With All Due Respect Mr. President

I thought this was amusing and I hope we’re on the same page. I wanted to take a moment to step out of the box and socialize this theme and seek synergies even though this post probably isn’t mission-critical so we’re not going to expend a lot of our bandwidth on it.

You say, “I love my job.”
You really mean, “I need my job.”

Top 21 Workplace BS Lines

6 thoughts on “With All Due Respect Mr. President

  1. You say, “He left the company to pursue other opportunities.”
    You really mean, “He got canned.”

    Or more common: “His/her’s position was eliminated and he/she will be leaving in 1 month.”
    Means: “We’ve been wanted to fire this slug forever, but can’t find probably cause, so did a “reorganization” to get rid of him/her”.

  2. “Nobody’s getting a raise this year”
    Untrue. Congress will bravely not vote to stop it’s annual automatic pay increase.

  3. Congress will bravely not vote to stop it’s annual automatic pay increase.

    You’re right, because they already voted this year to not get the automatic pay raise for 2010 and 2011.

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