Further Evidence…

…that Democrats not only assume “their” voters are stupid and uncritical, but they they count on it.

If you thought MTG’s evidence show was bad, I bet a rape trial would really freak you out.

59 thoughts on “Further Evidence…

  1. JPA, I don’t think that Michelle Obama will run, unless it is a desperation move. I don’t think that she has the fire in her belly for it.

  2. MP, you sound like you think libturds care about who gets nominated – they will cheat their way through anyway. If they could get mental retard into the WH, what makes you think they cannot do the same with Kackler, Brillohead or Moochelle? Or Shakey for that matter?

  3. MP, I do not think it is about “wanting”. It is about optics and logistics and keeping from ending up in the bottom of the pond. It is much easier to generate 1,000,000 fake ballots than 10,000,000.

  4. Speaking of fake ballots. Michael Berry had an interesting segment this morning. A yout with a rap sheet longer than War and Peace severely beat up a DO in jail. Without any repercussions of course because this is Harris County. But what was intriguing, in the MSM, a “reporter” described yout as an outstanding young man who was even registered to vote. So, somebody checked on that. Yout is 17 and registered. First red flag. Yout’s registration address is Covenant House – a doo-gooder organization that purpotedly helps the indigent. Red flag #2. There were 127 names of other youts and indigents attached to the same address. Yea, mail-in voting REALLY works! Does anyone with half a brain thinks yout will stop by the Covenant House and fill out their vote card? And there were other examples of other do-gooder organization with same ballot harvesting logistics. And they all add up.

    If anyone thinks US is NOT a banana republic, please raise your hand. What a shame… it was a great country.

  5. The economy generally runs fine when Trump isn’t in office.

    His whole schtick has always been lying — telling everyone the economy is terrible when it’s not.

    When he took over in 2017, he had to borrow money like a madman just to deliver the same GDP growth and job growth we got routinely under Obama.

  6. Say, that’s complete asshash, rAT.

    You should write editorials for the Hackensack Herald…probably get those back page ads for your daughter for free.

  7. Despite his faults, i think Sleepy Joe has actually done a fairly reasonable job. Overdid stimulus but has effectively and coherently executed a viable industrialization plan for green tech while protecting the West’s national security interests in chips and energy.

    Not perfect, but at least a well thought through plan. Do Americans not realize that the wrecking ball of Trump is only going to damage investment and growth in the long run, or have they so over-dosed on infantilized media? How will pulling out of NATO help the United States project its power globally — its almost like these people just cant think in a rational or logical manner

  8. Hey rAT!

    Google Earth showed a faded blue, 2 BR, 1 bath sHAK on the weedy shore of lake HAcK, with asbestos siding and a tarp on the roof; rusted out 1980’s Chevy pickup being returned to the Earth in the yard and a bunch of plastic jugs and other trash strewn around.

    Is that your EStATe?

  9. Looks like the milfoil extends about 200 yds out all the way around into the murky pond…or is that just how shallow lake HAcK is?

    I bet you snag some real monster ‘pout out of there, don’t you? Any carp?

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