3 thoughts on “Buying Popcorn Stock

  1. In the olden days, a prosecutor might have passed the buck to a grand jury to decide whether to indict a suspected wrongdoer. It was a check to balance his power to bring charges. Mike Freeman and John Choi have dispensed with the grand jury for highly publicized, racially charged officer-involved shootings – they don’t like restraints on their power. Is that wise?

  2. JD, I have come to believe that the prosecutor could likely obtain an indictment or a no-bill, as they desired, just by what, in what quantity, and how they present the evidence. I have lost faith in the idea that the grand jury acts as a check for a power grabbing prosecutor.

    Particularly with what appear to be questionable officer involved shootings, I prefer the prosecutor going to trial, rather than using the non-public grand jury to sweep everything under the rug.

    So by stepping up and and dispensing with the grand jury and moving directly to trial, the prosecutor moved to greater transparency, perhaps to the detriment of the officer involved.

    Now whether the prosecutor vigorously pursues the case is open to question. (Castille case in particular. Officer never actually saw a gun, and a step towards the rear of the car would have made a right handed shooter need to twist around, moved the child out of the down range, and allowed the officer to pull his weapon, without firing and gain control of the situation.)

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