Our Banana Republic

The state legislature wrapped up on Sunday. Behind their moral leaders – an accused felon and a not-very-closeted authoritarian – they enacted one of the more shameful spectacles anyone has ever seen in the Minnesota state legislature:

The process – and all inconvenient parliamentary procedure – was ignored, as the DFL jammed down a 2,800 page omnibus bill that the DFL had crammed together at the literal last minute, dropping a printed copy on the floor with a half hour remaining (as the online version “unexpectedly” went down).

Representative Engen put it well:

“We did what we had to do”.

How are people not seeing this is every bit as destructive as “January 6?”

So – they continued squashing freedom and the economy.

But the accomplishments!

In the past two sessions, they squandered $19B in surpluses, jacked up taxes, set up a speech database and gun registration, turned on a firehose of funding for the fraud-prone non-profit/industrial complex, and trashed the rideshare market, among many other sins.

But hey. Junk fees.

What’s next session? Banning “shrinkflation” in potato chips?

4 thoughts on “Our Banana Republic

  1. Ooh, lookie there! An equivalence is drawn between a bunch of yahoos running around the US capitol for a few hours and DemoCommies in the MN Legislature squander[ing] $19B in surpluses, jack[ing] up taxes, set[ting] up a speech database and gun registration, turn[ing] on a firehose of funding for the fraud-prone non-profit/industrial complex, and trash[ing] the rideshare market, among many other sins

    Totally the same.

  2. Of course, we need to pass the bill to find out what’s in it. You’ve got to admit that there’s some pretty prominent precedent for that.

  3. The best part about this debacle, was watching fake woman Leigh Finke running around like a scalded dog trying to get the ERA monstrosity passed. These people suck!

    Then, retired, lefty Red Star jack weed Lori Sturdevant, writes a hilariously false opinion piece, blaming the GOP.

  4. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 05.23.24 : The Other McCain

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