Oh, There’s Good News

Zubaz – the uniform of every sleazy bar-trash jagoff in the late eighties and early nineties – is, um, gaaaah, back:

The Minnesota creation grew into such a worldwide fad that they could be found everywhere from the sidelines of NFL games and NBA arenas to the wilds of Antarctica.

So it is not surprising that a new buzz is building over the return of the wildly outrageous pants, which since November are being sold on the Internet by the same two Minnesota weightlifters who created them in their Roseville gym in 1988.

“It’s really pretty simpl

Note to pop culture: if you want to exhume “the eighties”, do it with the first half of the decade. The second half sucked.

4 thoughts on “Oh, There’s Good News

  1. I will say this: Zubaz may have been fugly, but they were damn comfortable to wear around the house. No, I didn’t actually go out in public with them. They felt too much like pajamas to do that.

  2. Then, Bill, why not simply wear pajamas or comfy sweat pants? I’m not sayin’… I’m just sayin’.

    By the way, I’ll note for Mitch that mid-to-late 80s Rush was (and is) great music. Of course, if you don’t like Rush then I’m sure it will be like Styx to non-Styx fans. Utter crap.

  3. Well, I’m not a huge Rush fan, but Rush is better than Styx of any period. And you can always find great music in any era; there was tunage to redeem even 1959, for crying out loud.

    It’s just that if you’re going to get all woozy for the music and style of a period, good Lord, 1989 is a lousy one.

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