From The “Feel Good” Files

Call it coming from a more genteel time, or more reasonable place, or having been raised by a guy, and taught by another, who exalted the virtues of civil engagement, even with people they disagreed with, as well as some of your basic Christian values.

So I feel a little bit bad admitting how much I loved watching this:

If I, personally, am any indication, there are a lot of guys over the age of 40 out there with a lot of thoroughly repressed anger about how this current generation is f***ing up society who’d like to tak a chunk out of some shrieking man-bun.

But again – part of me feels bad to think that.

Part of me.


7 thoughts on “From The “Feel Good” Files

  1. Ha! Don’t give it a thought, Mitch.

    Had I been there, I would have been one of the bouncers that showed him the door.

  2. Imagine in Minnesota how much ratepayers money would be spent by state law enforcement tracking down those thugs who assaulted and battered The Man-Bun not to mention the outrageous violations of The Man-Bun’s civil rights. Face it Minnesota, you’re just a frog slowly being boiled to death.

  3. I would lose it if a fokwad like this came into my peaceful space. Good going Texans, too bad the fokwad was not bloodied.

  4. Seeing the relative ages of the idiot and the men who removed him, I am reminded of the proverb my dad taught me; “Youth and skill will never overcome old age and treachery.” It’s heartening to see a guy who’s a head taller than the guys removing him get his rear end handed to him by gray hairs.

    I am also reminded of the question “just exactly what ‘pull’ does Governor Abbott have with regards to the situation in Gaza?”, and “exactly what person wants to live near a person who isn’t bothered by the fact that he’s supporting people who enthusiastically endorse the gang rape, mutilation, and murder of innocents?”.

    Put gently, if it wouldn’t provoke war with Mexico, I’d favor throwing the punk on the other side of the wall. You want to live in a place with barbarism, or force others to do so, we’ll send you there instead.

  5. Sheesh Mitch. I’m a woman ( checks self…..yup) and I don’t feel sorry for this yahoo. These are the new rules. I bet that boy was never disciplined by his parents. It’s time someone did.

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