Law School

If there are two bright spots in this current legislative session, it is the emergence of Harry Niska and Walter Hudson, as two of the best state legislators in the United States.

Here, Walter finishes the job Harry started, giving the single best explanation of why the DFL, and the StarTribune, are lying about the removal of language, regarding pedophilia from state statute.

Pass this around, like it’s hot.

28 thoughts on “Law School

  1. “Move along, nothing to see here. This is just another case of crazy MAGA people getting hysterical over a nothing burger.”

    True, true, those crazy MAGA people are always getting upset over nothing burgers..”

    But then, why did the DFL do it?

    Another question, after a mother gives birth but before the fetus draws its first breath, in Minnesota, can a doctor legally smash its skull with a hammer?

    Another, better question, is, in Minnesota, if a doctor refuses to crush a just born fetus’s skull with a hammer at the request of the mother….can the mother sue?

  2. He could have cut that piece down to just the last minute, and saved his breath.

    Your Governor just gave a press conference, celebrating his degenerate ilk having passed a law that not only decriminalizes, but legally protects kidnapping a child, and crossing state borders, for the purpose of surgically mutilating his/her genitals.

    But we’re supposed to believe those same degenerates draw the line at diddling kids? *clown nose honk*

    And lest you Conservative Patriots™️ get chesty, let us not overlook the deafening silence from your GOP leaders in Washington over the fact that the Mann Act is kaput.

    And BTW…how y’all gonna prosecute Somalis that circumcise their daughters? Haha…you won’t.

  3. “First they ignore you. Then they mock you. Then they attack you . Then you win”.
    – Mahatma Gandhi

    Keep going, Emery.

  4. Hey rAT…how many states are part of the United States?

    It’s an open book quiz…like you took at Trump University.

  5. Pedophilia is against the law in Minnesota. We need to ask why the party of Anton Lazzaro—an actual pedophile who had a podcast with the chair of the state GOP and was a donor to many of these GOP legislators—is so desperate to lie about this.

  6. rAT squeaked: “In 1869, the number of SCOTUS judges was increased from 7 to 9 to reflect the increased number of Federal District courts, which also went from 7 to 9. Today, we have 13 district courts.”

    There are 94 US District courts, nitwit. Where did you get your BA in American an History, rAT? Same place you got your PhD in Chemistry, your MD, JD and MBA??

    You put the blathering into idiot, rAT. So regale us with the fruits of your extensive education:

    How many states are part of the United States, rAT?
    2+2= ___ <– fill in the blank, rAT.
    Who is buried in Grant's tomb, rAT?
    How much dirt is there in a hole that measures two feet by three feet by four feet, rAT?

  7. Pedophilia is against the law in Minnesota.


    Having sexual relations with children is illegal.

    Given the change in the wording of the law, we are one court case away from a “don’t ask, don’t tell, don’t diddle kids” policy in MN.

    We need to ask why the party of Anton Lazzarobla bla bla.

    Only if you’re an idiot who’s pimping for a party that just legalized the orientation of pedophiliia.

    Our “pedo” is in prison. Yours are lining up to go to court for test cases.

  8. ^^ There are statutes that make that conduct expressly illegal. Some people just need to find something useful to do with their time instead of making up fantasies of outrage.

  9. There are statutes that make boinking kids illegal.


    The change in law will, with the aid of a court case where a judge applies the (new) lettef of the law, make it illegal to discriminate against someone who identifies as a pedophile.

    This will be a matter of case law, since the statute regarding discrimination against orientations just got changed.

    You’d know that if you watched the video.

    Some people just need to find something useful to do

    And yet you remain here.

    Hey – when was it no longer OK for your mom to abort you?

  10. He could have cut that piece down to just the last minute, and saved his breath.

    I have tremendous respect for Walter Hudson, but I agree. The people who need to understand what’s happening aren’t going to sit through an 11-minute explainer. We live in a Short Attention Span Theater world and that’s not changing.

  11. rAT Esq squeaked: “There are statutes that make that conduct expressly illegal.”

    What statutes, rAT? Squeak up. Pull down the relevant volume of case law from your bookcase, in your Oak paneled study and cite it chapter and verse.

    While you’re at it, find the statute that makes possession of Marijuana illegal.

    Then, dig through your notebooks from Trump University, and answer the questions, rAT

    How many states are part of the United States, rAT?
    2+2= ___ <– fill in the blank, rAT.
    Who is buried in Grant's tomb, rAT?
    How much dirt is there in a hole that measures two feet by three feet by four feet, rAT?

  12. Show us the words, in legislation established or proposed, that would render pedophilia a protected class.



    I’ll do it one more time:

    This change in the language in state statute – as Walter spells out – opens the door for a court case to determine that, according to the text of the law, Pedophilia is a protected orientation.

    Not sexual relations with children – not as part of this action.

    You understand what “case law” is, right? I hate to assume.

    Presuming you get the distinction between case law and statute, tell us how the premise is wrong. Be specific.

    I can explain it to you, but I can’t understand it for you.

  14. Ok Acronym bingo
    After the court case that throws out any laws that discriminate against pedophiles and pederasts at least one of these acronyms will be mandated in MPR & Strib newsrooms

    MAP = Minor Attracted Person
    CAP = Child Attracted Person
    TAP = Toddler Attracted Person
    KAP = Kid Attracted Person
    BAP = Baby Attracted Person
    JAP = Juvenile Attracted Person

    Come on Emery, you got one of your degrees in Linguistics, help me out here did I miss one?

  15. ⬆️ He’s even worse at trolling than he is at commenting, which is astonishing.

  16. Presuming you get the distinction between case law and statute, tell us how the premise is wrong. Be specific.

    This is child’s play for someone who got a JD from a prestigious law school. But not for someone who graduated from Joe Bob Skilling’s school of Lawyerin’, or didn’t go to law school at all.

    What law school did you graduate from, rAT?

    How many Federal District courts are there, rAT?

  17. ⬆️ wrong again SFB – how do you do it so consistently?

    Is there something in your CV that would explain it? Please Share.

  18. Say, Slapnuts rAT?

    At what age did you start diddling your ER NuRsE daughter?

  19. Pedophilia is a form of mental illness characterized by sexual attraction to children. It is not a crime to have a mental illness.

    The DFL proposed change would open the door to add that specific mental illness to the list of things on which people cannot discriminate. It would become a human rights violation to discriminate against a person on the basis of race, creed, color, dreadlocks or sexual attraction to children.

    Schools could no longer refuse to employ pedophile teachers. It would be a human rights violation.

    Aren’t any of you in The Emery Collective capable of understanding why that is a bad thing?

  20. Now that the DFL has removed the pedophile exception from protected class sexual orientation, will it be legal to “discriminate” against pedophiles by not allowing them to live within a certain distance of schools or parks? Sure, it’s illegal (for now) for them to do anything to the children they will be living near and watching every day. That should provide all the protection parents (aka, bigots and haters) need for their children.

  21. If the DFL had succeeded in adding pedaphiles to the list of protected classes, I wonder if the Catholic Church could finally get some good PR? After all, they were the first to put kiddy diddlers in positions of authority over children. The Boy Scouts should get a shout-out too. Where are the kudos for these organizations bravely staking out enlightened, progressive positions?

  22. They’ll both get the Silver Sodomy medal, Bigman…with a D for debauchery device.

  23. I dunno, Bigman, wouldn’t those groups be competitors to the DemoCommies? As in reducing the number of available Minors to be available?

    On the other hand, both orgs are pretty woke already. Maybe pedophilia is like the Rosetta stone of DemoCommies.

  24. Assad removed his interpreters earpiece during Zelwnsky’s speech to the Arab League.

    Lions don’t listen to rAT’s squeaking.

  25. Emery, the deal is that when one law (say the proposal here) contradicts another law, courts get to decide (!) what the intent of the legislature would be. Given that the judges were by and large appointed by Democratic governors, guess what their conclusion is likely to be?

    Yup, the most recent, Democratic, initiative is going to govern the state. That’s the danger of case law and poorly written bills.

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