I’m Not Sure…

…what surprised me more – that a Catholic church in Manhattan has bouncers…

…or that they did this with some Palestine/Climate/[fill in the cause] protesters on Easter:

My only regret? No clubs were used.

13 thoughts on “I’m Not Sure…

  1. Disrupting a lawful assembly used to be “disorderly conduct” and was punishable as a crime. Now, it’s “speaking truth to power” and signals your virtue. Soon, it will be mandatory for class participation credit in Social Studies and a graduation requirement.

    It would be fun to see a group of Knights of Columbus force their way into the protester’s houses to demand a “conversation” during dinner. Surely nobody could object to that.

  2. I’m not sure how I feel about it (good, bad, indifferent), but that congregation seemed really passive, almost apathetic.

  3. My regret is that they may not have said “you are not welcome to worship Moloch in this house of God. When you take the side of people who have brutally murdered and gang raped young women and children, you are worshipping Moloch.”

    If memory serves, St. Patrick’s has served as an unwilling host to a number of abominable political statements. For that matter, my church has not, and we have an active security staff that would have done exactly the same thing–and if things started to get out of hand, many of them are armed, too.

  4. Jdm, Is there any gathering which is not appropriate to interrupt with a protest? Or is every social activity an open invitation to disrupt it?

  5. Depends and depends, big guy.

    Remember that during the first couple months of the Kung-flu hell we all went under lock-and-key to avoid catching and spreading that virus. That is, right up until St George of Floyd died of an overdose in police custody and then, suddenly, miraculously, it was all OK to leave the house and get together in large crowds to protest (hmmm, … it just occurred to me that St George wasn’t under lock and key prior to his sanctification).

    Anyway, it all depends.

  6. I remember when these protests from anti Semitic morons began. A bunch of them showed up at comrade Chucky Schumer’s palatial New York residence, to educate him on the error of his ways. Funny! NYPD must have put on an extra shift to handle the miscreants. Of course, when mobs go to the houses of the conservative SCOTUS members, despite being a federal crime, not only could you not find any LEOs with a searchlight, there wasn’t even a condemnation of the actions by the DemoCommies. OK for me, not for thee.

  7. Jdm, that interests me. Could you list some of the factors that would go into deciding where and when protesters should be allowed to disrupt gatherings?

  8. ^ Hmm, usually I look to you, big guy, for info like this. I’ll give it a try tho’.

    It is my understanding – empirically from observations – that two things are required to decide where and when protesters should be allowed to disrupt gatherings.

    The first factor is whether the topic (or its perspective) is supported by DemoCommies in general. Especially white women living in or directly around blue cities. Pro-infanticide is a favorite. Pro-Hamas has recently shown itself to be very popular. Black Lives Matter. Climate chaos is quite loved by Euros.

    The second factor is just how strongly held is the belief of those who support the topic. If you really, really feel strongly about something, you can pretty much do anything you want. Yeah, they might haul you away, they might even arrest you, but you’ll be back on the streets in no time.

    Note that this is where the gating of the first factor plays in. Pro-abortion? No problem. Anti-abortion (even just silently praying outside an infanticide clinic)? Arrest and possible jail time.

    Does that help?

  9. In the rural churches out my way the “protesters” would’ve likely been removed from the service horizontal rather than vertical.

  10. My church displays one of those “All are welcome here” signs. I’m sure that must include disruptive protesters, right?

  11. Stevew, that depends on two things:

    1) If your church is progressive enough to display that sign, those soldiers would recognize your congregation is “the good guys”. If it isn’t Catholic, do they have any opinion/voice on abortion?

    2) Even if your congregation is “the good guys”, how big of a media draw would a protest bring? St Patrick’s is the largest Catholic cathedral in Manhattan. Of course they chose it for a reason. Put out their pro-Palestine/Econazi message with the bonus of disrupting services in a very visible anti-abortion denomination.

    (I have no idea of the clergy of StP’s is rogue and supports abortion regardless of the dictates from Rome…..there are those out there which do).

  12. Bill C: you’re probably spot-on on your guesses about my church. We have sort of grown apart in certain ways over the years, while friendships and activities keep me there. Not catholic, no visible opinion expressed on abortion, and not large enough to draw media anyway.

    I was actually being a bit tongue in cheek, noting this might be another implied exception to the “All are welcome here” signs. Every time I see one of those signs,I’m surprised that the “* except Trump voters, of course” isn’t actually visible. Maybe I need stronger glasses; I know it’s there.

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