Dance With The Nebbish That Brung You

Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

US put a hold on an ammunition shipment to Israel.

The United States is now objectively supporting terrorism. 

Joe Doakes

When you remember that:

  • Biden’s biggest funders (other than sending 10% to the Big Guy) are people like George Soros, who detest Israel, and
  • Biden needs that “Uncommitted” pro-genocide vote to “come home” by November…

…it all starts to make sense.

8 thoughts on “Dance With The Nebbish That Brung You

  1. ^ … sorry, I misread, misinterpreted my source in relation this post.

    I would mention that I thought I recalled one of Trump’s impeachable offenses was holding up arms shipments to Ukraine. But I’m sure that was different or I got it wrong.

  2. jdm.
    Speaking of Ukraine, an alleged Ukrainian dissident and former member of Zelinsky’s inner circle, has released a list of the amounts of kickbacks to criminal Congress types. Still trying to find it, but supposedly, $92 million was paid to “the Big Guy”.

  3. ^ boss! Say it ain’t so! I’m sure that can’t be true, and if it is, it’s Trump’s fault (for interrupting the flow of “aid” to Ukraine et al).

  4. It would be one thing if the US said: “We’re not selling to either side,” or even “We’re not choosing sides, we’ll sell to anybody.” That would be morally neutral.

    It’s quite another to say: “We won’t sell to the victims of a terrorist attack, but we will support the terrorists by giving money to their sponsors and building them new infrastructure.” That’s not neutral, that’s choosing sides and it’s the wrong side. That’s morally reprehensible.

    Democrats and the Biden Administration are actively supporting terrorism.

  5. In some misbegotten attempt to buy votes, Democrats and the Biden Administration are actively supporting (non-white) criminals and their activities, so why not actively support terrorism? It’s all just about power and its maintenance.

  6. Pingback: I’ve Never Been Less Proud To Be An American | Shot in the Dark

  7. Democrats and the Biden Administration are actively supporting terrorism.

    That ~20% “Uncommitted” vote in the primary means more to them than your little moral labels.

    C’mon, man. Cut the malarkey.

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