4 thoughts on “The True End Stage…

  1. Not a chance, they will just double down. Too much at stake.

    Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson (D) is looking into opening taxpayer-funded, city-owned grocery stores in areas in which businesses have pulled out due to rampant crime.

  2. We are at the end stage, where Dems who said, just a few weeks ago, that federal and state law should be prosecuted “without fear or favor,” are now claiming that the president’s son shouldn’t be prosecuted despite the fact that he clearly violated federal law.
    A true “pass the popcorn” moment.

  3. Illegal immigration is bankrupting blue cities but we should not end illegal immigration simply move them all back to Texas and make them pay for it because they are a red state so they deserve to get punished

  4. A friend points out that when a delusional person is confronted with reality, they have two choices: accept it, or adjust the delusion to incorporate it. The former shatters the delusion, meaning everything they knew until now was a lie. The latter means they were right all along. It’s much easier to go with the latter.

    Open borders was fine when it was destroying Texas but now that it’s destroying New York, the solution is not to end open borders (that would mean we were wrong all along) but to confine illegal aliens to Texas (where they can enjoy the benefits of life in America which they deserve without bothering New Yorkers). Delusion preserved.

    Crime. Poverty. Student loans. Foreign aid. Fortified elections. Capitol protests. The Narrative comes first no matter how delusional, then reality gets fitted into it somehow. Doesn’t matter if the result is as nutty as including epicycles and retrograde motion into circular planetary orbits instead of admitting they’re ovals. What matters is the delusion is preserved.

    When a state gets too bad to live in, Liberals flee to a red state but take their delusions along, blaming the disaster they left on wreckers, saboteurs, Kulaks and Republicans, never on their own delusional policies.

    Only solution is societal collapse, civil war, mass graves, with the survivors being those who rejected delusional thinking for the reality of survival. Sucks. Won’t be the first time in human history.

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