The Racket

I’m not the world’s biggest Matt Walsh fan.

Not because of what he says. Mostly because he’s a podcaster whose podcast gets plopped onto radio with a little editing. It’s not necessarily great radio.

But radio purism aside, I watched “What is a Woman?” last week.

And the part that stuck with me, the part I didn’t already know?

Between hormones, surgery and other clinical charges, every single transition yields a total of $1.3 Million.

The return on investment has to be far better than Covid was.

With that in mind, I caught this the other day. It’s a thread – if you cllck into it, it should yield 5-6 related tweets:

“It’s a racket” would certainly explain a lot of the hamfisted way the DFL jammed the issue down this past session.

29 thoughts on “The Racket

  1. What worries me is that the dhimmi’s are so not worried about elections that this is the hill they want to die on?

    And for some of you in this comments section: another cache of absentee ballots was found the other day, don’t remember the link, but yeah, cleanest election evah!

  2. I have no doubt that with all the big and ez-money to be made in transgender industry that there are a whole lot of cynical greed-pigs in it all for the benjamins.

    Otoh, I don’t think you can forget that the whole gay, lesbo, trannie, and soon-to-be pedofile tolerance, acceptance, and now in-your-face activities are all part of the DemoCommie efforts to destroy western/Christian culture and norms.

    Those of us who Cassandra-like predicted this from the days when gay marriage was oh-so-shocking are not happy about being right.

  3. jdm, I knew way back when they said all we want is passive acceptance, that it would soon be demanding active approval and participation. Or as a friend of mine says (sarcastically) “al we want is to do is get married”. Right

  4. Lessee….if a transition costs $1.3 million apiece, then that’s going to be music to the ears of tort lawyers hired by people who were hastily transitioned. Big pool of money, obvious motive to downplay reasons not to go forward, etc..

    Time to extend the statute of limitations here in MN to, say, forty years from the current four. These things have lifelong consequences, so you might as well have long term accountability.

  5. I hope those god***m legislators who voted for the ‘kidnap’ law get sued individually. i wanna see school districts, social workers and teachers sued for affirming children without parents knowledge. Where is that guy in MN who got rich suing the Catholic church for child abuse? Hey turn your attention to the schools and our craven legislature. Can you tell I’m pretty mad about this?

  6. The research that shows the long long term results of transitioning adolescents, psychologically, physically, or both, has not been. What’s more, it is difficult to do this kind of research because of the “psychological comorbidities” that accompany adolescent gender dysmorphia.
    So, once again, we have “experts” finding that whatever happens to advance their personal & social agenda just happens to be the medically correct thing to do. Amazing!

  7. Per Bettyboop’s comment, one of the best people in the business of suing child abusers is named John Manly, and works out of LA. So if you meet someone who’s been victimized….there is an entire stable of attorneys at Manly, Stewart, and Finaldi who might help you, or refer you to someone who is very good closer to home.

    One thing to note–I’ve known this since dating a law student 30 years ago–is that the statute of limitations is generally more generous when the victim is a minor. More or less, it starts when the person is an adult and notes “hey, I was wronged”, not at the time of the procedures performed.

  8. re lawsuits, just like with election and jabs, courts will do nothing ’cause this country no longer follows laws, only rubber stamps whims of the elites.

  9. Side note: Britain’s National Institute of Health (NIH), the government health funding agency, just decreed that they will no longer fund “gender affirming care”.

    This follows Sweden and the Netherlands….with other EU countries soon to follow.

  10. Just saw something that’s very terrifying out of California; the state is requiring parents and foster parents to provide for transitioning for their children, which may drag in the issues of sovereign immunity there. If the state requires it, then who is a doctor to state otherwise? Positively chilling.

  11. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 06.12.23 : The Other McCain

  12. Bot Boy, you ignorant twit! I’m going to start posting every incidence of a teacher abusing a minor, of which there were over 100 reported last year.

  13. Odd how LeftBots keep bringing up clergy as if ANYONE is supportive of their abuse. Yet mention teachers doing the same crap and all that happens is deflections. Therefore, Emery supports teachers diddling kids.

  14. ⬆️ Matt Gaetz (R-Underage Girls) and Jim Jordan (R- Young Wrestlers) are real experts in grooming. Have them look into this.

  15. Hey Bot Boy.

    I think I’ll let Matt Gaetz people know that some little left wing piss ant is slandering him. That whole incident was made up by a scammer that was blackmailing Gaetz’ dad, who was ultimately convicted and is sitting in prison. Dick weed!

  16. From Minnpost, of all places:
    It took two years of middle school girls accusing their Minneapolis teacher of eyeballing their bodies in a “weird creepy way,” for district investigators to substantiate their complaints.
    Their drawn-out response is revealed in confidential and highly sensitive Minneapolis Public School District investigative records that are now readily available online — just one folder in a trove of tens of thousands of leaked files that outline campus rape cases, child abuse inquiries, student mental health crises and suspension reports.

    And the only reason you are finding out about it is because of a failed (?) blackmail attempt.
    Journalistic careers by exposing sex scandals in Christian churches. Public schools? Not so much.
    So the question is, as a parent, do you trust your public school’s employees to talk about sex with your kids?
    If you do, you are a nutcase.

  17. That Minnpost story is from May 3rd, 2023, just six weeks ago.
    I suppose it received heavy coverage in the Twin Cities local news broadcasts. No?
    I wonder why.

  18. The degenerates up your way will not be satisfied until every kid within the Twin cities metro is gelded, spayed, thoroughly butt fucked, mentally destroyed and drug addicted

    I’m strangely OK with that, which is the tact y’all need to take, because your state leaders have mandated this shit will happen, with your money.

    During Sunday’s degenerate extravaganza held by Peso Joe’s handlers, the trannies gave an impromptu show, shucked their shirts and shook their silicone titties for the kiddies on the White House lawn.

    Today, we learn that the handlers found it ‘disrespectful’. WTF? They’re mentally I’ll degenerates and pedophiles, and there were kids there… what did you think they’d do?

  19. A lot of people were upset with the way Pedo Joe’s handlers displayed 2 US flags subservient to the pedophile flag.

    I thought it was a pretty good display, but would have had some trannies wipe their ax wounds and asses with the US flags for a little extra pop.

  20. Matt Walsh is perhaps, as big a disruptor as Tucker Carlson.

    He’s as responsible for the successful backlash against pedophile groomers as anyone could be, and they fucking hate him for it.

    If he isn’t taking precautions to ensure his safety, he damn well should be.

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