let’s see if we can make a connection here. Slavery. Segregation. Black codes. Jim Crow. What, what did they all have in common? Anybody getting’ scared? Government sponsored racism.”

    Mitch: “McCarthy knows the facts – that fighting racist gun controls was actually a foundation of the 14th Amendment.”

    There’s a DVD out there (by Constitutional scholars) were McCarthy can get a lesson in history of the relationship between 2A & 14A:

    In Search of the 2nd Amendment: http://www.secondamendmentdocumentary.com/

    But McCarthy doesn’t care about the truth or history, they don’t serve his real purpose or goals.

  6. Of course, to get to the roots of the crime problems in poor communities, we absolutely can not get to what the late Senator Moynihan noted about kicking Dad out of the house. Nosirree…..can’t listen to that now, can we? Nope, that doesn’t get people into the police unions, does it?

  7. One of the strange ideas that you must embrace to be a liberal is that poor white men have moral agency but poor black men do not.
    Poor white men want guns because poor white men are stupid and evil. Poor black men want guns because they have been manipulated by rich gun manufacturers.

  8. It’s like the crack thing a few years ago. It was white people forcing inner city people of color to smoke crack.

    It’s never the abusers fault.

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