
Rebecca Brannon is one of perhaps half a dozen actual reporters in the Twin Cities media.

She captured this yesterday at “Pride“:

Looks like someone came up on the wrong end of the intersectional lottery…

7 thoughts on “Tolerance!

  1. In the olden days, wise people judged disagreements on the basis of logical reasoning and persuasive argument. Nowadays, society judges on the basis of victimology – the more grievously oppresed victim has greater moral authority and wins regardless of logic or persuasion. Status trumps truth.

    That being the case, I would appreciate a Victimology Listing so I’d know who to prefer in any conflict.

    For example, I know that Woman is to be preferred over Man in any disagreement, and Black over White. Those are easy. But what about Latinx versus First Nations? And what about Mixed Victims – Transgender Lesbian versus Differently Abled Muslim – who is preferred?

    In the example Mitch posted, we have a Black Immigrant Christian being assaulted by who – Rich, White, Virtue-Signaling Cis-women wearing ELCA hair? Spoiled White Psych-major Gender-Questioning Barristas?

    How can I know who was at fault and who is the True Victim of this Ice Cream Pelting Incident?

  2. Some really ugly female of color Saira Raio:

    White people:

    For the love of Gwyneth Paltrow, PLEASE stop approaching Black and brown people at the grocery store assuming we work there.

    It is racist and exhausting.

    You literally can’t see us anything but in service to you.

    And we are NOT.


    To all the white people in my comments:

    I don’t read them.

    But keep wasting your time and your racism 🤷🏽‍♀️

    She isn’t really black, so I don’t know. All I do know is I have NEVER assumed someone was an employee because of skin color. I once asked a guy at Target for help and he turned around and looked at me funny, I saw he had no name tag but I said “dude, you have a red shirt on.” He looked kind of sheepish and said “oh, okay.”

    If you look hard enough for something you will find it.

  3. Everyone knows that anything short of actively cheerleading of the LGBT*47’*4’85*”-!’55 Ideology and behavior is worse than genocide, so obviously this guy had it coming.

    And that fact but accurate quote from the County Attorney’s Office is why no one will be prosecuted for their crimes against him.

  4. The pics and video of degenerate men shaking their junk at kids, and marching down the street dressed like rAT Emery at his Berkeley horse are destroying the bullshit lie homos have built up over the past 30 years.

    It’s glorious.

  5. kinlaw.
    I made the same mistake once. A few weeks later, I wore a red Minnesota Twins T-shirt that had the TC logo on the front of it. I had two people approach me from behind and ask me for assistance. Surprisingly, I’m not black. 😎

  6. I’m white and people regularly ask me to help them at stores I don’t work at, and it’s not because I’m wearing that store’s employee uniform color. A small percentage of it is short people asking me to just grab something from up high. I’m tall and too many stores stock items between 6ft to 8ft high.
    I think the major reason people ask me for help is I just have an air of confidence about myself when I’m in a store. I tend to know what I’m looking for, and I generally know where it’s going to be in the store. I blame that on working 20+ years in Retail for several different companies.

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