We’re Doomed

If the younger generation are our future…

…then we are screwed blue.

Duke student calls Duke alum and media exec to threaten “student action” if the alum, Bruce Karsh of the Tribune newspaper chain, sells the newspaper chain to the left’s current boogeymen the Koch brothers:

Duke University student Lucas Spangher had a 40-minute phone conversation with Oaktree Capital Management CEO and Tribune chairman Bruce Karsh – a Duke grad and trustee – about the possible sale of Tribune’s newspapers to the Koch brothers.

“The conversation was fairly unproductive or negative,” says Spangher, a former Duke Chronicle columnist whose interests include green energy technology. “His primary purpose for calling me [back] was to explain his side of the story rather than listening to my arguments.”

I’m trying to think of a college bobblehead’s argument on any subject, much less business, that I’d listen to for any reason at all.

I’ve got nothing.


Spangher is personally opposed to the sale because the Koch brothers have given money to support scientific studies that will deny climate change…Spangher says he told Karsh that “students are watching — Duke is aware of the situation.” He adds: “I appreciate the things he’s done for Duke, but if this goes down, there could be student action.”

Goody.  I can hardly wait.

Speaking of “can hardly wait”, I’m going to go long on “rip-proof garment” stocks for when Minnesota liberals get a load of this.


Also: Selling the Star Tribune to the Koch brothers some day “could happen” (minnpost.com)

21 thoughts on “We’re Doomed

  1. “His primary purpose for calling me [back] was to explain his side of the story rather than listening to my arguments.”

    I often call people so I can let them harangue me. Don’t you?

    As an aside, you’d think a Duke student would know better than to suggest “student action.” Somewhere, Mike Nifong is watching.

  2. The Koch’s are libertarians who support gay marriage and legalizing narcotics such as pot. Their overall political viewpoint is to get the gov’t out of our hair (and bedrooms and boardrooms etc).

    So what is the problem? I think they are the boogy man of the day that leftwing groups use for fundraising.

    Also……anti-Semites think the Kochs are part of a secret society of Jews who secretly control the world. When debating a lefty about the Kochs, it is fun to send them a link to anti-Jew hate sites and see how our Democrat friends say the exact same thing as anti-Jewish bigots.

  3. Humorous to read the comments on MinnPost about the perceived conservative slant the editorial page has taken. One wonders what paper they have been reading.

  4. Just once, it would be nice to see one of these self righteous, narcissistic, low information voting libturds like Eric Black actually do some real fact checking. If they did, then they would know that the Koch brothers also spend millions of their dollars on hospitals, museums and other things for the public good. Of course, to morons like Black, if the Kochs were to purchase the Red Star, they might expose him and his fellow snakes as the commies that they are. Alas, we can only hope, but I would derive some pleasure out of watching a parade of left wing tools like Lori Sturdevant, Baird Helgeson and Pillsbury Doughboy Jon Tevlin, being paraded out of the building carrying their pink slips and personal stuff in a copy paper box! In fact, I would volunteer to do the firing!

  5. I would derive some pleasure out of watching a parade of left wing tools like Lori Sturdevant, Baird Helgeson and Pillsbury Doughboy Jon Tevlin, being paraded out of the building carrying their pink slips and personal stuff in a copy paper box!

    That’s why MinnPost is concerned, Bosshoss — they’d have to build out more cubes for these folks, because they’d all be working there a few months later.

  6. From the MinnPost’s comments comes this monument to leftist delusion:

    “Because what we’re asking of the Strib, as it currently exists, and not getting, is a factually accurate, politically balanced, news source that educates and informs its readership without continuously attempting to convert that readership to a particular economic/political point of view. although as we all know, for “true believer” conservatives, TRUTH does, indeed, seem to have a very liberal/progressive bias–so such a newspaper would be offensive to those who can’t bear to have their own alternate reality, fact-free, perspectives challenged.”

    Remember, this raving kook finds the Minnpost fulfills his need for “truth”.


  7. If I had the money, I’d buy the Red Star and donate it to the Koch bros. I’d also buy Slate, ThinkProgress & etc. and hire someone Emery Doug to cut and paste comment threads from Free Rebublic.

  8. Now we should cringe at the possibility that the Strib would be bought out by the Koch brothers, because in the event of the implosion of the Strib–say its bankruptcy, for example–it would be utterly impossible for a competitive paper to be formed from those let go. There would be no MinnPost.

    Duh. And there certainly wouldn’t be a Pioneer Press, or MPR, or any of the broadcast news networks, or the Post-Bulletin, or anyone else to put the news together here in Minnesota. It would all be the “Jewish cabal” of gentiles like the Koch brothers, spreading neoconservative nonsense from their libertarian mindset.

    In the same way, in a small, isolated community like Los Angeles, what would replace the LA Times if it were taken over by this cabal? The OC Register? The Daily Wheeze? Let’s be real here; there is no nucleus that could cover for the grievous errors of the Times if it were taken over by Koch, as the Times really is the only game in town when it comes to news coverage.

    Really. Or something like that. Or, maybe it’s about time for “logic” to be reinstated as a required class at Duke.

  9. You don’t seem to present a very factual portrait of the Koch Brothers, who put up the money behind a lot of corruption and apparent illegal activity (notably the election obstruction and tampering in Wisconsin as just one example), and who are right wing extremists.

    There are plenty of very serious and well-educated college students with thoughtful opinions. I would expect that any Duke alum would expect negative student body reactions to the sale of a paper to such extremely bad people – which the Koch brothers are.

  10. Oh, mongrel cur! Oddly enough, I have recently dipped my toe into your internet cesspool. It was, erm….BwaaaHAHahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAhaAhAHAHAHA
    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAaaaaaaa(coff, coff)hahahahahahahHAHAHAhahahaha
    HAHahahahaha…a real treat.

    Tell us..has that lobotomy scar healed? Hope so honey. Love you!

  11. Doggone: OK, they’re openly libertarian supporters of people like Cato and Heritage, and skeptical of certain hypotheses beloved by the left. Like millions of Americans.

    Not a whole lot there. Regarding the “obvious election fraud” in Wisconsin, then obviously the USDOJ stepped in and prosecuted these guys, right?



    I’ve got to suggest to you that when the obvious implications of your logic don’t bear out, examine your logic.

  12. DG – “Sale of paper to such extremely bad people.” Without any proof, it sounds like an 8th grade term paper.

  13. According to his linkedin profile, Spangher wants to be an environmental scientist specializing in green energy.
    Nothing wrong with that. But I started thinking . . .
    Where I work, we’ve had some pretty draconian rules pushed on us regarding visits by foreign nationals. ‘Loose lips sink ships’, that sort of thing. These rules try to be even handed but are clearly aimed at the Chinese and their proxies.
    If some tech field like ‘green energy alternatives’ was really hot stuff, you’d think the bad guys would be all over it, trying to steal our secrets.
    I bet they are not.

  14. DG,

    When you say “You don’t seem to present a very factual portrait of the Koch Brothers” what you really mean is “You don’t regurgitate the left’s line about the Kochs”, which is a PR blitz to draw attention away from George Soros, Paul Allen, Alida Messinger and the liberal plutocrats who’ve pumped much more money into politics, to gull the low-information voter that is the Democrat party’s only growth sector.

    “who are right wing extremists”

    According to left wing extremists.

    “There are plenty of very serious and well-educated college students with thoughtful opinions.”

    Mr. Spangher isn’t one of them.

    “I would expect that any Duke alum would expect negative student body reactions to the sale of a paper to such extremely bad people – which the Koch brothers are.”


    Because you believe all Duke alums are unthinking liberal trolls?

    You do realize that you’ve presented not a single fact, don’t you?

  15. RE: DG’s fact-free post, I figured it out: “Fact-check” is a hockey metaphor.

    A “fact-check” is when you slam the facts into the glass, then blithely skate away in fact-free ignorance, leaving the Truth lying crumpled on the ice.

    I never understood it before, because I hadn’t thought of DG as one of The Hanson Brothers; but with respect to Truth, she certainly is.

    Makes perfect sense, now.

  16. A “fact-check” is when you slam the facts into the glass, then blithely skate away in fact-free ignorance, leaving the Truth lying crumpled on the ice.

    I never understood it before, because I hadn’t thought of DG as one of The Hanson Brothers; but with respect to Truth, she certainly is.

    That’s spot on, Joe. Of course the problem is that the Hanson Brothers were very effective.

  17. “notably the election obstruction and tampering in Wisconsin as just one example”

    Dammit, I just spit coffee all over my laptop when I took a mistimed drink and about choked laughing so hard.

    DG exists in an alternate reality. There HAS to be chemical imbalance (natural or man made) involved.

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