Yet Another Hoax

If conservatives aren’t being obligingly bigoted, frame ’em!

A group of seven GW students sent an e-mail to The Hatchet late Tuesday night admitting to hanging hundreds of controversial posters around campus early Monday morning.

The students – Adam Kokesh, freshman Yong Kwon, senior Brian Tierney, freshman Ned Goodwin, Maxine Nwigwe, Lara Masri and Amal Rammah – said their motives were misinterpreted. Students for Conservativo-Facism Awareness hung the posters in opposition to Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, an event being held beginning Oct. 22.

Kokesh, a graduate student and Iraq War veteran, gained celebrity over the past year because of his vocal opposition to the war. Nwigwe and Rammah are also graduate students.

In related Saint Paul news – on the local politics discussion boards, some of the lefty commentators have been going to amazing lengths to try to show that any violence that breaks out at the GOP convention next year is equally likely to be from right wing agents provocateurs.

They were conveniently short on actual incidents.

5 thoughts on “Yet Another Hoax

  1. Well, sure it was a hoax. THIS TIME! It’s only because the conservatives are so good at it that they don’t get caught. Uh, or something. CODE WORDS! That’s it. Because conservatives use code words. Like Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week really means KILL innocent Muslims.

  2. I remember once Mitch saying, “If Pat Robertson didn’t exist, the left would invent him.”

    Well, beyond the insulting nature of the comment – he DOES exist, and stories like this point out an attempt by some (Mitch) to defuse and dillute the fact that bad conduct is rampant – in the Republican Party and the Democratic party too.

    Rather than making a mountain out of a mole-hill (as Mitch is doing here) – maybe we should take a long hard look at what it is that makes 50% plus black males feel that law enforcement can’t be trusted? Is there belief grounded in epistimologic fact – no definetely not – but there has develped over the past 30 years, an enormous gap between what the black community perceives about how blacks are treated, and what the rest of the country perceives. Pretending it’s just a bunch of shiftless and lazy and dishonest agitators, is simly salve and pablum for people who don’t want to do the hard work of changing that system.

    BTW – can someone please define “Islamo-Facism” for me please? I mean amongst the most extreme elements, Islam has two distinct branches with two manifestly opposed goals. Neither promotes that the OTHER should have pan-Islamic rule – and they certainly aren’t working together – anything but – if analyzed honestly – yet this ludicrous, laughably ignorant and stupid term keeps resurfacing among neo-kookery – and I’d like to know what you think it means?

    Then there’s facism – a term that generally is related to totalitarianism , but also, has historically meant .

    1. Hyper Nationalism
    2. Misrepresentation of fact to delude/coopt the middle class
    3. Cooperation between industry and government, especially the military

    Now I think I have a reasonable handle on Islamic extremism and it’s goals – and you know NONE of them are about:

    1. Hyper Nationalism
    2. Cooperation between industry and Government

    As well – there isn’t ONE nation (certainly not Iran) that is militarily capable of the kind of production/industrial capability of Germana circa 1935-1940. While Facism started in Italy – by itself Italy was no real threat – as we saw in WWII – and Iran isn’t even the peer – productively – of Italy in the 1930’s – so when we fear monger about ‘Islamo-facism’ exactly what are we fear mongering about, exactly?

  3. “wow.. too tired”


    Save your strength peev…spelling is the least of your problems.

  4. Yeah Peev, don’t knock yourself out. Wingnuts like the sound of big words, even if they don’t have any idea what they mean. Consider the war in Iraq, the central front in the war with the Islamofascists. Before we got there, plenty of fascism, but no Islamo. It took Bush’s incompetent war to put ’em together. “You got chocolate in my peanut butter!”

    Sometimes Angryclown wonders if the wingnuts are that dumb or they’re just playing for the other side and trying to throw the game. No matter. Hillary will fix everything in ’09, eh fellas?

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