Not Ready For Prime Time? Or Just Evil? Part I

Google Gemini landed a few weeks ago.

In much the say way the Hindenburg landed.

Google’s much-anticipated public Artificial Intelligence (AI) platform has been scalded by public and pundit opinion this past week or so.

With good reason – as in this question: who’s worse, Elon Musk or Adoph Hitler?:

Or “draw a picture of the founding fathers”:

The furor was such that Google hurriedly disabled its “ethnic cleansing” feature for now.

But there is so much more to explore.

More later today.

6 thoughts on “Not Ready For Prime Time? Or Just Evil? Part I

  1. “For instance, on the planet Earth, man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much—the wheel, New York, wars and so on—whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man—for precisely the same reasons.” Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

    Why is that quote relevent? Because Gemini is forcing non-whites to live up to the measurement of White success. Gemini is rewriting American history to show non-Whites were Founding Fathers (building New York City) when actually they had their own cultures and cared nothing for ours (mucking about having a good time). The implication is non-whites were failures precisely because they were NOT Founding Fathers.

    It’s the soft bigotry of low expectations held by the programmers, now part of the software running the machine. It’s saying Blacks and Indians never amounted to anything on their own but we’ll pretend they did, to make people feel good.

    Gemini is racist.

  2. On the light side, maybe they should keep this up, and college students will use it to try to write their history papers–and professors can instantly recognize it as the fraud that it is.

    (and professors thought that wikipedia was bad….)

  3. The problem for Google (as well as many other companies) is they are so far within their own bubble that they didn’t even consider having a moderate, much less a conservative, review their product. They didn’t even consider that their political opposition would do exactly what they did. It didn’t occur to them that this would happen even though this is exactly what happened to ChatGPT last year. And that myopia is why conservatives didn’t have to work very hard to expose the bias inherent in their system.
    The Google software engineers don’t deserve to be fired because they created a biased piece of trash software. The Google software engineers deserve to be fired because they created a piece of trash software that is so blatantly biased that their political opposition didn’t even have to work to expose it.

  4. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 02.27.24 : The Other McCain

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