13 thoughts on “Things Are Buzzing

  1. I am in the exact opposite condition (at least at work). For the first time in I don’t know how many months, my blog reading is all caught up. My work queue is all empty and I have been reduced to reading departmental policy and procedure docs to fill out my time card as “training” time.

  2. *Deep Breath*

    *Channeling Peevish*

    *Channel Attained*

    *Deep Breath*


    You are obviously not extremely busy today, since you took the time to post this instead of actually doing the busy work you so insist is pressing upon you on all sides. You titled this post “Things Are Buzzing,” but if you’ll take even a minor moment out of your self-contained existence as a right-wing shill, you’d realize, in fact, things are humming. I know the distinction is a subtle one, maybe even nonsensical, hell, maybe even pointless, and certainly off topic, but it’s good for you and your cadre of sycophantic lilliputians to hear. You say posting will be exceedingly light, but by your very post, no matter how cryptic and short it may be, you’re deluding yourself, because exceedingly light would really be not posting at all. Not that I’d expect you to understand such a nuance, since nuances are generally lost on you and your ilk. “Possibly nonexistant” you write, when by your very post you refute that statement. Of course, I don’t expect anything less from your blog, which is awash with such self-contradictory literary malfeasance, and some other pretentious words that I like to use to sound more intelligent than I actually am. Here are some more: bombastic, discombobulated, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (it’s in Wikipedia, look it up). I know you’ll probably just dissect my comment and throw it back at me, word for word, destroying my position and basically making me look more ridiculous and illogical than even my initial comment would indicate, but I feel compelled to write this insanely long missive regardless. Oh, and Yoss? Although I never read your comments, because if there were a hill of beans, you wouldn’t amount to it, but I did manage, earlier this week, to capture a fart and ingest it via a most unpleasant process that involved a funnel and a condom, so you can stop instructing me, in your most uncouth way, to “eat a fart.” I did it. It’s done. I’m better than you, and everyone else, for that matter.

  3. Just channelling, thankfully, although I did suffer a bout of vertigo, followed by vomiting, after I came back to myself. But, when you choose to channel something as obsessive and noxious as Peev, you go in expecting a certain level of unpleasantness.

  4. I don’t doubt you had vertigo, Yoss. Trying to master the picayune distinctions that Peev specializes in would be like drinking a quart of vodka and then riding the Tilt-A-Whirl.

  5. D- I leave picayune (good word btw) distinctions to you righties, it’s what you live for.

    Mitch – did you pull down my comment saying this isn’t work, but have a nice weekend?

    Getting thin skinned are we? I mean, as your Lilliput dolts often say – ligthen up Francis.

  6. ack.. wrong “I won’t be posting” thread..no, my comment is still there on the other thread..

    Sorry Mitch (though you STILL need to lighten up :)).

  7. ah well peeve. Always assume the worst. It’s worked for you so far, stay with it.

  8. buzz, there’s no need to assume anything. Mitch yanked down both my and AC’s posts because they embarassed him and exposed his lack of research – i.e. that whch he so often accuses many people of.. so frankly, it’s his pattern, why assume anythng other than he was following true to form?

    He, btw, claimed he ‘didn’t have to take any of my crap’ in the same breath he told me to ‘lighten up.’ The neo-kooks are wound so tight they could carry voltage if you spun a magnet near ’em, but he tells me to lighten up.. yeah..

    So, Buzz, unlike ole’ Mitch, I apologize if I screw up, I don’t cover it with veiled ‘corrections’ that actually aren’t corrections, but claims the person/entity I demeaned actually ‘fixed’ what they had messed up, so it wasn’t REALLY my fault, when in fact, they hadn’t messed a thing up, I’d just not done my homework. No, apologies amongst they not so insecure they can’t admit mistakes crowd – of which I’m a member – come easily..and are specific, and unqualified. I take personal responsbility – don’t blame anyone else – I looked at the wrong post (he did have 2 in 2 days about not posting) and say ‘woops’, among the ‘lighten up’ crowd, that’s all it should take..but as you’ve so ably proven.. apparently not.. apparently you righties indeed are wound too tight, and you can’t let well enough alone.

  9. Also Buzz, as this President has proven time and again.. and has Mitch has proven he’s either stupid, or wilfully blind to…. the President really IS out there abusing power. Oh, I don’t think he conspired to bring down the WTC- that’s kookey enough to be a rightwing conspiracy ala Vince Foster,

    No, rather on FISA, on Gitmo, on the FAA, on DOJ, on attorney firings, on one topic after another, they were doing EXACTLY what they claimed they weren’t. Let’s see if I can remember the words.. oh yes, “Anyone in my administration who was involved in that cover-up (Valerie Wilson) will no longer work in this Administration.” He said that weeks after being told that Cheney and Rove (and Libby) were involved…

    So Buzz, when the actors repeatedly prove they are bad, it’s no longer an assumption, it’s called deductive reasoning – you might want to explore using it on the lie after lie this administration – and Berg as their water boy – seek to foist off on us.

    Here’s one more – “We know where they are.. (said with a snide ‘I told you so” tone), we know right where they are, they’re north, and south, and east and west of Baghdad” – Donald Rumsfeld about WMD in Iraq just prior to our invasion – after being told in the now declassified portions of the NIE that there was little evidence Hussien was manufacturing WMD, and most likely had desisted in 1998 or prior – with ANY program whatsoever.

    So Buzz, when you see THAT many lies, no assumptions are needed, and it works for me because.. you guys are so often wrong, and instead are just blind little followers of a corrupt administration… get it?

  10. Hey Buzz, I just thought of another ‘mistake’, I wonder if any of you righties are willing to ‘fess up’ – I mean, this is a light-hearted discussion and all…

    A long while back ole Mitch tried to convince me (and others) that basically an approval rating of 40 % approve and 55% dissaprove was “near 50%” and really, any dip below it was temporary..

    Here’s some poll figures for you — the final figure is the disparity between approve and disapprove.. e.g. USA Today – 28 Approve, 69 disapprove – minus 41 disparity. Even Faux News (aka GOP propoganda) has a -30 disparity (and that boys and girls is the closest of all of em'(as I recall) – go figure).

    But then again, I guess I’m just assuming that the rest of the population that isn’t the 28% dedicated wingnuts out there – think you guys are insane/deluded/or just outright wilfully blind, and I guess I’m just assuming that the chicks have come home to roost.. but hey, that’s just the kind of always wrong, never right, kinda guy I am Buz…

    USA Today/Gallup 4/18-20/08 28 69 4 -41
    Newsweek 4/16-17/08 28 65 7 -37
    ABC/Washington Post 4/10-13/08 33 64 2 -31
    AP-Ipsos 4/7-9/08 28 68 * -40
    Gallup 4/6-9/08 28 67 5 -39

    Man, that’s gotta smart.

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