Open Letter To Jim Graves

To: Jim Graves, ex-candidate
From: Mitch Berg, uppity peasant
Re: Personal!

Mr. G,

I want to start a hotel chain.

It’s main goal is to knock off Marriott.

What’s its concept? Who cares! I don’t care if people are sleeping on rows of cots under oil light, as long as I kill off Marriott.

Seems dicey? Well, duh. When one says “I wanna knock off Marriott, one can fairly ask “with what?” It’s an important question.

It’d be a stupid business plan!

So when you withdrew from the CD6 race – daunted by the district’s Romney +15 showing (14 points better Han Rep. Bachmann) and what’ll no doubt be a national funding drought – you said you’d accomplished your mission – removing Bachmann. By implication, you seem to mean “whether by a Republican or a DFLer”.


So the day after the election, your mission would have been accomplished? The rest of your two years in DC would have been a tabula rasa?

(Well, duh, no. You’d have danced with the ones that brung you;youd have been little more than Betty McCollum with supernatural hair).

Did “my considered agenda ends on Day 2 in office” ever pop up in your campaign material?

That is all.

8 thoughts on “Open Letter To Jim Graves

  1. (Well, duh, no. You’d have danced with the ones that brung you; youd have been little more than Betty McCollum with supernatural hair).


  2. I can’t help but be put-off by Graves’ Bloomberg-like arrogance (among other things of course …) in his using his resources to determine the outcome of a political race. Since he apparently had no real interest in winning, his involvement was sheer vanity.

    I would think that the best persons to make that determination and act on it would be the voters of the Sixth District, not some rich meddler with a personal grudge.

    Disclaimer: The above is based on the assumption that Graves’ is telling the truth about why he entered then dropped out. I don’t believe that.

  3. Was he going to spend a lot of his own 1%er wealth on the run? One rumor out there is that Graves built his hotel empire largely with borrowed money and outside investors. Not his own bank acocunt. He planned to use Big National Donors to fund his run against Congresswoman Bachmann. When she dropped out, the free money dissappeared overnight.

    So Big Jim was stuck with the prospect of having to use his own money, instead of outside national investors, in his CD6 congressional run. Its not as fun when you have to pay for it yourself.

  4. Re: Ms. Bachmann
    Announcing victory in a fight you’re running away from is hollow, even by Congressional standards.

    Re: Mr Graves
    Took a play right out of of the Bachmann playbook. Well done sir.

  5. I am certain that if Graves had continued his campaign, the media would work diligently to find someone in his past — anyone — who would tell some story about him that was not complimentary. Also, they would have have examined his religious background to see if his church had an 80 year old document that said the office of the pope was an identity of the Antichrist.
    You know, the same treatment they would give any other public figure.
    This article shows just how even-handed our national print media is:
    The depth of ignorance displayed about how Christian churches work by reporter ‘Joshua Green’ is worth its own story.
    But you’ll never see the Atlantic report on that.

    “For context, I spoke to theologians familiar with Lutheran church history, who generally agreed with Hochmuth’s characterization of Luther’s views on the Antichrist. Some suggested that it would be useful to think of WELS as sitting well to the right of the two other major Lutheran organizations in America, the liberal Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (4.5 million members) and the conservative Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (2.4 million).”
    I am LCMS.
    “we affirm the Lutheran Confessions’ identification of the Antichrist with the office of the papacy whose official claims continue to correspond to the Scriptural marks listed above.”
    That’s LCMS.
    Jesus Christ on a surfboard . . .

  6. I recall an instance where a man put ministering to sinners over religious orthodoxy, flaunting it in front of the religious establishment. Apparently it ended up with the guy being nailed to a crucifix

  7. Maybe this demonstrates how real of a businessman Graves is. He thought he could win the race because the competitor had a bad reputation in the market. Once the competitor was gone he was going after the same market and with the new competitor (whoever the Republican was going to be) was in total synch in the market and going to be loved by the market.

    That plus all of sudden his free funding (I’m the candidate running against Michelle Bachmann) dried up you have to have money to run unless you want to waste your own money.

    Walter Hanson
    Minneapolis, MN

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