Open Letter To GOP State Central Delegates

To: MNGOP SCC Delegates
From: Mitch Berg, Irascible Peasant
Re: On Your Predilection For Running Headfirst Into Walls And Kicking Yourself Repeatedly In The Groin

Esteemed Colleagues,

I got your letter the other day, about the intent to try to toss state party chairman Hann at the next State Central meeting.

I know who’s driving this, and I suspect I know why.

I’ve also seen no evidence that there’s any more of a “plan” to this than there was to Matt Gaetz’s defenestration of Kevin McCarthy.

Seriously – show me the alternative you provide. And I don’t mean vague blandishments or the usual impotent tough talk.

You want to take a run at Hann? Come on my show on Saturday. Let’s talk.

There will be questions. Serious ones.

I’d like to the delegates to know if there’s a “there”, there, or if this is just another round of ritualized head-into-sidewalk smashing.

8 thoughts on “Open Letter To GOP State Central Delegates

  1. I hope one of them does come on, Mitch.

    Like you, I’d like to know the who, what, why of this move.

  2. Are these those Rocks and Cows folks? I notice they attack the Republicans far more than the Dems.

  3. Not sure who all they are – but I have yet to hear about any plan beyond sticking it to Hann.

  4. I’ve supported Hann in the past, but that largely ended when I heard about list access crap that was going on during the last election. A Chair should should oversee endorsements without favor, and the MN GOP has not been doing a good job of that.


    I agree with Mitch that there is no alternative being put forward, and I don’t trust the people attacking Hann to not do the same unethical B.S. that has happened under Hann’s tenure.

    Personally, I haven’t completely withdrawn from the MN GOP, but I’ve gotten so tired of arguing with idiots that’s I’ve backed off on my participation. I’m no longer a local Party office, and I didn’t even run to be a SCC delegate or alternate. I’m not even sure I want to bother with being a BPOU delegate to the CD or State level next year. Last year, the majority of delegates insisted on endorsing a gubernatorial candidate that was so bad, he got the lowest statewide vote total of all of the candidates, and that was WITH the best name ID of the slate.

    If the MN GOP delegates insist on going down the road of conspiratorial, performative jack a$$ery, they’ll continue to lose elections that they should win based on kitchen table issues. (And no, I’m not saying Jensen lost because he’s pro-life.)

  5. In linking to a post that, from my perspective, defied reality, I’m pretty sure this is all a diatribe against people like me (I have a Rocks and Cows t-shirt too) but I’m not a Republican party member so I am completely unaware (ignorant) of what is being described in this post. Moreover, it’s written so esoterically that I am still unaware (ignorant) of what is happening other than it’s Bad.

    So the non-DemoCommies are fighting each other to gain control of the one political party that might oppose the suicidal policies of Democrats. Wide-open borders, decriminalization of traditional crime, criminalization of those opposed to Democrats, etc, etc… and what are Republicans at the national level doing? Kicking out one of their reps from the House. Or, locally, removing the head of the party in MN.

    Man, I really don’t want to be black-pilled, but you Republicans make it so hard.

  6. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 12.01.23 : The Other McCain

  7. Let’s be honest here. The GOP can’t win statewide elections because of the metro area. The metro has millions of people who are crazy leftists and let’s face it graft. (Please remember the guy who went around to the Somali housing projects collecting ballots for money.) These people outnumber the outstate folks. So they focus on stupid sh*t. they can’t help themselves.

    Frankly I haven’t been impressed with GOP leadership in the state but I’ve got no dog in the fight now because I’m living in another DFL stronghold –New Mexico -which by the way now has a satanic temple abortion rite.

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