16 thoughts on “The Best Election System Anywhere. The Best Election System Anywhere. The Best Election System Anywhere.

  1. What does this video prove? It proves that James O’Keefe is a racist.
    Get with the program, Berg.

  2. You mean someone (GOP or DFL) can misrepresent themselves on a form? Wow, it’s this kind of breaking news that makes Breitbart TV and Shot in the Dark so cutting edge.

  3. Using the Brennan Center for Justice, if I take a school bus out of state, pick up fifty out of state residents, tell them that it is legal for them to vote in my state, register them in my state, take them to the polls, and have them vote as I tell them to, no voter fraud has occurred.

  4. Ears would have a point, if it weren’t for the fact that every time voter registration fraud/voter fraud and the need for voter ID were brought up, it has been met with hysterical screeching about “NO VOTER FRAUD HERE YOU RACIST HATERS WHO WANT TO DISENFRANCHISE THE POOR AND ELDERLY”

    (gee….when did this start? 2006 when Mark “Soros Is Laughing All The Way To The Bank” Ritchie was purchased^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Helected)

  5. Bill C, don’t forget handicapped (for some reason) the Red Star has a picture of someone in a wheelchair reading something while Ellison (who on a complete sidenote is a complete fat ass now) stands smugly behind a podium.

  6. News out of Wisconsin today is that a guy in Racine signed recall petitions using several family members and relatives names and addresses. Those relatives did not want their names on the recall petitions. Now, I know this isn’t the same as voting 10 times using relatives names, but it shows that they will cheat and do anything to get their way.

  7. Chuck and other SITD audience members from WI; One of my buddies that lives near Moscow, I mean Madison, and works for the State, told me that the petition is being purged for duplicates, cartoon characters, people like Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler and Nicolai Lenin. He says that process, from what he has learned, has already invalidated almost 260,000 of those signatures and they are only half way through the petition. There was some press on this shortly after the results of the signing campaign were published, but I haven’t seen anything since.Have any of you heard anything from your connections?

  8. So there’s a shot they might not even have enough legit signatures to recall him? Oh that would be rich. And funny as hell.

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