
They’ve been in office a combined total of thousands of years.

Two months before the midterm elections, the three of them erupt in a spurt of tweeting about needing to reform congressional stock trading laws.

Gosh, I wonder why?

The good news for the three of them? This is the last that will be heard of it. Because they are DFLers.

10 thoughts on “Diligence!!!

  1. According to lying elitist Phillips, “they are looking at setting up a blind trust.” Translation: 🤣🤣🤣🤣
    Never going to happen!

  2. More proof that when Democrats talk about “our democracy,” they really mean “our racket.”

  3. A real bipartisan issue: both sides abusing power to make money on stocks. How do people on 174k a year keep ending up in 3-5 million dollar houses? Clearly, we have professional grifters on both sides of the isle.

  4. You can pass all the insider trading laws you want, but the solution to Congress-critters passing laws to benefit their investments is to elect new Congressmen who don’t write laws that give subsidies, set-asides, and other “rents” to companies in the first place. It’s called “classical liberalism”.

  5. Really, Emery?!
    You mean like the fear mongering stories that the DemoCommies and their media jackal allies tell 24/7/365?! Hypocrite!

  6. This “investigation” was never about finding the “truth”. Rather, it was another tool Republicans always use – tell a story that sounds truly horrible with no evidence to back it up, and ride it as long as they can. They got 3 years out of this lie…

    Kind of like Harry Reid claiming on the floor of the Senate that Mitt Romney hadn’t filed income taxes in 10 years?

    Or the mainstream media breathlessly reporting collusion between Trump and Russia?

    Or pretty much any claim forwarded by the gun-grabbers regarding the prevalence of mass shootings in the US?

    Oh wait, those weren’t Republicans…

    The Durham investigation sought to uncover the source of the claim regarding the collusion. It opened after the nothing-burger of the Mueller investigation closed.

    But tell me again how it’s a tool “Republicans always use”. Perhaps you meant to say “Republicans also use.”

  7. Wait! I need to pop bot boy’s balloon!

    That New York Slimes piece you referenced, is typical left wing crap! Durham is dropping bombs on the Gestapo and how they were lied to FIVE times by their buddy Danchenko. And funny! You were paying him with your tax dollars. 😂😂😂
    Funnier still; every time a new charge is added, the grand jury time gets extended!
    Boo! Yahhhhh!

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