5 thoughts on “He Wins All The Internets Today

  1. And when the Obama administration declared war on the Little Sisters of the Poor, how many leftwingers went out holding signs saying “we are all Catholics”.

  2. The funniest story I heard about Moore came from a guy who attended the same high school Moore attended. Moore was a fat slob in high school, and he was tired of seeing the football players getting the prettiest girls and acting all BMOC, so he started a petition to eliminate the football team and give the money saved to some feed the children charity.
    “What? You don’t want to sign my petition? You’d rather see children starve than eliminate the stupid football team?”
    I wonder how much PR planning went into this sign stunt?
    Have an assistant make the sign. Head to the Trump tower with an assistant. Stand on the sidewalk, have assistant take picture, making certain to get the word ‘Trump’ in the frame. Spend no more than 60 seconds on premises. Send picture to journos and enjoy free publicity.

  3. Pingback: In The Mailbox: 12.18.15 : The Other McCain

  4. When you’re Michael Moore, you got nothing to lose; might as well be a noxious dick, too.

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