As a native of North Dakota, I’ve always found southern Minnesota winters to be a bit of a letdown (although last week certainly got my attention).
But there are those who find the whole thing rather brisk, and prefer hiking to shoveling snow. And so they retire to other states.
Turns out Arizona is the #1 destination for Minnesota snowbirds.
And the story Martin Moylan of Minnesota Public Radio did about the subject last week was actually really good and informative.
But I wondered about this bit here:
Politically, Arizona has been bright red historically. But it may be turning purple, and, if politics matter, newcomers can find communities that align with their social and other perspectives.
Translated: “Don’t worry, all of you Urban Progressive Privilege entitlees; even here in a whole new place, there nothing that says you need to rattle your echo chamber by learning to treat other peoples’ perspectives as anything other than caricatures”.
Wonder why they felt the need to do that?
Because MPR knows its audience.
It is a disgrace that public money is spent narrow-casting cultural programming to a wealthy demographic.
The migration of liberals to conservative states is affecting the way the state votes, which will affect the electoral college, which selects the President.
The other factor is immigration from countries that lack a strong tradition of independence but instead favor reliance on government. This gives us a map where the southern border is as Liberal blue as the coasts and big cities.
Sooo, a guy might retire to the Cities from ND. For the better weather?
And while no one is paying attention MN is turning red, but 2018 was a disaster for the RPM, they need to clean house and get new leadership, but 2020 depending on who the Dems nominate it should flip to Trump while WI will probably go back to being blue so its basically an electoral wash. I dont see Trump winning in Wisconsin again in 2020.