Mixing Oil and Bile

Lassie writes about this Macalester “experimental” class…:

Macalester’s EXCO (Experimental College) offers a four-session experimental class starting September 27. Pop quiz: find the oxymoron in the course title…

Non-Violence and Anarchy: An Intergenerational Dialog
When: Thursday nights, 7-9:3pm, start 9/27 (4 wks)
Instructor: Betsy Raasch-Gilman, Rob Czernik
Contact: to [redacted] or (651) 222-4956
Where: Hope to alternate between Jack Pine Center and Friends for a Nonviolent World

Even the class venues are an oxymoron. Jack Pine is where the anarkids meet up, Friends is where the peacemakers meet.

I wonder – will the Quakers teach the anarkids tantrum-free demonstration?  Or will the narks teach the pacifists about peace through adolescent posturing?

3 thoughts on “Mixing Oil and Bile

  1. Oh brother-the cliches abound. The hyphenated name…the email address, “@gaiavoices.net or @riseup.net”. Ack.

  2. The class starts tonight and the two groups still can’t collaborate on which venue to hold it:

    Hope to alternate between Jack Pine Center and Friends for a Nonviolent World


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