Short Drive From A Long Pier

Holy crap.

US aid being supplied to Gaza via the potato’s “pier from nowhere…”

…is being looted.


6 thoughts on “Short Drive From A Long Pier

  1. Effortless prediction: the U.S. exit from Gaza will follow the same script as the exit from Afghanistan.

  2. Just the most recent incident in the long list documenting why no one who knows anything about Palestinians wants them living among or even near them.

  3. Greg, just waiting for the first Americans to be taken hostage or killed. That should get things rolling towards your predicted ending.

  4. jdm, I recall reading a report that Hamas had mortared the pier while it was under construction.

    Why would they do that?

    Probably for the same reason they don’t allow women and children to take shelter in their tunnels.

  5. Alternative scenario: the US built the pier so humanitarian aid could reach the suffering people of Gaza. Some bad elements hijacked the delivery. Plainly, then, we must do more to ensure the delivery reaches the people. We must guard it and distribute it which will require boots on the ground.

    But having US boot on the ground engaged in a humanitarian mission puts them at risk of injury or death caused by (or at least blamed on) Israeli forces. Plainly, then, we must take steps to protect our troops by reducing Israel’s ability to wage war.

    The fact we’re punishing the victims of aggression while taking the side of terrorists is entirely coincidental and almost certainly Trump’s fault.

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