
Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

Liberals exclaim that Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s lack of a college degree proves he lacks knowledge.

I knew a guy who was frighteningly well educated. He could tell you why it rained, when it was going to rain, what made it rain . . . he just didn’t have enough sense to come in Out of the rain.

Knowledge is not wisdom.

Knowledge is learned in college; wisdom is won in the world.

I wish our current President had more worldly wisdom and not so much college knowledge.

I sincerely hope our next President does.

Joe Doakes

Anyone still talking about where they went to college more than five years after they graduated, unless there in an academic field, probably has nothing to be proud of in their post-college life.

Anyone who barbers about where someone went to college, unless that person is operating on the child or building their bridge, is probably an idiot.

4 thoughts on “Paper

  1. Last week, there was an article out about a left wing group in Madison called OnWisconsin or some other idiotic thing like that which was created just to monitor everything that Scott Walker does. They have a staff of six. They claim to have a “server full” of speeches, documents, etc. to use against him if he runs for POTUS. The leader of this band of miscreants was quoted, “We just want the American people to know what kind of a person that he is”.

  2. I wish our current President had more worldly wisdom and not so much college knowledge.


    I wish our current President had more worldly wisdom because he has not so much college knowledge.

    There, fixed it for you!

  3. If the democrats want to be the party that believes anyone without a degree is a dumb ass then good lick to them getting the votes of the 70% of voters without degrees.

  4. As I heard- If only Abraham Lincoln had gone to college, just think what a great president he could have been.

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