True Misogyny

Berg’s 8th Law is pretty clear on situations like this. Especially about situations like this:

American progressivism’s reaction to one of “their”constituents – women, gays or people of color – running for office or otherwise identifying as a conservative is indistinguishable from sociopathic disorder.

Two women in politics were involved in “sexual indiscretions” last week.

Naturally, the difference in the media and commentariat’s reaction to Lauren Boebert’s (whose indiscretions were really more social) and Susanna Gibson (a Democrat legislative candidate) couldn’t reinforce Berg’s 8th Law more:

Gibson started an OnlyFans page, for which she is being praised as “Courageous” and “Empowered” – two more words the feminist left has completely neutered.

In the meantime, Lauren Boebert got into a drunken make-out at a play (while being staked out by media with night vision cameras, and can I just say there’s nothing weird at all about that, nosireebob).

And the answer is giggle, Victorian misogyny:

And Katie Hill has built a prosperous career out of being a Democrat woman with a sex scandal.

Now, two things can be true; Boebert is a sitting Congresswoman who won re-election by under 1,000 votes. There’s literally no sense in giving anyone a reason not to vote for you under those circumstances.

Because two things can be true: it really wasn’t behavior becoming an elected Rep…:

…and a little hilarious that the Democrats are deflecting away from Genderqueer in elementary school libraries, R-rated drag shows at schools, guys in assless chaps simulating fellation at Pride parades and Hunter Biden shorting blow off of hookers buttocks (“Grow up! Adults have sex“) with Boebert’s pratfall.

22 thoughts on “True Misogyny

  1. Oh, please. Those cameras in Epstein’s cell just happened to be out of order. And those cameras in the White House, probably the most watched area of the country, weren’t able to help identify the coke addict(s). But the security cameras in a theater were working great and focused, for all we know exclusively, on a Republican rep who’s a thorn in the side of the Democommies’ State and no one talks about a set up?

    Democommies hold up a shiny bauble involving sex and next thing you know, Republicans are crossing their arms, scowling and harrumphing, right on fucking cue. Good little Republicans are such losers.

  2. I haven’t done much looking into this specifically so I’m not positive of my facts.
    My understanding is that the incident happened at a movie theater and that the theater released the video after Boebert denied anything happened. The idea that movie a theater has night vision security cameras doesn’t strike me as odd or out of line at all.

    I side with Anna Ziegler. In a swing district, Boebert has a strong likelihood of being an unnecessary lost seat for the Republicans. OTOH, the current majority is slimmer than the Boebert, Gatz, & Associates Caucus, so McCarthy can’t afford to do anything about members like her. Any action, including a Primary Challenger, would probably result in the GOP Caucus imploding. Gaetz is already threatening a No Confidence vote against McCarthy.

  3. jdm.
    He isn’t just a DemoCommie, he’s the owner of a bar that hosts drag shows. This was a pure set up. That camera is supposed to be constantly scanning the crowd for threats, let it was singularly fixed to the spot where Boebert and the leftist pervert were sitting? If you watch the video, he definitely started the groping.

    Funny though. An adult couple gets scorned for making out in a theater, no doubt populated by a number of leftist voters that are criticizing the banning of sexually explicit books from school libraries and supporting a woman that put her graphic sexcapades on an unprotected adult web site.

    You can’t make this stuff up! Oh! Wait! DemoCommies make stuff up daily.

  4. It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first.

    Somehow this quote by Dixon, Illinois’s most famous son seems appropriate.

  5. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 09.18.23 : The Other McCain

  6. I do not know why anyone gets worked up about someone else’s congressman, either D or R. They do not represent you, you cannot vote for them, they are not intended to represent you. Each congressman represents about 750k individuals and in her last election, Boboert received 163,000 votes. She doesn’t represent anything other than the views of 163,000 people in the sparsely populated western half of Colorado, and that ain’t exactly the Bible Belt.

  7. MP;
    That is primarily true, but many of the edicts and laws that congress passes, affect everyone. So, technically, all congress critters represent everyone.

  8. I am aghast. Fooling around in a theater, the very idea. Where are my pearls that I may clutch them?

    A woman with such bad taste and low morals is plainly not fit for public office. We must replace her at once with someone who is committed to abortion on demand, like Susan Collins. Only then will the House be safe for RINO Democrats-lite.

  9. Metaphorically, not technically, bosshoss. Any congressman who tries to represent every person in the US, rather than his or her constituency, will lose his or her seat quickly.
    Some of the most corrupt politicians are those who represent “at large” constituencies, because they not responsible to group A instead of group B.
    Basic respect for democracy and our constitutional order says that AOC is supposed to represent her constituents, not Bob from Fridley 🙂

  10. Though it is entertaining that AOC has become part of the pro-war establishment in DC so quickly that she has alienated a significant part of her base. She can give speeches cursing out capitalism and praising socialism all day long, but at the end of that day, she votes to enrich American arms manufacturers,

  11. I think the kicker is that she was kicked out for vaping and…..going beyond the ordinary discreet groping that young couples have done in movie theaters for many years. I can bend to a degree when a candidate’s personal life is not perfect, as mine isn’t perfect, either, but there is a certain point where one starts to say “this personal life is messy enough that I have to question the candidate’s judgment.”

  12. To expand on BB’s thought, I commented this elsewhere about this issue:

    “Frankly, as much as I like her politics, she just doesn’t have enough impulse control, or wisdom, or forethought to not keep putting herself in compromising positions like this. If some rube like me can see this, why can’t she? This isn’t rocket surgery, honey. You have a target on your back. Quit firing flares to make it easier for the opposition to shoot you down.

    Hopefully someone with similar politics but a better head on their shoulders primaries her out next time.”

    I expect a huge campaign about hypocrisy coming from her Democrat challenger next time. Her victory was close enough that it might be another Michelle Bachmann situation.

    Playing “what-about-ism” with Gibson doesn’t really do much here. For better or worse, The Republican party is that which says no to anything but sex within the confines of marriage (regardless of “not practicing what you preach” tendencies). Democrats don’t care if one of their own is a debaucher.

  13. Quit firing flares to make it easier for the opposition to shoot you down.

    Funny. What I’m seeing from the above is that the opposition is her own dang party. The DemoCommies “expose” some sexual activity by a Republican, tut-tut a little as a catalyst and sit back and wait for the fun ^. It never fails.

    Doesn’t matter how she votes, doesn’t matter what she supports, she’s tainted. She must be removed.

  14. It’s neo-cons protecting the grift Bigman.

    But setting the status quo aside let us consider, and lament, that Boebert and Taylor-Green are the best conservatives can field.

    Eric Swallowell is a gaping asshole, and dumb as a stump. But he doesn’t apologize for shit. He doesn’t have to because the people that support him are just as fucking stupid as he is.

    Fuck the whole bunch of them.

  15. Lets be serious, even if someone like Blade or Bigman announced their candidacy, RINOs would not support them because they’re not pure enough. Their politics are controversial. Their past is filled with troubling incidents. And the media doesn’t like them so they are simply unelectable. We must get another Mitt Romney to fill the job and vote with Susan Collins to make abortion on demand Legal until 2 years after birth . it’s the only way to win the election and keep the house safe for RINOs

  16. Building on my previous comments (and Bill’s), a big reason to object to fools in office is that their reputation can drag the whole slate down. For example, Donald Trump’s foolishness likely cost the GOP control of the Senate in two consecutive elections. He supported a LOT of unelectable candidates through the primaries, candidates who (e.g. Herschel Walker) got beat by eminently beatable opponents.

    And that’s really why I could never support someone like Kremlin “Sheets” Tom. His transparent bigotry, mindless parroting of Russian propaganda, and general foolishness would make it impossible for any number of actual good, conservative candidates to win. People would start to think it was the GOP, and not the Democrats, who started the habit of wearing their bedsheets to parties.

  17. Numbskull, brainwashed neo-con boomers like Mr. Bubble are why every day, in every major city in Weimerica, the beatings, rapes, wanton looting, aremd robberies, carjackings and shootouts by 75IQ black savages are the status quo.

    No one will “call a spade a spade” for fear they’ll be tagged as a wrongthinking racist. It’s guns, or “teens”, or oppressed minorities just looking for some respect.

    Lol. I’m way beyond that, indeed. Idgaf what anyone thinks about me; never have. I guess controversy is the price we racists pay for intelligence and an unwillingness to go along to get along.

    Nowhere is safe. Not the movies, restaurants, the malls, the beach, even the MN State fair has had shootings 2 years in a row. This is the fault of morons like Mr. Bubble.

    Say what you will; you’ll never see me getting my ass beat by a mob of blacks on YouTube. My threat alert is always at orange around them, and I’m completely comfortable, and capable of doing whatever is necessary to protect myself and my family.

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