Why Are Progressives Such Miserable People?

If I’ve noticed anything about radical progressives, it’s that they tend to be intensely angry – and desperately unhappy.


Here’s the story, from someone who’s been there.

Excerpt from the conclusion

Young adults often become radicals after they realize the immensity of the cruelty and malevolence in the world. They reject a society that tolerates such suffering. They sanctify justice as their telos. But without truth to orient justice, seekers of justice will crash and crash again into reality, and will craft increasingly nightmarish and paranoid ideological analyses, burning out activists, destroying lives through jail or abuse, and leaving the world an uglier, more painful place. To paraphrase Alice Dreger, there is no justice without wisdom, and no wisdom without surrender to uncertainty in the pursuit of truth.

The whole thing’s worth a read.

Think about it when looking at the new DFL majority in Saint Paul.

16 thoughts on “Why Are Progressives Such Miserable People?

  1. I listen to Prager at work on a daily basis. My favorite hour is usually the happiness hour every Friday. Happiness is a serious problem in my generation, and angry females are a huge turn off for me personally.

    When I became an anarchist I was 18, depressed, anxious, and ready to save the world. I moved in with other anarchists and worked at a vegetarian co-op cafe. I protested against student tuition, prison privatization, and pipeline extensions.

    If that is what gives your life meaning… you need help

  2. From the link:

    Radical communities select for particular personality types. They attract deeply compassionate people, especially young people attuned to the suffering inherent to existence. They attract hurt people, looking for an explanation for the pain they’ve endured.

    Radicals compete for young recruits with pimps and drug dealers. And if you’ve ever compared “before” and “after” photographs of kids that have been recruited, they look exactly like

  3. Damn it. The quote ended with:

    Radicals compete for young recruits with pimps and drug dealers. And if you’ve ever compared “before” and “after” photographs of kids that have been recruited by the far left, they look exactly like the billboards warning about the dangers of meth.

  4. Oh my favorite since I commute through a college campus every day, “Join the socialist collective to discuss how to stop the Capitalist system from destroying our enviorment.” So much idiocy and irony in that sentence. Capitalism has done vastly more to improve the environment and socialism destroys it very well.

  5. Of course the progressive left is miserable. No God, no peace. When the state is your “god”, and that state doesn’t know from Shinola, where ya think yer going to end up?

  6. We could help a helluva a lot of people if we simply gave them a copy of Eric Hoffer’s “The True Believer” and a mirror.

  7. Another great line, When someone doesnt believe in something (like God, or a higer power) they’ll believe in anything.

    It is part of the human condition to want to believe. Just look at athesists, they can be more devout than the biggest Bible thumper out there.

  8. When someone doesnt believe in something (like God, or a higer power) they’ll believe in anything.

    This is not true.

  9. Mr. Berg. This anachist-come-clean article is a transparent capitalist set-up. (You could have written this.)

    Here is my anarchy history:

    1886: Marx declares the Proletariat will overcome the Bourgeousie by 1888.
    1900-2000: 300 million proletariat and bourgeousie perish trying Marx’s plan.
    2018: Ms. Ocasio-Cortez is elected to the U.S. House of Representatives.
    2019: (Echoing Mr. Nixon) “We are all Socialists Now.”

  10. We could help a helluva a lot of people if we simply gave them a copy of Eric Hoffer’s “The True Believer” and a mirror.

    They likely wouldn’t see themselves in that mirror. I understand that that is one of the characteristics of vampires.

  11. Mr D
    here’s how The True Believer is being promoted on Amazon:

    “A part of Harper Perennial’s special “Resistance Library” highlighting classic works that illuminate the “Age of Trump”: A boldly packaged reissue of the classic examination of dangerous nationalist political movements. “

  12. “A part of Harper Perennial’s special “Resistance Library” highlighting classic works that illuminate the “Age of Trump”: A boldly packaged reissue of the classic examination of dangerous nationalist political movements. “

    Of course. Sheesh.

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