All The News That’s Fit To Manufacture

CNN knows the story they want to be told

A survivor of the Florida high school massacre said in an interview that CNN rejected his proposal to discuss armed guards in schools and instead handed him a “scripted” question to ask during Wednesday night’s town hall on gun rights.

Colton Haab, 17, a junior at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and an ROTC member, reportedly used Kevlar vests to shield students during the massacre. He said he decided not to attend the town hall after CNN presented him with the prepared question.

a) There’s some hope for the younger generation.

b) I’ll call CNN “journalism” when CNN calls me “Admiral”.

3 thoughts on “All The News That’s Fit To Manufacture

  1. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 02.22.18 : The Other McCain

  2. If it was on paper, he should have kept it. CNN denies it, so it’s he said/she said at this point.

  3. I watched the CNN “town hall.”
    It was disgraceful. CNN should not be considered a news outlet. It is a manufacturer of hate and devisiveness. When people want to be on the same side (preventing gun violence), CNN divides them.

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