Perfectly Clear

Jonathan Turley:  Obama has become the president that a Nixon wanted to be – but never had the raw power to actually pull off:

What’s troubling is that we have a system that has been stable precisely because these are limited and shared powers. This president has indicated that he’s just not willing to comply with some of those aspects. He told Congress he would go it alone and in our system you’re not allowed to go it alone.

Nixon was ruthless at exercising power – but Obama has one thing Nixon could never dream of; a media that has taken it as a mission to serve as his praetorian guard.

16 thoughts on “Perfectly Clear

  1. not to mention the IRS, the SEC, the FBI and the NSA. Of course, another Democrat, JFK, was the first POTUS to employ the IRS as his hit squad and sanctioned the FBI’s monitoring and wire taps of Dr. Martin Luther King. I guess they took their lessons from those episodes.

  2. To tie this into your post the other day about the DFL war on the economy of northern Minnesota….the St Paul PP has an article on their web site about the fed’l gov’t trying to block new mining in that area. It’s refreshing to hear a St Louis county commission refer to mining opponents as “enviromentalist whackos”.

  3. The EPA is not a runaway, rogue operation. I know this because, otherwise, I would have read it in the Strib.

  4. The irony is that Mitch mentions Nixon here and Nixon fucking started the EPA, granted it was kinda needed at the time after Lake Eeire caught on fire but still…

  5. The real villain in this is the news media. Obama doesn’t have the popular support to “go it alone”. It is not as though he was re-elected in a landslide, or has sectacularly large approval ratings. The media has decided he is on their side or they are too intimidated to make a fuss about his slow-motion coup.
    What is happening at the Whitehouse reveals Obama’s basic non-Americanism. He has no respect for things like separation of powers, he thinks the only barrier he faces is impeachment, and that is unlikely to happen. There is no crisis that forces him to do anything with his telephone and pen. We have a legally instituted and functioning congress and judiciary.
    Dark days for Americanism, indeed.

  6. And, like Nixon, Obama’s quest for power starts off with an epic fail. Barry’s first order as Supreme Commander and Punker Of The Congress is to release 5 Taliban commanders, one with direct ties to OSB, for a US soldier…who turns out to be an America hating deserter at best, an America hating enemy collaborator more likely.

    I’m waiting for Jane Fonda to leap to Obama’s defense.

  7. POD, it was actually the Cuyahoga River that caught on fire. Lake Erie was also beyond disgusting, but I don’t believe it ever caught fire.

    Fun tidbit; in the trials that characterized the cleanup of the Cuyahoga, an environmental lawyer was said to have stood up and shouted “We don’t want to the pH of that river to be 6. We want to be ZERO.” (another point for my view that “environmentalist” means “person who cannot do math or science”)

    Fun tidbit #2; in college, I was in a western-themed play and changed a line to “I’m the roughest, toughest cowpoke this side of the flaming Cuyahoga.” Sad to say, nobody got the joke.

    Fun tidbit #3; Lake Erie actually got fairly clean pretty quickly after we stopped loading it down with glippety-glop-glup. That happens with a lake which is basically an extremely wide portion of the Detroit/Niagara River, but not that journalists get that one.

    Seems like the Fourth Estate is not getting the joke, either.

  8. When I wrote the media believes that Obama is on their side, I mean in the culture wars. The DC press is not a particularly bright or inquisitive group of people, but they are well-connected, wealthier and more credentialed than most, and were raised in upper-middle-class households. They do not understand that a culture with which they are comfortable is destructive to the vast majority of Americans who do not share these qualities.

  9. If only Angry Clown was still around. I can only imagine him commenting…
    “Stupid little wing nuts. Of course it’s okay for Obama to do this. He’s a Democrat. Ima Lawyer! Swiftee Sucks!”
    Now we’re saddled with a mentally unstable canine neuterer and a cut & paste faux intellectual.

  10. Bikebuuba thanks for the clarification. I believe I was on a bit of a heroin binge back then

  11. Also nice to know that he wanted the lawyer wanted a lake of acid. I could help him out with that, we have quite a few of them down here. And yes lawyers do spend eternity in it.

  12. Seflores; Herr De Blasio probably rounded up angry clown in the gang sweep yesterday. 🙂

  13. Team Obama has become expert at lying and misusing the language. Obama himself is a lawyer, first and foremost. He said that getting Bergdhal back was a “sacred obligation” (“The United States has always had a pretty sacred rule, and that is: we don’t leave our men or women in uniform behind”).
    You and I might think a “sacred obligation” carries more force than the law. To a lawyer it means the opposite. There is no force that can make a politician perform a “sacred obligation”. Legal obligations require action, or the obligated has to answer for not taking action. “Sacred obligations” require nothing from anyone, especially not the president of the United States.

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