45 thoughts on “Just Remember…

  1. Careful who you are calling racist bastards.
    An insignificant amount of voter fraud exists; typically less than you can count on your fingers in any given 4 year presidential and mid-term election cycle.
    But in addition to Ginsburg’s criticism of voter suppression aka voter ID being genuinely racist, there is this from the U of Delaware back in 2012.
    A new National Agenda Opinion Poll by the University of Delaware’s Center for Political Communication reveals support for voter identification laws is strongest among Americans who harbor negative sentiments toward African Americans.
    …To assess attitudes toward African Americans, all non-African Americans respondents in the poll were asked a series of questions (see Appendix). Responses to these questions were combined to form a measure of “racial resentment.” Researchers found that support for voter ID laws is highest among those with the highest levels of “racial resentment” (see Figure 1).

    Brewer, the center’s associate director for research, said, “These findings suggest that Americans’ attitudes about race play an important role in driving their views on voter ID laws.”

    …The survey reveals strong partisan and ideological divisions on racial resentment (see Figure 2). Republicans and conservatives have the highest “racial resentment” scores, and Democrats and liberals have the lowest; Independents and moderates are in the middle. In addition, Democrats and liberals are least supportive of voter ID laws, whereas Republicans and conservatives are most supportive. The link between “racial resentment” and support for such laws persists even after controlling for the effects of partisanship, ideology, and a range of demographic variables.

    and this from the U of WI, Madison:
    A research report by the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Employment and Training Institute on The Driver License Status of the Voting Age Population in Wisconsin has received renewed attention as public officials and the courts assess disparate impacts of state and local laws requiring photo IDs as a condition for voting and the Supreme Court examines challenges to the photo ID voter law.

    In May 2014 federal Judge Lynn Adelman found Wisconsin’s state photo ID law unconstitutional given its adverse impact on many Wisconsin citizens. The 90-page decision is posted online. In it, in note 32 Adelman cites the ETI research that only 47% of black adults and 43% of Hispanic adults compared to 73% of white adults in Milwaukee County hold valid driver’s licenses as do 85% of white adults in the rest of Wisconsin compared to 53% of black adults and 52% of Hispanic adults. In October 2014 a three-judge federal appeals court panel found the law constitutional based on the Supreme Court Indiana decision. Here, in the court’s decision Judge Frank Easterbrook referenced the 2005 ETI data but suggested that it was evidence that fewer nonwhites without licenses have registered to vote (putting aside the “felon-disenfranchisement” issue). Subsequently, the full 10-member panel deadlocked 5-5 on rehearing the case. On October 9, 2014, the U.S. Supreme Court voted 6-3 to block the law’s implementation for the immediate Wisconsin elections scheduled in November.

    The Employment and Training Institute study was the first research available that measured driver’s license disparities by race and age. The ETI was able to measure possession of driver’s licenses for subpopulations in Wisconsin, having reviewed the state license files for employment-related research, and particularly for lack of licenses among working age African Americans and Latinos in Milwaukee County.

    So, it doesn’t look like it’s the liberals or centrists who are the racist bastards, however much you want to spin it that way.

  2. DG,

    Hey, welcome back!

    That’s what’d called a “deflection”, DG – trying to pivot to a different topic. Usually because you’ve got no answer to the topic at hand.

    Now, DG, whenever you post one of these junk “social science” studies, it inevitably ends up that the “study” is a) generally a “metastudy”, b) is set up with a conclusion in mind and, mirabile dictu, finds it!, and c) is laughable.

    I’m at work, and likely won’t be able to get to the drudgery of debunking your “study” for a bit. Just thought I’d throw my prediction out there.

    Because it’s never, ever wrong.

    Care to address the actual point, by the way? Voting machines busted in the act? Poll workers breaking the law?


  3. DogGone, let’s try answering the question. When a quick look at early voting in the Chicago/Capone area reveals two blatant examples of vote fraud and violation of campaign rules, tell me exactly why we shouldn’t be more vigilant about protecting the ballot box?

    Really, if we must look at your study, and I did, it strikes me that sensible people who resent being passed over in favor of less qualified candidates for a school or job will also resent it when their votes in effect do not count because of the games played with the ballot box.

    Nice try to make it an issue of race, but let’s face facts; placing unqualified people in colleges and jobs (say like the President) hurts us all. When it’s students, those placed in colleges by affirmative action, and whose SAT scores are a lot lower than average, are going to graduate at a far lower rate.


    Let’s ask a question, DG; are the CU-Boulders of the world doing blacks any favors by accepting them when they know they aren’t likely to succeed? With friends like that, who needs enemies?

  4. Here’s the thing; this isn’t voter fraud. I know you’d like to spin it that way. But it’s not. First of all, this kind of machine always shows the voter what their vote is; if it was genuinely voter fraud, the voter wouldn’t see the mistake.

    Now after looking to multi-source this story, (translation, cut the right wing propaganda crap and see what REALLY happened) I found this version which lacks the propaganda element.

    “Problems were reported in the Northwest suburbs of Cook County on the first day of early voting Monday — including one case of a Republican candidate being unable to vote for himself or other members of his party on a touch screen.

    The other issue, which occurred at Arlington Heights village hall and a few other locations, involved the wrong signatures popping up for voters who came in to cast ballots.

    Both issues were addressed as soon as election judges were made aware of them, and they did not interfere with voters being able to cast ballots in the way they chose Monday, said Jim Scalzitti, deputy communications director for the Cook County clerk’s office.

    Representatives of the Cook County state’s attorney’s office said they received no reports or requests to look into polling place irregularities.”

    So it looks like ol Jim Moynihan didn’t really see this as an instance of voter fraud, because he did not report it.

    Out of the many thousands of voting machines, it looks like a few either were not calibrated properly to begin with, or possibly had some damage occur during transport. It is pretty routine for anyone who serves as a head judge to get additional training in trouble shooting the equipment, and to have a few extra machines on hand in case of a problem. I’ve taken that training in MN. This polling place SHOULD have checked every machine before use, but given this is the first day of early polling, it is understandable that a handful of machines out of thousands might present a problem — a MINOR problem.

    Note the paragraph in the legitimate news story contrasting with the right wing propaganda rubbish:
    “Both issues were addressed as soon as election judges were made aware of them, and they did not interfere with voters being able to cast ballots in the way they chose Monday, said Jim Scalzitti, deputy communications director for the Cook County clerk’s office.”

    Apparently ol’ Jim the Republican does not dispute that version of events — that there was no voter fraud and that he cast his ballot as he wanted, and so apparently did everyone else.

    To elaborate:
    “When he pointed it out to a judge, it was determined that the machine hadn’t been calibrated correctly, he said. He ultimately was able to vote for the candidates he chose by pressing the very bottom right hand corner of the screen. Pressing the center of each button resulted in the opposite candidate’s name registering.

    Scalzitti said the machine in question was removed from service to be recalibrated immediately and that there were no other reports of voters having similar problems.”

    There was a different problem relating briefly to a file loading properly in another part of Cook County that was quickly resolved, like this one, btw — just to be thorough.

    “Scalzitti said there apparently were misnamed signature files that would cause the wrong signature to come up for a voter at several Northwest suburban polling places.

    The problem was addressed by replacing the misnamed signature files with the correct files, Scalzitti said. There did not appear to be a problem with either the voting hardware or the software, just the naming of the files themselves, he said.

    Affected voters had to sign an extra ballot label to be able to cast their votes, Scalzitti said. The problem was believed to be taken care of in a way that would prevent voters on Tuesday from being affected, he said.

    Novak agreed that the discrepancy was fixed immediately and it did not compromise his ability to vote.”

    DID NOT COMPROMISE HIS ABILITY TO VOTE (for the candidate of his choice).

    If you think YOU can promise that if you were Sec State, not one single voting machine statewides out of tens of thousands would have even a minor glitch, you’re dreaming. What matters is it was clear to the voter when it happened, and it was promptly fixed.

    THAT is not voter fraud. You guys are really reaching, and pushing right wing propaganda lies in the process.

    I trust that stayed on topic and did not deflect anything, to your satisfaction.

    Sheesh, conservatives don’t fact check, and apparently can’t. That leads to conservatives believing factually false things — things you could easily check for yourselves, but prefer wilful ignorance.

    So glad I stopped by to get you all factually sorted out.

  5. bikebubba, I’m not aware of any black people failing in college or on the job. I think the President is doing a pretty good job, given what he has to work with btw.

    The only example of what you describe I can think of is that utter conservative failure, Clarence Thomas, the silent bump on the bench of the SCOTUS.

    And too bad, so sad, but there are quite a lot of studies that demonstrate racial animus by conservatives that hold up well as solid science. I don’t take that to mean all conservatives are racists, or equally racist for that matter, but it does put the onus of racism pretty squarely on conservatives, no matter how you try to twist it.

    I thought that was on topic, given Mitch’s choice of the word racist.

  6. Doggone, the fact is that the law requires voting machines to be calibrated to work correctly, and that politicking is banned in voting areas. Hence this qualifies as vote fraud. Period.

    Now if you want to argue that it is not significant that at least one machine–or machines–was not programmed correctly, depriving hundreds or thousands of the lawful effect of their vote–well, go ahead, but don’t complain to me when the world rightly sees you as insanely stupid. These laws exist for a reason.

  7. DG, if you read the column I linked, you will find that when Sowell wrote it, blacks had a 39% graduation rate at the University of Colorado at Boulder, while others had a 72% graduation rate. So yes, a LOT of blacks were and are suffering because of affirmative action. Plus, it’s not exactly helpful for others who do not get to go to top tier schools for which they are qualified.

    Now you can claim that studies like the one you cited “prove” ongoing racism all you want, but can you really fault a kid for resenting it when he is rejected from a school or job in favor of someone far less qualified all…because of what someone else’s grandparents did?

  8. So DG, if not voter fraud, would you acknowledge election fraud? If you cast your vote one way but the machine registers it another way is that a problem? Or only if it changes it from a D to an R?

  9. I just love how, after 433 words practically no one is going to bother to read, DG then writes:


    It’s like getting kicked in the face by a textbook of nonsense, only to be kicked in the face again by a textbook of nonsense attempting to explain the previous textbook of nonsense.

  10. Embarrassing – can’t take my eyes off DG’s commenting – exactly like a train wreck. She pivots nearly as well as the White House …. “how bout that economy??”

  11. I’ll take a little liberty with an old Justice Potter Stewart quote. I can’t define voter fraud, but I know it when I see it. Conservatives really need to take responsibility for their loses. The usual scapegoats are the MSM, voter fraud and wealthy liberal donors. I can’t wait to see how they spin Jeff Johnson’s loss to Dayton.

  12. wealthy liberal donors

    *cough* KOCH BROTHERS! *cough

    I can’t wait to see how they spin Jeff Johnson’s loss to Dayton.

    Uhhh, the fact Minnesota is bluer than the deep blue sea, such that the majority population of this state would willingly re-elect Mumbles McMarblesMouth AND Al “Perry Coma” Franken?


  13. That would be three convenient villains. The Kochs are so evil, according to Democrats, two brothers were necessary to contain all the evil.

  14. DG- Always interested to hear how Voter ID laws could be racist if they apply to everybody equally. And please don’t come back with “it’s harder for minorities”. Aren’t they equal to whites in the ability to obtain the required documentation? Also, please explain why liberals think it should be a requirement to have at least a background check- which would of course require some sort of identification- to obtain the constitutionally guaranteed right of a fire arm, but wet their beds at the thought of an ID to vote. Good luck.

  15. In DG’s jack booted, goose stepping Nazi world, voter fraud doesn’t exist when Demonrat DA’s don’t prosecute the ones that they do find. There were five felons that admitted to voting during the 2008 election cycle, yet the Demonrat DA let them off the hook by accepting their pleas of ignorance of the law. I wonder how many people that he let off the hook that used that excuse for traffic violations? Pathetic!

  16. And too bad, so sad, but there are quite a lot of studies that demonstrate racial animus by conservatives that hold up well as solid science.
    This is a lie.
    Dog Gone has a problem discriminating between “this is my opinion’ and ‘this is a scientific fact’.
    Last week on NPR I heard a report about a couple of sociologists from some Cali university who “proved” that voter ID laws were racist by emailing identical emails to a selection of congressmen, some from a fake constituent with an anglo sounding name and some from a fake constituent with a hispanic sounding name. The emails asked what ID was needed to vote.
    Based on the fact that the email sent by a fake hispanic constituent was responded to less frequently — not incorrectly, but less frequently — by congressmen who had voted for or sponsored voter ID laws, the sociologists determined that racial animus was behind voter ID laws.
    Yes, really.
    Rather than explain what is and what is not science, I will let Richard Feynman speak for me:

  17. “Soros and the Koch brothers, two convenient villains.”
    There is no comparison, Emery. What they do may be the same, their impact on politics may even be the same (I have no idea), but the Left is obsessed with demonizing the Koch bros.
    Conservative pundits and opinion makers rarely mention Soros. On the other hand, Liberal pundits and opinion makers can’t seem to open their yaps without going on a n Orwellian “Two minutes of hate”-fest about the Koch Bros. Harry reid, one of the most powerful men in the US, denounced them, by name, from the Senate floor.
    Behold!: Krugman’s latest column, wherein he implies that the Koch Bros. are responsible for the Amazaon-Hachette feud:

    It is so bizzarely paranoid I will quote Herr Doktor-Professor’s words verbatim:

    Last month the Times’s Bits blog documented the case of two Hachette books receiving very different treatment. One is Daniel Schulman’s “Sons of Wichita,” a profile of the Koch brothers; the other is “The Way Forward,” by Paul Ryan, who was Mitt Romney’s running mate and is chairman of the House Budget Committee. Both are listed as eligible for Amazon Prime, and for Mr. Ryan’s book Amazon offers the usual free two-day delivery. What about “Sons of Wichita”? As of Sunday, it “usually ships in 2 to 3 weeks.” Uh-huh.

  18. I particularly enjoy the derangement–like behavior on this site about Dayton’s wealthy ex-wife. The GOP would be better served if they brought their four or five major fund raising organizations (The Chamber, Hubbard, Cummins, etc ) together and operated in a unified manner.

  19. here’s what Eric Holder’s DOJ says about voter ID laws and their racist attributes:
    Stewart: People who have lower education and who have less – that pay less attention to public affairs will have greater problems figuring out how to vote, yes.
    Q. Okay. So your testimony is that African Americans are less sophisticated than white voters; is that right?
    Stewart: My understanding is that African Americans have lower levels of education in North Carolina, and I know from the public opinion work that African Americans report that they paid less attention to public affairs on average than white voters do probably because of the differences the education.
    Q. Do you think they are less able to figure out what the rules are for when you have to register to vote and when you have to go vote?
    Stewart: The ability to figure these things out is related to one’s education. As I said, that ability — those average abilities are due to differences in things like education.
    Q. Okay. So then you are saying that African American voters have less ability to figure out what the rules are for voting?
    Stewart: I said African Americans have less education, which leads to an ability to navigate the rules of the game.

  20. Dog Gone lives? Wonderful. Welcome back, DG. Emery has been trying but it’s hard to fill clown shoes as big as yours.

    Speaking of clowns, where’s he been lately? Are there no computer privileges in rehab?

  21. Once you say that blacks are unable to decide whether or not they should vote, the next step is to decide that they don’t always vote in way that blacks should vote, and that should be fixed, too, and eventually you have a system like Cuba. In Cuba the government says that they don’t need elections because the interests of the state and the people are one and the same. In other words, if the people of Cuba voted and affirmed the current system it would be a waste of time and resources, while if the people voted and rejected the current system, the people would be incorrect.

  22. Emery said:

    “I particularly enjoy the derangement-like behavior on this site about Dayton’s wealthy ex-wife.”

    You “enjoy” that, but you aren’t a lefty, no. Any examples of “derangement-like” behavior? Or is pointing out that she puts a lot of money into a local lefty propaganda machine good enough for you?

  23. It is not deranged to point out that the DFL finds that the people who best represent the political aspirations of the poor are a Dayton and a Rockefeller.

  24. No, a machine that malfunctions is not voter fraud. You can tell because the problem was solved, the vote cast was the vote intended, and there was no report or claim of any kind of voting irregularities.

    Every election, every state, has an occasional problem with machines. It is not unique to either party or location. Rather it has to do with the machines being transported, and often it has to do with the age of the machines (we have a number that are getting old in MN for example).

    That is NOT voter fraud. There is no attempt to deceive anyone, and it does not favor one party over another.

    As to Dayton losing, or Franken — I’m sure that Mitch will have yet another elaborate and totally worthless spin on the polls, but it looks like both are double digits ahead of their right wing challengers.

    How’s the ditzy candidate for state supreme court doing for ya? Has she had her court ordered psych exam completed yet?

    I’m guessing that will be another loss.

    No one is going to take you lot seriously over voter fraud when you try to call something like this voter fraud, recounted in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
    Shorewood man charged with 13 counts of voter fraud

    That was a Republican, a Walker supporter. I’d be happy to list other Republican voter fraud convictions. Indiana Secretary of State White, the Republican candidate with 4 felonies for voter fraud WITH VOTER ID was one of my favorites.

    Voter fraud has to stand up to investigation and scrutiny. It is not the same as a minor machine malfunction, although heaven knows, some of you conservatives live in a total fantasy land.

  25. So we need voter ID to protect against GOP voter fraud. I’m fine with that ya fetid gash.

    Now go back and sit by your dish until I need a footstool.

  26. Doggone, a machine that malfunctions in a way that benefits the Cook County political machine ought to be investigated as likely vote fraud until proven otherwise, to be blunt about the matter. You do not “calibrate” these machines to do things, you “program” them, and the result is pretty darned predictable if you do it right.

    And if you don’t, and if it benefits the ruling party, you investigate it until you figure out why it’s working out that way.

  27. Because Dog Gone is in favor of voter fraud that benefits her party of choice, she assumes that conservatives must also be in favor of voter fraud that favors their party of choice.
    This is not true. There is a good-guy side to this contest, and a bad-guy side to this contest. Dog gone, you are on the bad-guy side.

  28. DG in the interest of transparency will you release the results of the state inspection of your puppy mill?

  29. One more:

    Extensive voter fraud has persisted to this day. Former Justice Department official Hans von Spakovsky discusses in a recent Heritage Foundatioin report a shocking 1982 election for Governor in Illinois in which 10% of the votes cast in Chicago, 100,000 overall, were found to be fraudulent by a federal grand jury investigation that produced 63 criminal convictions for vote fraud. Spakovsky writes:

    What particularly struck FBI agent Ernest Locker was how routine vote fraud was for the precinct captains, election judges, poll watchers, and political party workers he interviewed. They had been taught how to steal votes (and elections) by their predecessors, who had in turn been taught by their predecessors.
    One primary method of perpetuating such fraud was for impersonators to vote in the name of dead people, people who had moved away, and fraudulently registered names. Impersonators were sometimes paid in cigarettes, liquor, or cash, known in the trade as “walking around money.” Votes for a straight Democrat ticket, regardless of the actual voter’s preferences, were also cast for the elderly, the disabled, and the sick who were unaware of what was going on. Then Chicago U.S. Attorney Dan Webb estimated that 80,000 illegal aliens were registered to vote in the city at the time, and that was 25 years ago.

    Precinct captains filled out absentee ballots obtained by others, and absentee ballots with Republican votes were trashed. Another method was to alter the vote count by repeatedly running straight party line ballots through the counting machine, or altering the counting machine vote totals.

    Unfortunately, as Spakovsky notes, the Justice Department has never again engaged in such a thorough investigation of vote fraud. Most likely, the practice continues in Chicago today. Moreover, similar practices have recently been exposed in Philadelphia, where sometimes more votes are cast than the number of residents, and in Wisconsin and Tennessee.


  30. Hey DG fuck you here’s something that happened to me earlier today. Apparently this guy I tried to call had been dead since 2003 according to his widow. Not a big deal except apparently he is on the voter rolls and according to the state of Minnesota he has gotten up from the cemetery and miraculous voted in 2008 AND 2012. Apparently Obama is God and can raise people from the dead. Either that or you know voter fraud.

  31. PoD, Once McFadden’s practice run at Franken’s senate seat is over. Do believe McFadden’s real goal is the next governors race?

  32. In the 70s — the early 70s, at least — the “new Left” didn’t treat election fraud as a joke. They hated Daley because he had cracked heads at the ’68 convention. He was representative of the old Democrat party that they wanted to consume. In 1972 Leftists openly accused the Daley machine and other big-city mayors of the worst sort of voter fraud. In fact they were accused of doing what the Left now says could not possibly be a problem in the cities that they control.
    What has happened in the last forty years is that the young Democrat left of the 70s now controls the apparatus that steals elections.
    The new Left of the late 60s and early seventies, didn’t consider JFK to be a hero. John Kennedy was a cold warrior who hated communism. Kennedy invaded Cuba. Kennedy cut taxes and embraced capitalism. He didn’t care about the racists in his party who controlled the southern states.
    A New Leftist of the late sixties had no problem accusing Daley of corruption, even of “stealing” the 1960 presidential election for JFK. There were even stories, told by Leftists, that Joe Kennedy had paid Daley to do it. The joke was the elder Kennedy ordered JFK to buy no more votes from Daley than were absolutely necessary to get Illinois electoral votes.
    The leftists who took over the Democratic party in the 1970s rapidly morphed into the worst sort of political machine. Worse than Daley. Daley might get you fired as a contractor or as a government employee. The Left these days will destroy the career of anyone who varies from their agenda by the slightest jot or tittle, and that agenda is more power over the lives or ordinary Americans by the Federal government and its allies.

  33. DG claims to work as an election judge – given her oft demonstrated ability to cherry pick or even eschew empirical evidence, shouldn’t someone be poll watching in her precinct just to be sure that her version of the “truth” is kept in check?

  34. 90,000 people rallied for Mitt Romney at a campaign appearance in Philadelphia before the 2012 election.

    The day after the elections, 50 Philly precincts reported ZERO votes for Romney.

    No voter fraud my ass. That is a statistical impossibility.

  35. Emery, regarding the first claim of 59 precincts with no votes, Snopes records that as true. When I do a p test on this, the upper bound for GOP voters in those precincts is 1e-4, corresponding to about 3 GOP voters in those precincts.

    Yes, urban blacks do tend to vote Democratic, but…..seriously? I am skeptical, to put it mildly, especially given the history of urban political machines.

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