National Holiday-Fodder

Elvis Presley was born 81 years ago today.

And while normally I’d write something…

…to talk about why it mattered to me (because that’s who the blog is about, after all)…

…I figure I’ll just throw some vids out there – including a fairly cool fifties-era live vid from the decks of the USS Hancock, which I’d never seen…

…and let Sheila O’Malley – a certifiable Elvis fanatic – do the writing – including this piece here, on what may be one of his best performances, “If I Can Dream”, the finale from his legendary 1968 “comeback” special:

Happy 81st, Elvis!

3 thoughts on “National Holiday-Fodder

  1. Elvis was just 33 years old when he made his ‘comeback.’
    The world really was younger then.

  2. Two things about Elvis and his rocker buddies from the south in the mid-late 1950s.
    They were very polite… least in public. (“Yes Sir”)
    They knew religious/Christian songs. A third of the songs from the “million dollar quartet” jam session were religious hymns.

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